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Taliban are just the Mercenaries....



New Recruit

Jul 17, 2013
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All party Conference approves talking to group of Taliban in Pakistan … but is there any use talking to mercenaries when we know who their Master is?

Taliban in Pakistan and their groups like Lashker Jhangvi, Sepah e Sahba, LeT or TTP; all are mercenaries unleashing atrocities and destroying and depleting our society from within.

Thousands are killed by these terrorists and they have brought Pakistan to the brink of collapse; making the public life miserable.

They work for their Master; the kingdom of Saudi Arabia; to advance the agenda of Saudis vested interests. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia supports these stooges to run the training camps and Madrasahs for the brainwashing of trainees and to prepare them for suicidal missions. They are well fed, well-armed and are well supported at every stage.

So State of Pakistan has, better to negotiate with the Master and not with his mercenaries. This is also hogwash to constitute any kind of grand Girgas and initiating of some peace talks etc. This amounts to giving unnecessary elevation to the mercenaries as they are just operative of their Don; who is considered by them as their godparent and benefactor sitting in the House of Saud.

We know the sanctuaries, where these mercenaries, they camp and are aware of the dens and madrassa where they are trained and brainwashed and how the fodders for subversion war, keep on passing out from there. These fodders are not more than any expandable item. By waging even a concerted military attacks against them on their sanctuaries amounts to reducing only numbers of them; that too, just a few, where as many more remain in pipeline to replenish them. We have seen that even a concerted military campaign of eliminating these stooges, spread over years has achieved nothing and neither could make any considerable dent in their resolve.

Talking to mercenaries Taliban only and to avoid involving the mighty; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in it is absurd. It reminds me of a case. When a dog fell into well and died. Out of many solutions, mullah ji of village also came up with one;…’take just 20 buckets of water out and the well will be all clean.

Come on Mullah ji; better take the dead dog out of polluted well and not just the few buckets of water! Likewise while addressing the case of negotiation with Taliban as per APC recommendations; we need to address the bullying dog and not his war fodders.

But what is the hesitation in talking to House of Saud and why no one dares facing a lord, who is so overbearing, mighty and arrogant?

This house is the one which sends across group of terrorists like Laskr e Jhangvi-LJ, LeT, Sepah e sahaba and TTP to bleed, destroy and deplete us that when depleted we feel; we will fell on their feet.... This Moron the 'almsgiver', may give us something for our resuscitation so that we remain alive......but can we count such person a friend; who poses as almsgiver and a well-wisher in public eye but does everything to see us bleed and go down? ...No, Not at all.

Pakistan is the only Islamic nuclear state in the world and if this friend of ours, is of some use; it must protect our interests and see us as a strong country but adversely, this friend is the first in arranging a planned depletion of ours.

Depleted as we stand at the hands of this friends and on the other side, in the wake of Afghan war; Pakistan is also vulnerable to the subversion attacks by US-CIA against our country, which added with KSA terrorists operations; these two prong attacks creates a situation, even for the most resilient people of Pakistan as untenable. This had made even our nuclear assets very vulnerable; for which our rulers are always found running for resuscitation aid to KSA. But what a friendship...this is?

And why this Friend is so Brutal and visionless?

Alas we had some visionary sitting around that sacred Mosque of Mecca in that sacred land of Islam, which is bestowed with heaps of wealth and opulence that this land produces and gives. But sadly this wealth is mostly spent to build up personal fortunes or in subduing and subjugating the neighbouring Islamic countries through spread of disorder, anarchy and destruction with the aim to deplete them to keep them reliant and debased. Alas, this God given wealth was invested for education and technology and setup of industry to open better venues for a better life in the Islamic countries, the one who are not so lucky of possessing the wealth. The religion of Islam speaks of teachings as not to spread disorder on the land and promotes as 'what do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other'?

But all the despots they use spread of fear and terror as weapon to advance their system of belief and to coerce the masses into submission. Hitler picked the gassing and killing of Jews all over in Europe to spread fear and terror of German armies and to pursue his design of expansion to bring the European country in German fold…millions of Jews were gassed and killed; likewise Saudi Salafist have started killing of Shiite; denounce them heretic among the Muslims and grade them to be killed. Thousands of Shiites in Iraq, Pakistan, Jordan and Syria and at many other places reported to have brutally been killed by Salafist Terrorist groups on the same pretext.

As Long as the House of Saud do not make changes in the use of Violent Jihad in advancing of their Wahhabis, Salafist mythology and renounces spread of fear and terror by killing of Shiites and use them as scapegoat; nothing may change.

Talking to mercenaries Taliban of Pakistan and agreeing to pay them hefty amounts as per their demands or release of number of terrorists in custody; this may give some respite in certain areas that may also serve US agenda to secure a good Exit route through Pakistan for withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan but it may just be a temporary peace in selected areas only. The atmosphere of dreadful Fear and horror of Terror in public may not cease.

Negotiation with Taliban is just an eyewash; to avail an exist for US...and US may be ready to pay hefty amounts for selected areas...and that is how these stooges they earn their living for their Nuisance values....

There may be a respite for a while. killing may not stop till...KSA has money or changes their methodology of Violent Jihad..and stop funding these stooges...which is not likely...!
It would be funny if as the author suggests, every country which is a victim of Islamic terror call the sheikhs of Saud for talks and after every terrorism incident register a protest to Saudi Arabia or call their envoy to complain about it.
It would be funny if as the author suggests, every country which is a victim of Islamic terror call the sheikhs of Saud for talks and after every terrorism incident register a protest to Saudi Arabia or call their envoy to complain about it.
@acid rain
Not every country but Islamic countries only
House of saud is targeting their immediate neighbours and one is horrified to dig out that mythology they are applying is of.... violent Jihad which aims at cleansing the sects like Shiite who strongly oppose them.
By Coercion Make a bigger block and then proceed further from there.

The most inhuman in this process is the conduct of their Violent Jihad that... by design they are depleting the islamic countries so that they remain reliant on them and debased.

Example of Pakistan is there... where the terrorist groups since raised, supported by them are playing havoc in the country and it has depleted the strong Nuclear country to a popper and since terrorism does not cease... so Pakistan is counted as epicentre of terrorism also... What a friendship..???
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Last News Coming in...

TTP talks through bullets before a proposed table talk…and kills a General, a colonel and soldiers in a roadside bomb blast in swat Area.

It is TTP preferred language….to make aware the opponent of their nuisance value and power.

Taliban are the brutal Mercenaries implanted in Pakistan by Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and what is the use of talking to mercenaries when we know who their Master is?

As I said in the post; even you attack them in their dens but may only reduce their numbers that too just few of them. As lot more remain in pipe line to replenish them….They are being trained, nurtured before our eyes in hundreds of Madrasas. Sadly we also hale this growth of madrasas ….

Keeping our high ignorance on one side…we needs talking to the master and abolish the madrasas and put a stop on the violence induced in our society by House of Saud to deplete us and become a total reliant on them as a debased state; otherwise Pakistan will keep on picking dead bodies of military men and civilian …

and we will keep on calling, the killing of Pakistanis by undefined enemy…termed as Dehshatgard of TTP.
Al Qaeda = antimuslims death sqads by the JEW USA

A lot of USA bases in Qatar & Saudi
It’s big horrific news that a General and a colonel along with others were targeted by TTP when PTI had just announced the withdrawal of military forces from Swat area. TTP has clearly demonstrated that now who would rule Swat after the depart of Military and also shows that how much they care for Govt of PTI and its claim, which is now ditched for good…that only talking to Taliban is the solution.

A good transition to normality demands that military deterrent must be kept on even after the normalization is seen prevailing.
Of course Swat was brought into a state of peace with lots of input from Military but now the maintenance of its peace and harmony is questionable.

But fact remains that in the bigger picture to arrange and make safe an exit route for US Withdrawal from Afghanistan….which Pakistan takes upon itself as obligatory ….all options will be made use of to make it successful.
All party Conference approves talking to group of Taliban in Pakistan … but is there any use talking to mercenaries when we know who their Master is?

Taliban in Pakistan and their groups like Lashker Jhangvi, Sepah e Sahba, LeT or TTP; all are mercenaries unleashing atrocities and destroying and depleting our society from within.

Thousands are killed by these terrorists and they have brought Pakistan to the brink of collapse; making the public life miserable.

They work for their Master; the kingdom of Saudi Arabia; to advance the agenda of Saudis vested interests. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia supports these stooges to run the training camps and Madrasahs for the brainwashing of trainees and to prepare them for suicidal missions. They are well fed, well-armed and are well supported at every stage.

So State of Pakistan has, better to negotiate with the Master and not with his mercenaries. This is also hogwash to constitute any kind of grand Girgas and initiating of some peace talks etc. This amounts to giving unnecessary elevation to the mercenaries as they are just operative of their Don; who is considered by them as their godparent and benefactor sitting in the House of Saud.

We know the sanctuaries, where these mercenaries, they camp and are aware of the dens and madrassa where they are trained and brainwashed and how the fodders for subversion war, keep on passing out from there. These fodders are not more than any expandable item. By waging even a concerted military attacks against them on their sanctuaries amounts to reducing only numbers of them; that too, just a few, where as many more remain in pipeline to replenish them. We have seen that even a concerted military campaign of eliminating these stooges, spread over years has achieved nothing and neither could make any considerable dent in their resolve.

Talking to mercenaries Taliban only and to avoid involving the mighty; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in it is absurd. It reminds me of a case. When a dog fell into well and died. Out of many solutions, mullah ji of village also came up with one;…’take just 20 buckets of water out and the well will be all clean.

Come on Mullah ji; better take the dead dog out of polluted well and not just the few buckets of water! Likewise while addressing the case of negotiation with Taliban as per APC recommendations; we need to address the bullying dog and not his war fodders.

But what is the hesitation in talking to House of Saud and why no one dares facing a lord, who is so overbearing, mighty and arrogant?

This house is the one which sends across group of terrorists like Laskr e Jhangvi-LJ, LeT, Sepah e sahaba and TTP to bleed, destroy and deplete us that when depleted we feel; we will fell on their feet.... This Moron the 'almsgiver', may give us something for our resuscitation so that we remain alive......but can we count such person a friend; who poses as almsgiver and a well-wisher in public eye but does everything to see us bleed and go down? ...No, Not at all.

Pakistan is the only Islamic nuclear state in the world and if this friend of ours, is of some use; it must protect our interests and see us as a strong country but adversely, this friend is the first in arranging a planned depletion of ours.

Depleted as we stand at the hands of this friends and on the other side, in the wake of Afghan war; Pakistan is also vulnerable to the subversion attacks by US-CIA against our country, which added with KSA terrorists operations; these two prong attacks creates a situation, even for the most resilient people of Pakistan as untenable. This had made even our nuclear assets very vulnerable; for which our rulers are always found running for resuscitation aid to KSA. But what a friendship...this is?

And why this Friend is so Brutal and visionless?

Alas we had some visionary sitting around that sacred Mosque of Mecca in that sacred land of Islam, which is bestowed with heaps of wealth and opulence that this land produces and gives. But sadly this wealth is mostly spent to build up personal fortunes or in subduing and subjugating the neighbouring Islamic countries through spread of disorder, anarchy and destruction with the aim to deplete them to keep them reliant and debased. Alas, this God given wealth was invested for education and technology and setup of industry to open better venues for a better life in the Islamic countries, the one who are not so lucky of possessing the wealth. The religion of Islam speaks of teachings as not to spread disorder on the land and promotes as 'what do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other'?

But all the despots they use spread of fear and terror as weapon to advance their system of belief and to coerce the masses into submission. Hitler picked the gassing and killing of Jews all over in Europe to spread fear and terror of German armies and to pursue his design of expansion to bring the European country in German fold…millions of Jews were gassed and killed; likewise Saudi Salafist have started killing of Shiite; denounce them heretic among the Muslims and grade them to be killed. Thousands of Shiites in Iraq, Pakistan, Jordan and Syria and at many other places reported to have brutally been killed by Salafist Terrorist groups on the same pretext.

As Long as the House of Saud do not make changes in the use of Violent Jihad in advancing of their Wahhabis, Salafist mythology and renounces spread of fear and terror by killing of Shiites and use them as scapegoat; nothing may change.

Talking to mercenaries Taliban of Pakistan and agreeing to pay them hefty amounts as per their demands or release of number of terrorists in custody; this may give some respite in certain areas that may also serve US agenda to secure a good Exit route through Pakistan for withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan but it may just be a temporary peace in selected areas only. The atmosphere of dreadful Fear and horror of Terror in public may not cease.


I've also heard that the Pakistani government themselves see the Taliban and other muslim extremists as a military tool to be used to (try to) gain influence in other countries. It's not just the Saudi's who are guilty of this political sin.
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