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Taliban - Behind the Masks - 26min Documentary

lol taliban manz are funny as hell look at them but as long as if they only shoot at american troopes
Story of 2 French journalists comes to mind looking at OP's video,,, They were arrested by Pakistani forces, they paid some locals to play as ta'liban & were filming a fake documentry...

Paul Refsdal's(maker of OP's video) unprecedented access & wandering with taliban while they carry out attack is fishy,,,

French Journalists and their arrest in Pakistan

Police in Pakistan arrested two French Journalists, Mr. Marc Epstein and Mr. Jean Paul who work for L'Express magazine in France. Later on court suspended arrest orders and accepted their bail petition filed by the defense attorney. They wre arrested for illegally visiting a sensitive border town of Quetta near Pak-Afghan border. A local journalist Syed Khawar Mehdi aiding the two men was also arrested and is still in custody. The maximum punishment under respective charge is a 3-year rigorous imprisonment, besides fine.

They are also allegedly involved in making a video showing fake Taliban guerillas getting arms training within Pakistan�s territory. Pakistan Television (PTV) also ran a story showing clips from the making of their documentary, and how the local tribesmen were paid to wear turbans and act like Taliban.

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Arrested French journalists were making fake reports - minister
Karachi/Islamabad |By Mujahid Ali and Shahid Hussain, Correspondents | 22-12-2003

Pakistani authorities said yesterday the two French journalists, arrested for traveling to Balochistan province without proper visas, were on a mission to damage the country's reputation by making a fake news report about the activities of Afghan Taliban on Pakistani soil.

"Efforts are being made in a section of the Western media to damage Pakistan's image and undermine its role in the war against terror," Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, information minister, told reporters in Karachi. The two French journalists arrested by Pakistani authorities were also part of the conspiracy, he said.

"We are in no way against journalists or journalism. But fake films on Taliban have been recovered from their possession which were aimed to tarnish Pakistan's image," he said.

Reporter Mark Epstein and photographer Jean Paul Guilloteau of L'Express magazine were arrested earlier this month for traveling to southwestern Balochistan province without valid travel document.

The pair arrived Pakistan on December 7 on journalist visas, which only allowed them to visit Karachi, the capital Islamabad and Lahore. But they went to Quetta and some areas bordering Afghanistan without informing the authorities.

Pakistani intelligence officials say the French journalists hired men in tribal areas to act as Taliban for their documentary. A local journalist, Khawar Mehdi, has also been arrested.

Ahmed said Pakistani law will come to action when even illegal and unlawful activities are undertaken. Anwar Mehamood, the information sectary, urged the international journalists organisations to condemn what he called "fake and concocted" reporting.

On Saturday a lower court rejected the bail application of and sent them to jail until their trial is over. Meanwhile, France said yesterday it was in contact with authorities in Pakistan to try to secure the release of the two French journalists.

A French foreign ministry spokesman said there had been "numerous contacts" over the fate of the journalists, but declined to give further details.

Source: The Gulf News
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