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Taliban dynamite two 'spies' in Pakistan



New Recruit

May 7, 2010
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Taliban militants in Pakistan's northwestern tribal belt on Friday executed two men by strapping explosives to their bodies after accusing them of spying, security officials said.

The public execution took place in a village near Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan which sits on the Afghan border, after the men were accused of spying for the US.

"Taliban militants strapped explosive material to their bodies and blew them up publicly," a local administrative official in Miranshah said, asking to remain anonymous.

It is the second such incident in the same village. In a similar execution on May 21 Taliban blew up two men, according to security officials.

In the lawless tribal belt the Taliban is known to shoot or behead local tribesmen they accuse of spying for US or Pakistan.

Two local intelligence officials also confirmed Friday's execution saying the Taliban kidnapped the two men 10 days ago.

Washington considers the Afghan-Pakistani border areas a global headquarters of al-Qaeda, where success in rooting out Islamist militants is vital if the US is to reverse a near nine-year Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan.

Taliban dynamite two 'spies' in Pakistan
They're digging their own graves - They recently also hanged 7 year old boy for spying!.That's why i prefer Hitler Approach towards Taliban.Put all of them in concentration camp and fill it with biological weapons.RIP anyways - This will be avenged.
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Wow! That sounds like worse punishment than Abu Graib or even, dare I say it, Gitmo. Do ya think?
It provides some very, very much needed perspective.

:agree: yeh and the perspective is that in Abu Gharib and Gitmo the civilized Americans, the liberator of innocent people are treating human like that whereas in this case the terrorists are doing so.

Now please keep on comparing the two for justification. ;)
Truth wat do u think abt the abuse of victims of abu gharib n gitmo?
sodomy,rape,electricution,photographin dead victims n posin with smiles,dogs etc..by the US forces?

If u think im rantin kindly GOOGLE ( IRAQI WOMEN) n see pictures of ur saint soldiers doing nasty deeds
Oh for god sake Pakistani Nationalist stop this - The fact is What americans have done they have done to iraqis while talibans are killing our people.
Truth wat do u think abt the abuse of victims of abu gharib n gitmo?
sodomy,rape,electricution,photographin dead victims n posin with smiles,dogs etc..by the US forces?

If u think im rantin kindly GOOGLE ( IRAQI WOMEN) n see pictures of ur saint soldiers doing nasty deeds

The funniest thing is that Truthseeker is comparing terrorists with Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan and getting happy that there is some justification for American atrocities in Abu Gharib and Gitmo.

I think the civilised world differentiates between behaviour of civilised human and terrorists
Wow! That sounds like worse punishment than Abu Graib or even, dare I say it, Gitmo. Do ya think?

While the act by the Taliban is gruesome and regrettable indeed,but you chose a wrong example to compare it with my friend.That was quite unnecessary.
Oh for god sake Pakistani Nationalist stop this - The fact is What americans have done they have done to iraqis while talibans are killing our people.

He is only replying to Truthseeker's comment wherein he was boasting that look what terrorists are doing here is more than those atrocities which Americans have done in Abu Gharib and Gitmo :angel:
Harbouring kidnapped foreigners in some Hispanic nation's dungeons is comparable to Taliban treatment of Pakistanis and Afghanis. I'm afraid the US is also an extreme factor in why our world is so messed up. It is mostly because of American interests that the Taliban were given a soft bed to be born in it is just unfortunate that Pakistani politicians and military leaders are so short-sighted and attracted by quick gain.
Fedup with this harry portter series story Taliban Taliban and Taliban... stop it now useless propoganda.. simple in Pakistan only terrorist exsists (funded terrorist from Afghanistan) under US. Talibans only in Afghanistan and freedom fighters stop this non-sense mullah omer Usama bin laden cartoon network series stories 9/11 fake propaganda etc...
Fedup with this harry portter series story Taliban Taliban and Taliban... stop it now useless propoganda.. simple in Pakistan only terrorist exsists (funded terrorist from Afghanistan) under US. Talibans only in Afghanistan and freedom fighters stop this non-sense mullah omer Usama bin laden cartoon network series stories 9/11 fake propaganda etc...
I do understand you're helpless but i should reply - If you think Taibans are not barbaric then just make a trip to Afghanistan and live under Taliban's (and the lifestyle you have i can judge from you avatar and pictures on other forums) you'd be stoned to death if you live this way.
I do understand you're helpless but i should reply - If you think Taibans are not barbaric then just make a trip to Afghanistan and live under Taliban's (and the lifestyle you have i can judge from you avatar and pictures on other forums) you'd be stoned to death if you live this way.

lol I am not pro american or even Anti american lol and your judgement is totally WRONG by the way so dont try to telme what you are thinking about me and myself

about Talibans. Either they are killling thr people or what we dont care about that. Afghanistan is control by taliban so the rules and regulations belongs to them. Telme one thing. more thn 100 Drone attacks done by America since last 6 years how many terrorist died ?? and how much innoccent Pakistan died ?? do you have any justification ?? is that US military is not Terrorist ???

Yes the lifestyle i have.. (as you said) stoned to death if i live this way exactly but atleast not fear from US or this dunya walay... atleast straight forward.. do you think 9/11 is real attack story ?? lol you are not even able to drive crossborder without having passport lol and the terrorist hijack 3 aircrafts and 2 of them hit (US TOP financial buildings). Few days back i was watching TV. program related US secuirty on Airports. One of i think Ohio Airport secuirty administrator said we check each n every person and we never bother anyone tll we dont have proff. We have enough capability and equipment to trace anyone and when we have 101% infomrration and try to capture or hold that person on Airport the same person defintly have something fishy. But when host asked him what about 9/11 he said "No comments" and thn program going on on other way related US Airport secuirties etc.

USA .. i like USA and Americans and they are superb and very well mannered people i even used to be work with them.. I am talking about zionist active lobby who work strongly and everyday strong and strong in US administration.

These are fake reports First US takle want to direct conflict with Talibans VS Pakistan army but Thnx god WE HAVE first time PRO Army general like Kiyani WHO DID AWESOME JOB AND DUTY. Salute to him... US want direct conflict with funded terorist unforutnly US planned almost flop and Pakistan army achieve 101% of its goal in Operations. Now US pressurize Pakistan to go for another operation but military denied that when we see ... any kind of operation required thn we go ahead otherwise we will not go for any operation.

I dont even know any taliban lol or dont know talibans what they are doing in Afghanistan but atleast we should see ourself rather thn pinpoint others that what we are doing in OUR OWN COUNTRY!

once again (your judgement is wrong about me) :)

PS: my judgment about you is "Pro American" and have faith on so called TV reports rather thn reality. (may be i am also wrong)
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