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Taiwan Drills Test Defenses Against China Attack


Nov 5, 2011
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CHIATUNG, Taiwan - Taiwan's military on Nov. 17 carried out a major maneuver testing its ability to withstand a D-Day style attack by China.

The drill, held on the south of the island, pitted a marine brigade, acting as an enemy landing force, against a motorized infantry brigade defending the island, according to the defense ministry.
The air force had planned to have four aircraft, including a U.S.-made F-16, land on and take off from a sealed-off section of a highway near the southern city of Pingtung but had to skip that part of the drill due to low visibility.

Ties between Taiwan and China have improved drastically since Ma Ying-jeou of the China-friendly Kuomintang party became president in 2008. Ma promised to boost trade links and allow more Chinese tourists to visit the island.

But China still claims sovereignty over Taiwan, which has governed itself since 1949, and has vowed to get it back, by force if necessary.

As a result, China continues to build up its military facing Taiwan, focusing especially on weaponry that can help bring the island to its knees, should the need arise.

Taiwanese experts estimate that China has more than 1,600 missiles aimed at the island and has recently deployed a new type of ballistic missile despite improving ties.

Taiwan Drills Test Defenses Against China Attack - Defense News

:disagree:If both nations are improving ties then why the China is deploying new ballistic missiles. Height of Hegemony..
The myth of Chinese attack has been here for 30 years. But we have not seen any war so far. Each year the US and the CIA are warning against an imminent Chinese attack. The warming of relation between the two countries does not please the US. So in view of containing China, the US is using the divide and rule policy in Asia that is to create the myth of Chinese aggression and threat to impose its neo colonialism policy. It is western countries which are triggering all the wars around the globe- the war in Irak, Afganistan, Lybia, Ivory Coast are made by the US and its western allies not China. The growing economic decline and debt default in the US and EU would against push them to wage war in Iran and Asia.
If China would have wanted to occupy Taiwan, they would have already done it, and nobody could have stopped them. Neither Taiwan's defense, nor US (they dont want WW3).
If China would have wanted to occupy Taiwan, they would have already done it, and nobody could have stopped them. Neither Taiwan's defense, nor US (they dont want WW3).

Laughable Rhetoric, all signs point to otherwise. If China thought it could get away with occupying Taiwan, it would have done it.
Laughable Rhetoric, all signs point to otherwise. If China thought it could get away with occupying Taiwan, it would have done it.

Radio-heads, History and Maps points to otherwise Taiwan is a legitimate land that belongs to China, Occupying is ridiculous term, more like re-claim re-take. China would but did not the only reason China do not believe in blood-shed Wars.
Laughable Rhetoric, all signs point to otherwise. If China thought it could get away with occupying Taiwan, it would have done it.
Whatever most powerful countries do to their neighbors, nobody can do anything about it, its a universal truth. Remember Tibet? Sure Taiwan has some defenses, but for the might of China its nothing really, and like it was with Tibet - West would condemn China, and thats about it. Or what Russia did in Chechnya when it wanted freedom, or if it wanted to occupy Georgia - nobody would move a finger.

Thats the reality. Nobody wants WW3, and even if one superpower loses some pawn, another offers something in return, Quid pro quo. Recent example, Libya was a minor Russian interest, so US offered hands-off Ukraine and a support for WTO, and Russia didnt veto attack on Libya. Dividing spheres of influence happened since time immemorial.
If China would have wanted to occupy Taiwan, they would have already done it, and nobody could have stopped them. Neither Taiwan's defense, nor US (they dont want WW3).

Not true. If China can militarily devastate Taiwan and occupy it, then it already would have lost. I'm certain China is capable of doing that. But China is seeking to take over Taiwan without firing a bullet. The best victory is conquest war.
Laughable Rhetoric, all signs point to otherwise. If China thought it could get away with occupying Taiwan, it would have done it.

~~~somebody didnt read their copy of the art of war~~~
And people claim that Taiwan is part of China!
Radio-heads, History and Maps points to otherwise Taiwan is a legitimate land that belongs to China, Occupying is ridiculous term, more like re-claim re-take. China would but did not the only reason China do not believe in blood-shed Wars.

What a joke. China could not conquer Taiwan because a superpower is helping them in keeping up the Democracy. simple. Until China won't get rid of communism, Taiwan(Republic of China) is not going to bend.
What a joke. China could not conquer Taiwan because a superpower is helping them in keeping up the Democracy. simple. Until China won't get rid of communism, Taiwan(Republic of China) is not going to bend.

Stop dreaming. If China wanted to attack Taiwan, the U.S. could do nothing to protect it. Fact is we see them as our brothers and sisters and killing them will do us no good. Only idiots would think China would go to war with Taiwan. If the U.S. really wants to help Taiwan, then one would question its sincerity as they have consistently failed to live up to the Taiwanese expectations in terms of support. Just look at how many times Taiwan have requested for newer F-16s and was flatly turned down :lol:
Not true. If China can militarily devastate Taiwan and occupy it, then it already would have lost. I'm certain China is capable of doing that. But China is seeking to take over Taiwan without firing a bullet. The best victory is conquest war.
Thats my point exactly. China WONT attack Taiwan, so the article "Taiwan Drills Test Defenses Against China Attack" is pointless. And China hadnt occupied Taiwan yet not because it cant, but because it will make Taiwan join it, eventually.
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