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Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

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Dec 29, 2010
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20:35, May 09, 2013
TAIPEI, May 9 -- A Taiwanese fisherman was shot dead on Thursday morning when a Filipino military ship opened fire on a Taiwanese fishing boat in a sea area southeast of Taiwan's southernmost tip, a senior official with the island's fishing authority said.

Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military - People's Daily Online

Rest in peace.
if this is true ROC should respond in a suitable form
The news is too short, not telling why and what was the reason?
Philippines asked to probe Taiwanese fisherman's death

Philippines asked to probe Taiwanese fisherman's death | Latest | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS

Taipei, May 9 (CNA) President Ma Ying-jeou has instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to demand that the Philippines government investigate the death of a Taiwanese fisherman who was allegedly shot by the Philippines' military in overlapping waters of the two countries, an official said Thursday.

The president has also asked all relevant government agencies to remain on top of the development of the unfortunate case, Presidential Office spokesperson Garfie Li said.

The death of the Taiwanese man needs further investigation, said Chou Yin-hwou, deputy director-general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Department of East Asian and Pacific Affairs. He added that the ministry has expressed its concern to the Philippines over the case and has protested the matter.

Hung Shih-cheng, 65, was shot dead by Philippines military personnel earlier in the day while fishing 170 nautical miles off the southern coast of Taiwan in a boat bearing the country's flag, according to two fishermen's associations in Pingtung, southern Taiwan.

Hung's son, son-in-law and another Indonesian fisherman were also on board when the shots were fired at the fishing boat, the Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28, the associations said. One of the associations urged the Taiwan government to demand compensation from the Philippines.

Chou, however, said it cannot yet be determined whether the shots were fired from a military frigate or an armed private vessel.

He said Taiwan's Coast Guard Administration (CGA) has dispatched a vessel to rescue the Taiwanese fishing boat, which suffered an engine failure.

In a statement Thursday, the foreign ministry said two Taiwanese fishing boats are helping to tow the boat back to Taiwan under the escort of the CGA vessel.

The ministry said it has expressed concern over the shooting incident to the Philippines' deputy representative to Taiwan Carlo L. Aquino and asked Philippine authorities to solve the case and arrest the culprit.

Meanwhile, the ministry said it has conveyed its condolences to Hung's family and offered to provide any necessary assistance.
Ma cant do jack
All he can do is to sign another deal with the pinoy government for equal fishing rights in the territory
I don't understand what the Filipinos were thinking, were they trying to invite the Chinese to get involved, or were they just plain stupid?
I don't understand what the Filipinos were thinking, were they trying to invite the Chinese to get involved, or were they just plain stupid?

Right, the next step for China is to have its fishermen to the disputed reefs, let's see that Pinoy would be stupid enough to fire the first shot. :coffee:
Why do they always shooting their neighbors.
First those poor HK travelers, then Malaysian, now Taiwanese.
I don't understand what the Filipinos were thinking, were they trying to invite the Chinese to get involved, or were they just plain stupid?

I'd like to hear more details. Hopefully the culprit is arrested, court-martialed, jailed etc.
in a pitted fight between debazi and fino macacas, my money is on the finos because these macacas have even less humanity in them than debazi (who richly deserved whatever these monkeys gave them, though)

in a pitted fight between debazi and fino macacas, my money is on the finos because these macacas have even less humanity in them than debazi (who richly deserved whatever these monkeys gave them, though)
Shooting calls for strong countermeasures

A Taiwanese fishing boat was fired upon in the South China Sea yesterday morning, causing the death of a Taiwanese fisherman and the severe damage to the vessel. According to the fishermen on the boat, the perpetrator was a Filipino military ship. Yang Yi, China's State Council Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman, yesterday evening said that the Chinese side "strongly condemns" this "barbaric act," and demanded the Philippines conduct an investigation as soon as possible. Taiwan's "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" also demanded the Philippine side track down the perpetrator, but merely said it was "concerned" about this case, rather than taking a tough stance.

Most of the analysts from the Chinese mainland speculated that because the Philippines was awed by the might of the Chinese mainland, it had vented its anger on Taiwan to show its will and determination, improve its position in negotiations, and maintain domestic morale.

Shooting a fishing boat and causing death in a disputed area is a very serious event on the South China Sea. Although the details remain unknown, it is generally known that the Philippines will face retaliation from China if it really takes this ruthless approach to Chinese fishermen.

In regard to this case, Beijing's next step depends primarily on how officials in Taiwan react - whether they have the courage to lift their "concern" to "strong condemnation" and whether they wish for help from the mainland.

Thus far, Taiwan's attitude has remained warm despite frictions with other stakeholders. If they make representations to the Philippines themselves, this matter will end with nothing definitive, or perhaps at most, compensation from the Philippines.

However, there's a very small possibility the Taiwan authorities may seek help from the mainland to safeguard the interests of the fishermen, as they are afraid of the displeasure of the Democratic Progressive Party and Washington.

The mainland needs to strike a balance between Ma's concerns and the interests of Chinese people. If it is confirmed the Philippine navy is behind the shooting, the mainland should show its stance by intensifying navy activities in the disputed water between the mainland and Philippines.

The move will win support from mainland people, and the Taiwan public as well if it doesn't embarrass the Ma administration. The prompt reaction will be conducive to inhibiting provocations from Manila. The Philippines is the most "barbaric" country in the South China Sea. It has shot Taiwan fishermen in the past. Strong countermeasures are needed to keep the area in order.

Shooting calls for strong countermeasures - OP-ED - Globaltimes.cn
put it this way: if the macacas shot dead every single debazi from ma down, then the only effort we need to invest in the emancipation of dewai would be to send an surveyor from the land registry - and it gives the pla a good excuse to shoot dead every monkey and fino in southeast asia

put it this way: if the macacas shot dead every single debazi from ma down, then the only effort we need to invest in the emancipation of dewai would be to send an surveyor from the land registry - and it gives the pla a good excuse to shoot dead every monkey and fino in southeast asia
This incident just showed how weak Ma is. Ma is not strong enough to be a leader. He's just a whimpy guy who cannot decide anything big!!!

First Ma sells his soul to the Japanese with the fishing agreement around dioyu island, then now he simply uses his mouth to condemn his incident?? Where's the counter measurements? Oh yea, I forgot, Ma is a peaceful person, just like how Qing dynasty was peaceful. Darn it!

All my rage!!
Ma YJ: "Houston we have a problem!"
This incident just showed how weak Ma is. Ma is not strong enough to be a leader. He's just a whimpy guy who cannot decide anything big!!!

First Ma sells his soul to the Japanese with the fishing agreement around dioyu island, then now he simply uses his mouth to condemn his incident?? Where's the counter measurements? Oh yea, I forgot, Ma is a peaceful person, just like how Qing dynasty was peaceful. Darn it!

All my rage!!

ma is weak because debazi collectively are weak. to resist the irresistible, they long ago themselves out to be angloamericans' buttmonkeys, and when they were told that they weren't even the latter's favorite buttmonkeys, they must swallow their any self-respect and dignity as debazi and yield to uncle same's more favorite buttmonkeys, like the nipponzi and finos.

debazi truly deserve being buttmonkey's buttmonkey and being political inferiors to fino macacas. only flying bullets from these finos can teach the debazi their true geopolitical insignificance.
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