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Tahir Ul Qadri return, reactions and discussions.

NADRA has some clever solutions it's working on for general elections in the future. Get your Smart Card made today!
Only allow next election vote with these cards. That way everyone will sign up for these.
Which you seem to lack, judging by your rating.:omghaha:

See what I mean by silly.

I'll entertain your ratings point however. My 271 posts (most of which were placed before the rating system) / 112 =
2.42 posts/rating

You 376/122= 3.10 posts/rating.

On the balance, solely looking at this nonsense rating system, there is nothing between us.
See what I mean by silly.

I'll entertain your ratings point however. My 271 posts (most of which were placed before the rating system) / 112 =
2.42 posts/rating

You 376/122= 3.10 posts/rating.

On the balance, solely looking at this nonsense rating system, there is nothing between us.
See that -2?

And I didn't mean that I'm the most credible person out there. I meant in general. And cb4 has much better rating than you.

Now no need to derail this thread anymore, admit your ignorance and move on.
See that -2?

114-2= 112

Or is that too difficult to get around your head?

And cb4 has much better rating than you.

So what.

There are 100s of members on this forum who disagree with you, with me, with cb4 and amongst themselves.

Many of them have higher ratings than the three of us.

Does that mean they're right?
114-2= 112

Or is that too difficult to get around your head?

So what.

There are 100s of members on this forum who disagree with you, with me, with cb4 and amongst themselves.

Many of them have higher ratings than the three of us.

Does that mean they're right?
Or maybe it's difficult for you, That red rating is quite an embarassment. If people had extra red rating to give, you'd probably have far more. The normal rating is different than the green and red one. But you're a 'wise' man and know not the differtiation.

Like I said, credibility matters more than who joined forums first. It doesn't mean one can't have an opinion to be disagreed with. Now stop taking this thread off topic.
I don't understand, why the Govt of Pakistan couldn't instruct airlines not to fly TuQ? Secondly, him being a foreign passport holder, they could have refused him entry, why didn't they do that?
I heard that he travel by pakistani passport he might be aware of by traveling on another passport may option use by host country to not give an entry.
I heard that he travel by pakistani passport he might be aware of by traveling on another passport may option use by host country to not give an entry.
if gov't stops him, they're ASKING ZTO BE TOPPLED.
LAHORE: The Emirates airline plans to file a suit over the damages caused to its reputation by the enforced diversion of its plane carrying Dr Tahirul Qadri on Monday.

Official sources told Dawn that the airline had told the Civil Aviation Authority that it had been upset by the diversion of its flight EK-612 Dubai-Islamabad to Lahore, causing a great deal of inconvenience to passengers on the plane and those waiting at the airport to fly to Dubai.

The plane was scheduled to reach Islamabad at 8am on Monday and return to Dubai at 9.30am after picking passengers.

Related: Plane diversion was Rafiq's idea

But the government did not allow the aircraft to land at Islamabad to foil Dr Qadri’s plan to go to Lahore by road to demonstrate his political strength.

“The Emirates pilots were shocked to receive the ‘order’ to take the plane to Lahore because there was no issue of weather or airport occupancy,” sources said.

Because of the diversion of the plane, it missed its scheduled departure to Dubai from Islamabad.

After it left for Islamabad in the evening, the Emirates administration informed the CAA that it intended to file for damages.

The sources said the airline was also considering to “blacklist” Dr Qadri.

“An airliner blacklists a person who puts the lives of other passengers in jeopardy or causes them inconvenience by his action,” a CAA official said.

The PIA blacklisted some 10 people for their behaviour leading to diversion of its flight from Manchester to Stansted Airport last year.

The official said he believed that the Emirates would not consider suspending its flight operation to Pakistan because it had good business here.

However, CAA spokesperson Abid Kaimkhani said he was not aware of any warning by the Emirates. “The airline might have contacted the local (Lahore-based) administration of the CAA. But I have no knowledge of it,” he said.

Pakistan shouldn't pay penny to emirates. They're making so much money in Pakistan! They are the one who sold ticket to qadri.
What's emirates gonna do? Stop PIA flights? Last I checked, very little flights go to dubai and PIA needs plane for other routes. Emirates will lose bigger business than PIA. Hell, PIA may gain from future international passengers! Qatar airways be happy too lol.

But knowing our leadership, they'll give in to these arabs.
jump in power because he can't win election.

participating in election will expose his mandate. Clever to bring some 10000 oeople from all over country when you can't gather 1000 votes in your constituency.
Hypothetically speaking,Let's say he comes into power what then? From what I know he's affluent in Canada.

Destabilize pakistan..same noutunki what he has been doing since last few years
So is he planning on destabilizing pakistan through some sort of a revolution? He is gaining alot of supporters:rolleyes:
Hypothetically speaking,Let's say he comes into power what then? From what I know he's affluent in Canada.

So is he planning on destabilizing pakistan through some sort of a revolution? He is gaining alot of supporters:rolleyes:
He won't come to power alone. Look what happened in 2013. He was all alone. This time he's backed with many parties. If PTI jumps in, it'd create big pressure. MQM is doing watch and see game. If they see power shifting (PTI changing sides may not be enough. Perhaps they see military uprising?), it'd side with Qadri. They're opportunist and have been with almost every gov't in power,

PPP and PMLn won't be able to absorb much pressure.

In the end, power will be shared. Corruption will rise much faster as every party would want piece of cake and there will be civil war.

One reason military never takes off. At start it's good, but corruption starts appearing. Military may not be corrupt, but the lifeline it needs, the parliament, starts corruption, knowing military won't take action for military needs parliament to survive.

He isn't as rich as other parties. He may be millionare but I suspect that he's below Imran khan in wealth. Not to say Imran is corrupt (to please pti ans), but Qadri simply isn't rich enough to a level.

He was all alone so that's why the gov't wasn't toppled. Had PTI given him support, gov't could've been toppled. Kayani would have more intention of taking over than Raheel. That's not to say Kayani would want to topple gov't. But who would desire gov't the most out of two chiefs, it'd be Kayani. Also then cheif justice was also very anti PPP.

So you see, Pakistan isn't once man show.

Since he can't come into power, but be part of power, I'd say he'd be used and disposed of if he seeks greater power. Examples are numerous in Pak history. Zia taking throne from Bhutto, Ayub from then president, who imposed martial law.


1) He accepts limited power
2) He faces exile once the army or PTI has come into 'true' power, that is, they make up majority.

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OFF-topic but what are demands Tahir Ul Qadri . He was last time pakistan before election wasnt his demand where meet at that time
OFF-topic but what are demands Tahir Ul Qadri . He was last time pakistan before election wasnt his demand where meet at that time



Sorry i am not here for trolling or other stuffs .

I just wanted to know what are his demands because i could find anything on google

better if any body post what are his demands

And whether he topple present gov of pakistan or not his paksiatn peoples business not mine
1. Because of people like TUQ: Today, which the Government could have spent working, alleviating poverty and creating jobs, it has spent worrying about the ramblings of a cleric who hijacked a plane, is seeking to derail democracy and destabilize the government.

2. He has no respect for the Constitution of Pakistan and he does not care for the common man. He wants to be seen as a revolutionary and he will not let democracy stop him. He boycotted the general elections, hoping everyone would, so that no government could be elected - but he failed. By not taking part in the process, because he knew there was no way he could secure enough votes to make a government, he has shown the contempt with which he holds the entire process. According to him, no government, with or without the people's mandate, is legitimate if he himself is not a part of it. What's worse is he is so blinded by his own lust for power that he will not bow to the decision of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, which has categorically denied him candidacy for contesting the general elections because, by virtue of his Canadian nationality, he is not qualified to sit in the House of the Parliament. (Section 63(c) of the Constitution, for those of you interested).

3. If writing books makes you qualified to lead a nation, then Enid Blyton (a prolific writer of children's books - and books that have also been bought and read) should be called back from the dead and be placed at the political helm of Pakistan. She has written more books than Qadri has words to count.

4. Please elaborate, what connection is there between praise from Molana Tariq Jameel and candidacy of the Parliament.


6. I would like to be offered the opportunity to be enlightened with your knowledge:

- How is TUQ qualified for political candidacy in Pakistan?
- If he is not - how does he intend to form a Government?
- To what extent, juridically, his Canadian nationality affect his chances of becoming the Prime Minister of Pakistan?
- Define Inqilab. What are the basics of a revolution?
- What is his manifesto? How does he plead to bring about change? (please be specific - "end corruption" is not an adequate response).
- How much political experience does he have?
- How much political support does he have?
- Will he ever relinquish his Canadian nationality?
- Would you not say that he is exploiting Islam to seize political power?
- How long is TUQ in Pakistan for?
- Will he ever become a Pakistani citizen?

7. Let's talk logic. I'm here for the debate.

Thanks mate for your good time and long and well pointed answer...lets talk logic.

Point 1: If you had time please go through my postings regarding this matter i said that we need restructuring and reforms...and as far as you said that government could spend? ....could spend....yeah this sounds like capability to do something but inability and unwillingness....since inception and creation of Pakistan....except the tenure of Ayub Khan and Musharaf ( Who OBEYED your so called good constitution...and remember they were not elected but performed way better than these democratic yahoos) what the political parties have given you....they also could have spend and elevate your future....but unfortunately we weren't that lucky....so your first point of being democratic with seeking democracy to pay you back...ahmmm.....its blown away....and other things is no one is destabilizing this govt....they are there for themselves..... in point 1 if need further clarification i will do it for you....no issue....

Point 2: Respect for Constitution, if you say so can i laugh at our disillusioned qaom, what sort of respect that you expect....they change it when ever they like...they make loops in the constitution as per there requirement...they make you fear from derailment of democracy....they have made us their slave....slave to system......this far i have cleared your concerns....now we move further.....you said why he boycotted the electoral process...hmmm.....35 puncher do you remember and this was done in this age where media shows everything....so no hope for going in for elections....as when the mental level of people is just like slaves and they are afraid of taking any decision by themselves....now we come to supreme court....please briefly tell me how many people have there pending cases in supreme court and how that is working out....last judge the goon iftekhar ....and the list of judges who took oath for justice and now please compare there performance with British or any European person for same role....i am not asking for comparison with muslims qazi system in Hazrat Umer's Era (its my dream only) now what decision if you could point out that these puppet supreme court had done for people....not even a single one....no terrorist punished...no loop holes nullified ...always did what they were told and more over only made some miner adjustments just to make the audience interested in their act........so please tell me also why i support this current structure of executive and judicial system....and you said he was not allowed by the court to participate in the elections....hunh....more then half of our current parliament members have dual nationality and our judges are there too....so what you want from them....no one likes that some one point at you....so did the supreme court....take example of ARY channel....

Point 3: Good one bro...like i said you aren't understanding what i am saying....and instead of that comparing a children book writer with a scholar who have written books on every part of islam and not only just books but very detailed and descriptive books. and who is acknowledge by all the sects and other religion also....so your fireworks aren't working here.....

I have to take a break as i have soooooo much to present....ahhhh its tip of the ice burg.....you will never ever would be able to convince anyone about this system....i only said that we need reforms....don't shoot the messenger....and i had said it earlier that " WE NEED REFORMS AND RESTRUCTURING OF CURRENT SYSTEM" and please discuss one point at a time....kasmay office ka kam bhe krna hota ha.....:woot::agree:
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