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Taiwan to ship artillery, mortars to Spratlys


Oct 29, 2011
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Taiwan will add longer-range artillery and mortars to weaponry deployed in the South China Sea, officials and media said Tuesday, in a move that could ratchet up tensions in the contested area.

An undisclosed number of 40mm artillery and 120mm mortars will be transported next month to Taiping Island, the biggest in the Spratly archipelago, the United Evening News reported.

"True, the weapons will be shipped to Taiping in August but we can't reveal the specific date," said a spokesman for Taiwan's coast guard, which is in charge of Taiping's defence and has placed a 130-strong force there.

The Spratly islands are claimed partially or in their entirety by Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Brunei.

According to the newspaper, the range of the 120mm mortars is 6.1 kilometres (3.8 miles), compared with 4.1 kilometres for the mortars currently in use by Taiwanese coastguards on Taiping Island.

Meanwhile, the range of the 40mm artillery is 10 kilometres, 30 percent further than the guns currently deployed, it said.

Tensions in the South China Sea have risen recently, with China and the Philippines locked in a maritime dispute over the Scarborough Shoal, a reef off the Philippine coast.

Calls for an increase in Taiwan's defence capability in the Spratlys have been on the rise, with rival claimants deploying more troops and adding military facilities in the area.

In May, Taiwanese coastguards said the number of intruding Vietnamese boats last year surged to 106, up from 42 the year before.

All claimants except Brunei have troops based on the archipelago of more than 100 islets, reefs and atolls, which have a total land mass of less than five square kilometres (two square miles).
Bravo to Taiwan, finally comes out of the closet and doing something to protect her sovereignty and prevent the devious Viets from stealing her properties. Even though she's not joining forces with China officially but it's unlikely we'll have conflicts with each other.

Nice move Taiwan, your move gain my respects.
I'm waiting for news about Vietnam's reply. The clowns here are very sure Vietnam will take actions against our plans. I welcome Taiwan's reaction towards Vietnamese harassment because they are sending a clear warning not to mess with her by shipping heavy arms to Taiping. Taiwan can start target practicing at these intruding boats.
This might actually be good for Taiwan and China. Nothing like a common enemy to bring two begotten brothers back wouldn't you guys agree?
longer-range artillery ? it's useless for defend. The position of such toys is fixed on Island, easy to destroy at first fire from war ships in moving around when we take the Island back.

You are more than welcome to try. Maybe we'll let you go.:D
Bravo to Taiwan, finally comes out of the closet and doing something to protect her sovereignty and prevent the devious Viets from stealing her properties. Even though she's not joining forces with China officially but it's unlikely we'll have conflicts with each other.

Nice move Taiwan, your move gain my respects.

Hold your horses mate !!!

There is an old saying that Friendship based out of selfishness doesnt last long ... Now China is hiding behind the curtain and letting Taiwan do the dirty work .... it wont be long before China squabbles for the same islands with Taiwan in very short future !:pop:
Mainland China and Taiwan can cooperate secretly/under-table to take back our islands. dont keep high-profile.
Hold your horses mate !!!

There is an old saying that Friendship based out of selfishness doesnt last long ... Now China is hiding behind the curtain and letting Taiwan do the dirty work .... it wont be long before China squabbles for the same islands with Taiwan in very short future !:pop:

Maybe you are the one should hold your horse, mate, without knowing the ground realities. Have you ever heard of the term " blood is thicker than water'', especially during crucial times facing the common enemies?

China hiding behind the curtain? LOL Where have you been the last couple of years, went searching for oil for your higher than mountain friend deep in the sea's rocky bottom? No oil there, isn't it?
I don't get it; what's with the Taiwanese, Commies and Viets all going at it together all of a sudden? The political leadership must understand that further provocation would cause a 3-way war which would not be favorable for any of the three countries.
Trust me either a war between VN and Taiwan or VN and China will result an unfavorable outcome for VN. It is they who are overestimating their strength should they decide to escalate the situation and really want to provoke either one of us. Taiwan is more than capable to defend Taiping and isn't afraid to take actions if the increasing number of intruding boats don't take the warnings serious. Also China has already located some of its missiles in the Guangdong province recently and right now is ready to establish the garrison in SCS. I don't think a peaceful solution is an option and a war is perhaps the only way to solve these disputes.
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