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Taliban are neo-kharjis or neo-hashashins?


Apr 2, 2014
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Many Pakistanis call them kharjis but in my opinion they are very similar to hashashins of hasan bin sabah in their approach and tactics. Hashashins terrorized the muslim world for two centuries by assassination of rulers, generals, ulemas, nobles and any important person who opposed ismaili faith and didnt agree with them. Taliban are doing the same, they are killing politicians, scholars, ulemas, jouranalists etc who criticize them. Hashashins used to brainwash their followers by giving them temptations of hoors and his fake jannat. Taliban are also doing some thing similar, brainwashings boys with paintings of jannat, stories of hoors and with written ticket of jannat.
Hashashins used to commit suicide at the spots after assassination, taliban do suicide bombings.
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They are infected coward baboons who need to be turned into charcoal.
Many Pakistanis call them kharjis but in my opinion they are over similar to hashashins of hasan bin sabah in their approach and tactics. Hashashins terrorized the muslim world for two centuries by assassination of rulers, generals, ulemas, nobles and any important person who opposed ismaili faith and didnt agree with them. Taliban are doing the same, they are killing politicians, scholars, ulemas, jouranalists etc who criticize them. Hashashins used to brainwash their followers by giving them temptations of hoors and his fake jannat. Taliban are also doing some thing similar, brainwashings boys with paintings of jannat, stories of hoors and with written ticket of jannat.
Hashashins used to commit suicide at the spots after assassination, taliban do suicide bombings.
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To terrorize the society even more the victim would be assassinated in busy places infront of the public cutting the victims belly with dagger then the hashashin would never run he will just wait to get lynched by the angry crowd that witnessed the event.
Ismailis of the era of Hasan bin Sabbah were termed to be Fidais of Assassin. The word 'Fidai' is derived from 'Fida' meaning sacrifice. Taliban also use term fidai for their suicide bombers.

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