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Taliban behead teenager boys in southern Kandahar province



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Jun 11, 2013
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According to local authorities in southern Kandahar province of Afghanistan, Taliban militants beheaded two Afghan teenager boys over espionage charges to Afghan security forces.

Provincial governor spokesman Jawid Faisal confirming the report said the incident took place in Zherai district on Sunday, and two teenager boys aged 16 and 10 year-old were beheaded by Taliban militants.

Local police officials said the dead bodies of the two teenagers were found early Monday morning in Nawdeh area on Kandahar-Herat highway.

The officials further added that two teenagers belonged to a poor family and were returning back to their homes after taking food remains of Afghan police from a check post.

Provincial governor Toryalai Weesa condemned the beheading of the two boys and called it an act against Islam and humanity.

In the meantime Taliban group denied Taliban’s involvement behind the beheading of the two boys.

Taliban group spokesman Qari Yousuf Ahmadi said Taliban group has prohibited beheading of the Afghan nationals recently, and the group condemn the beheading of the two teenagers.
Misleading title. They don't know who did it and blame it on Taliban (who have denied it)

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