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Syrian insurgents acquire TOW missiles


Sep 24, 2010
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Syrian insurgents acquire TOW missiles - IHS Jane's 360


A still from one of the videos shows a TOW missile leaving the launcher. While it is unclear which version of the M220 system is being used, the guidance wire can be seen running from the missile to the launcher, showing it is not the new wireless variant. Source: Harakat Hazm

Syrian insurgents have released the first videos showing them using US-made M220-series TOW heavy anti-tank weapon systems, indicating that a state sponsor is supplying them with a new type of guided missile.

The three videos were uploaded to YouTube between 1 and 5 April by members of the moderate insurgent group Harakat Hazm. Two of these show TOWs being fired at targets near the town of Hish in the Idlib Governate; the third is of the missile system in the back of a pick-up truck.

Weighing nearly 80 kg without a thermal sight, the M220 series is comparatively heavy, which limits its tactical utility as an insurgent weapon, but its missiles have a longer range and more effective warheads than most contemporary anti-tank guided missile systems.

The system has been widely exported, including to Saudi Arabia and Turkey - which both support the Syrian opposition - and Iran, the Syrian government's main backer. The militaries of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the other two Gulf states widely believed to have supplied weapons to Syrian insurgents, use European anti-tank guided missiles (HOT and MILAN), rather than TOW.

The TOWs in the insurgent videos are unlikely to have been supplied to pro-government forces by Iran and then captured by the insurgents. They are in good condition, so almost certainly do not date back to the mid-1980s when thousands of US TOWs were illegally transferred to Iran, and have the standard day sight/tracker, so cannot be the Iranian-made Toophan version, which has a different sight.

The United States should have been informed about the delivery of TOWs to Syrian insurgents as recipients of its weaponry have to notify it about any subsequent transfers to third parties.

US officials have recently indicated that the existing CIA-led programme of targeted military assistance to the moderate opposition will be expanded. This will supposedly involve more training and non-lethal assistance instead of directly supplying insurgents with weapons.

The state sponsor behind the delivery of the TOWs is backing a group that appears to be part of a splinter faction of the Syrian Military Council (SMC), which was set up to channel foreign support to the comparatively moderate insurgents and co-ordinate their activities.

Harakat Hazm was established on 25 January 2014 by the merger of 12 small groups under the leadership of Bilal Atar (alias: Abu Abd-al-Sham). Salim Idris, the then chief of staff of the SMC, appeared in its formation video to give the group and its objectives a rare endorsement.

The group remained loyal to Idris after he was officially dismissed on 16 February. Harakat Hazm was not represented in the 19 February video in which 12 senior SMC commanders appeared alongside Idris to announce the formation of a rival military leadership. However, it distributed the video through its media channels and released its own statement of support for Idris on 17 February.
Has someone done a tally of what was the armour inventory of Syria before the war and how many remain now?
Has someone done a tally of what was the armour inventory of Syria before the war and how many remain now?
* Assad had over 4000 tanks before 2011.
* Over 600 tanks were destroyed on video.
* Hundreds additional were disabled.

Hard to say how many remained. Assad is recieving spare parts from Russia. My guess - around 2000 tanks.
* Assad had over 4000 tanks before 2011.
* Over 600 tanks were destroyed on video.
* Hundreds additional were disabled.

Hard to say how many remained. Assad is recieving spare parts from Russia. My guess - around 2000 tanks.

So by a conservative estimate 25% loss and up to 50% on the higher side?
So by a conservative estimate 25% loss and up to 50% on the higher side?
The lifetime of tank parts is veru low. Engine needs overhauling after several hundreds hours of work. Without Russian help Assad would remain without tanks already. So very hard to tell whats really going on there. Can be more that 50% too.
The lifetime of tank parts is veru low. Engine needs overhauling after several hundreds hours of work. Without Russian help Assad would remain without tanks already. So very hard to tell whats really going on there. Can be more that 50% too.

I guess it's similar story for the air power...
Smart weapons like portable anti-tank missiles and Manpads are amazingly effective. We all have seen how anti-tank missiles turned Asad's tanks into junk. After long negotiations, it appears that the rebels will not get Manpads. There was a significant pressure on Obama from the Saudi Government during his last visit to permit supplying Manpads to the rebels. The civil aviation's security, and the potential risk that the Israeli air-force could be subject to eventually barred Obama from permitting the supply of Manpads.

With sufficient number of Manpads, Asad's helicopters carrying barrel bombs will be turned into nice fire works.
Bingo :D

Let's get the party started :sniper:

Inshallah shariah will come on your head in Saudi Arabia after Syria. :lol:

Smart weapons like portable anti-tank missiles and Manpads are amazingly effective. We all have seen how anti-tank missiles turned Asad's tanks into junk. After long negotiations, it appears that the rebels will not get Manpads. There was a significant pressure on Obama from the Saudi Government during his last visit to permit supplying Manpads to the rebels. The civil aviation's security, and the potential risk that the Israeli air-force could be subject to eventually barred Obama from permitting the supply of Manpads.

With sufficient number of Manpads, Asad's helicopters carrying barrel bombs will be turned into nice fire works.

Manpads don't have any impact against the Israeli Air Force, maybe their helicopters or other aircraft but not their fighters. We know this because Palestinians have tried, they can cause some alterations in flight path and complicate some raids.
Good. Now both sides can shoot ATGMs at each other. :victory: I think both the rebels and the Assad regime received about 10,000 ATGMs from their backers in recent months.
Syria will become a resistance base against Israel, inshallah thousands of M-75 rockets will be produced there in the future, the smuggling business will allow mortars, ammunition, rpg rounds and other weapons to be smuggled. Experts will produce rocket launchers, launchers will be concealed, forces will be trained. God is Great, God is Great.
Syria will become a resistance base against Israel, inshallah thousands of M-75 rockets will be produced there in the future, the smuggling business will allow mortars, ammunition, rpg rounds and other weapons to be smuggled. Experts will produce rocket launchers, launchers will be concealed, forces will be trained. God is Great, God is Great.

Isn't Syria already a base of resistance against Israel? :coffee: Both Iran and Iraq are extremely hostile to Israel and transfer large amounts of arms to Syria.
Isn't Syria already a base of resistance against Israel? :coffee: Both Iran and Iraq are extremely hostile to Israel and transfer large amounts of arms to Syria.

Syria is about politics, it's about interests and sphere of influence. There is no real inspiration to fight Israel, Iran needs Syria for many reasons which you maybe already know already. However, they can't pose a real threat because it's state dominated affairs, the rebels there are not inspired by states. They are inspired for personal reasons and a presumable future goal is to fight Israel. Therefore they pose a real threat due to their ideology and not due to their primitive weapons.

Hezbollah elements are inspired by religion, the Syrian regime isn't. Iran is largely inspired by their interests as a state, which is realistic. Organizations don't have responsibilities of a state, they're inclined to purse their goals. It's too early to say what their goals consist of so I don't want to speculate on that, however if MB elements see an opportunity to develop a resistance base they will do it in the future even if it takes decades, progress is good.

Israel feels more secure knowing that state directed affairs are what pose a threat to them, they know what to expect and they know it's about Iran's interests. Normal people aren't inspired that way. If you have people who persuade the normal people in the region or within a state to embrace their cause you pose a greater threat to Israel. When people around Israel start calling for a fight and Israel knows it's not inspired by state derived interests then this cause will become unique and something that can't be defeated through a deterrence policy. Israel fears the unordinary, the people scare them more than any organization or state.

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