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Taiwan holds military drills amid Philippine row

The funny thing is that "an obviously weaker neighbor" used heavy weapon to kill unarmed fisherman of a "strong neighbor"! And it is not once, but many times!

How could that be rationalized?

The vicious "obviously weaker neighbor" must be taught to behave more civilized. And their sovereignty must be suppressed and further limited.

Your first paragraph has valid points I concede.

But when I read your second paragraph, in particular, the "their sovereignty must be suppressed and further limited" indicate to me that you are biased and that your are emotionally upset. You and I know that suppressing the sovereignty of another nation is not something the U.S. will stand for, especially, when it involved its long time ally.

The Taiwanese are understandably upset and they have every right to do so, but what is happening is irrational thoughts are dominating the narrative.
Taiwan got slapped twice when they're forcing the US to condemn the Philippines

The Philippines has been diplomatic and proper. The apology was sent for the loss of life which is indeed regrettable but the Taiwanese wanted the Filipinos to bow down even more while it did not even consider that their fishermen have been poaching in our seas. I guess no amount of apology will satisfy these kind of people.

Anyway the US already lauds PH for expression of regret over Taiwan incident

“We applaud President Aquino and his government’s expression of regret over this incident [and] the fact that they’ve agreed to an investigation… We’re glad that they’re gonna work these things out as democracies do,”

Lauds? HAHAHAH. The entire world is laughing at the sad display of this Philippines government.

Your first paragraph has valid points I concede.

But when I read your second paragraph, in particular, the "their sovereignty must be suppressed and further limited" indicate to me that you are biased and that your are emotionally upset. You and I know that suppressing the sovereignty of another nation is not something the U.S. will stand for, especially, when it involved its long time ally.

The Taiwanese are understandably upset and they have every right to do so, but what is happening is irrational thoughts are dominating the narrative.

Agreed. Taiwan needs to put the lid on. Can't help but to think Philippines are asking for it though :laughcry:
America doesn't sell Taiwan latest tech because America doesn't want backlash from China. But we still sell stronger weapons to Taiwan regardless. All I stated are facts, if you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

Fact: Only America's strongest allies are on the Visa Waiver List. Only countries listed in the Asia-Pacific Region

1. Japan
2. South Korea
3. Taiwan
4. Singapore
5. Austrailia
6. New Zealand

Philippines who? Vietnam who? Quit kiddin yourself kid. You're nothing but pawn for the US. Now listen to what we say or you'll be left in the dust.
:offpost: create your separate thread if you want.

Notice those we're rich countries while we're not. But don't worry, it might not be long before we can also be listed on their Visa Waiver in the future. So thanks for your concern.

Lauds? HAHAHAH. The entire world is laughing at the sad display of this Philippines government.

Agreed. Taiwan needs to put the lid on. Can't help but to think Philippines are asking for it though :laughcry:
At first, all they demanded is an apology and when it is given, they rejected it because it lacks sincerity (they're obviously dumb to expect a genuine apology when they demanded it. Actually you don't demand apology, you wait for it) and then again they made another new batch of demands. Talking about b!tchy little kid. LMAO.
:offpost: create your separate thread if you want.

Notice those we're rich countries while we're not. But don't worry, it might not be long before we can also be listed on their Visa Waiver in the future. So thanks for your concern.

No, not only rich countries. They are the backbone of the USA's Pivot to Asia strategy. These are the countries USA needs and will defend if necessary. Countries like China and Indonesia are rich but are not on the list.
Lauds? HAHAHAH. The entire world is laughing at the sad display of this Philippines government.

Agreed. Taiwan needs to put the lid on. Can't help but to think Philippines are asking for it though :laughcry:

Well the Philippine authority deserved the ire of Taiwan for a lot of things. For example, the Aquino government's unbelievable stupidity in sending a half arse apology then sending a personal apology from the Pinoy president himself after the first one was rejected really shows the incredible incompetence of the Pinoys. If they had planned on apologizing, then they should have done it properly the first time. It really shows the insincerity, callousness and sheer stupidity of the officials who run the country.
Well the Philippine authority deserved the ire of Taiwan for a lot of things. For example, the Aquino government's unbelievable stupidity in sending a half arse apology then sending a personal apology from the Pinoy president himself after the first one was rejected really shows the incredible incompetence of the Pinoys. If they had planned on apologizing, then they should have done it properly the first time. It really shows the insincerity, callousness and sheer stupidity of the officials who run the country.

Not to mention they just rejected an investigation team from Taiwan. Thought they were open to a "joint operation?" to solve this issue? Perhaps they were hoping Taiwan wasn't listening :laughcry:
No, not only rich countries. They are the backbone of the USA's Pivot to Asia strategy. These are the countries USA needs and will defend if necessary. Countries like China and Indonesia are rich but are not on the list.
LOL your not even better than US Sec. of State. and Sec of Defense. Strategically the Philippines, Japan, S.Korea, Thailand (all Major US allies) not to mention Singapore will have to play a major role in Asia by keeping China in check at West Philippine Sea or the East Sea (as Vietnam calls it) and the US responded positively with a pivot in Asia.
Well the Philippine authority deserved the ire of Taiwan for a lot of things. For example, the Aquino government's unbelievable stupidity in sending a half arse apology then sending a personal apology from the Pinoy president himself after the first one was rejected really shows the incredible incompetence of the Pinoys. If they had planned on apologizing, then they should have done it properly the first time. It really shows the insincerity, callousness and sheer stupidity of the officials who run the country.

The animosity between the two countries and the mishandling of bilateral relationship by PI actually began in 2011 when Manila arrested 24 Chinese gangsters, 14 Taiwanese and 10 mainlanders. Both China and Taiwan asked for extraditions. Let's state here while Philippines has extradition treaty with China but not with Taiwan. What Manila did was sent all 24 criminals to China and ignored Taiwan :lol: to appease China.

Taiwan did not forget that incident, I suppose.
LOL your not even better than US Sec. of State. and Sec of Defense. Strategically the Philippines, Japan, S.Korea, Thailand (all Major US allies) not to mention Singapore will have to play a major role in Asia by keeping China in check at West Philippine Sea or the East Sea (as Vietnam calls it) and the US responded positively with a pivot in Asia.

Again, Philippines who? They're a country of imported maids. Yes...keeping China in check with boats from the 1940's & no Air Force. Keep telling yourself that LMAO :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Not to mention they just rejected an investigation team from Taiwan. Thought they were open to a "joint operation?" to solve this issue? Perhaps they were hoping Taiwan wasn't listening :laughcry:
just like their poachers. their investigators didn't go through proper channels. they can request if they want joint investigation.

anyway MA is being childish minded..he just want to become an apple of the eye to the Taiwanese people for his political interest

learn to move on, Taiwan. LMAO
The animosity between the two countries and the mishandling of bilateral relationship by PI actually began in 2011 when Manila arrested 24 Chinese gangsters, 14 Taiwanese and 10 mainlanders. Both China and Taiwan asked for extraditions. Let's state here while Philippines has extradition treaty with China but not with Taiwan. What Manila did was sent all 24 criminals to China and ignored Taiwan :lol: to appease China.

Taiwan did not forget that incident, I suppose.

They let the sh*t hit the fan :rofl:
Again, Philippines who? They're a country of imported maids. Yes...keeping China in check with boats from the 1940's & no Air Force. Keep telling yourself that LMAO :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
At least our workers came to Taiwan as legal workers. Your fishermen are perennial poachers in our waters with no permit whatsoever. So if you call us a "country of imported maids" we can call your country a country of thieves, right Chinese thieve? LMAO! :rofl:
At least our workers came to Taiwan as legal workers. Your fishermen are perennial poachers in our waters with no permit whatsoever. So if you call us a "country of imported maids" we can call your country a country of thieves, right Chinese thieve? LMAO! :rofl:

ROFL. Not my country, but I'm well aware there are more than 80,000 Philippine maids from Taiwan, and over 10 million Philippine maids worldwide. Stats speak for themselves my friend.
ROFL. Not my country, but I'm well aware there are more than 80,000 Philippine maids from Taiwan, and over 10 million Philippine maids worldwide. Stats speak for themselves my friend.
OK that's what a PSYCHOTIC like to believe :rofl:
The animosity between the two countries and the mishandling of bilateral relationship by PI actually began in 2011 when Manila arrested 24 Chinese gangsters, 14 Taiwanese and 10 mainlanders. Both China and Taiwan asked for extraditions. Let's state here while Philippines has extradition treaty with China but not with Taiwan. What Manila did was sent all 24 criminals to China and ignored Taiwan :lol: to appease China.

Taiwan did not forget that incident, I suppose.

that was a facepalm moment. major blunder by the PH government
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