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Syrian civilians suffer as aid delivery stalls


Sep 16, 2013
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United Arab Emirates
Syrian civilians suffer as aid delivery stalls
- Reuters
December 16, 2013

Beirut/Geneva: It is a 15-minute drive from the five-star hotel that houses United Nations aid staff in Damascus to rebel-held suburbs where freezing children are starving to death.

Yet it is months since convoys from the UN and other agencies have delivered food or medical care to many such areas — prevented by a Syrian government accused of using hunger as a weapon of war against its people.
On Monday, the United Nations appealed for $6.5 billion for Syria and neighbouring countries to provide assistance to a total of 16 million people, many left hungry or homeless by the conflict soon entering its fourth year.
The Syrian appeal accounted for half of an overall funding plan of $12.9 billion to help 52 million people in 17 countries, launched on Monday by UN. emergency relief coordinator Valerie Amos at a meeting of donor countries in Geneva.
“The increasing number of internally displaced people and refugees is generating greater needs across all sectors and straining the capacities of neighbouring countries, with profound regional consequences,” the UN appeal said of the Syrian crisis.
“In government-controlled parts of Syria, what, where and to whom to distribute aid, and even staff recruitment, have to be negotiated and are sometimes dictated,” said Ben Parker, who ran the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Syria for a year until last February.

According to the Syrian government’s official position, humanitarian agencies and supplies are allowed to go anywhere, even across any frontline,” he wrote last month in the journal Humanitarian Exchange. “But every action requires time-consuming permissions, which effectively provide multiple veto opportunities.”
Fighting and rebel groups are also obstacles. The UN estimates about a quarter of a million Syrians are living under siege as winter bites, most of them encircled by government forces, but also including 45,000 in two towns in the north that are besieged by anti-Al Assad rebels.
A binding Security Council resolution could formally oblige the authorities to let aid agencies into areas like the Damascus suburbs and the old city of Homs, where local doctors say children are dying of malnutrition. But divisions between Western powers, who are backing the rebels, and Russia have paralysed the world body over Syria since the conflict began in 2011.
As a result, international agencies are legally obliged to work with a government that aid workers say has used threats — say, to deny visas to foreign staff or hinder efforts to help millions of people outside besieged districts — as a way of muting criticism and discouraging attempts to break the sieges.

“It is a fundamental flaw in the international system that it is possible for a rogue state to hold its own people hostage,” said a Western diplomat who works on aid issues. Syria... can threaten access to its own population and say ‘millions will starve if my instructions are not followed’.

“The reality is there is a risk of being thrown out,” he said. “You have to look ultimately at what the moral obligation is to serve as many as you can.”

As far as Al Assad’s government is concerned, said former UN Syria staffer Ben Parker, aid operations are “a Trojan horse to delegitimise the state, develop contacts with the opposition and win international support for military intervention”.

To criticism that they should complain more loudly, aid workers speaking privately cited the case of a UN agency chief who ended a posting in Damascus last year after clashing with Syrian officials over access for aid distribution. Syria had made clear that the official’s visa would not be renewed.

Syrians in areas where little or no aid is getting through say they feel abandoned and blame world powers for not only extending a war that has killed over 126,000 by backing warring parties but also failing to ease the impact on civilians.
An opposition activist in Damascus who uses the name Tariq Al Dimashqi and works in a field hospital in the besieged eastern suburbs of the capital says that he has seen no medicine or food from the UN for more than a year.

“The United Nations should do something to save civilians,” he said. “They have to force the regime to end the siege.”

Some medicines are smuggled into the area, he said, but the hospital is very low on supplies.

Lack of access for independent agencies makes it hard to verify food and medical supplies in many areas. But opposition activists have posted video of the bodies of several skeletal children who local doctors say died of malnutrition.

In September, footage of the body of one-year-old Rana Obeid, ribs protruding and belly swollen, was accompanied by statements from doctors saying she was the sixth child to die from malnutrition in Mouadamiya, about a quarter-of-an-hour drive from the Four Seasons Hotel in Damascus.

More broadly, providing aid across a patchwork of front lines across Syria has proved a struggle. Of a population of 23 million, the UN says 3.5 million refugees have fled the country, taking the misery of the war into often fragile neighbouring states, while 9.3 million need help inside Syria.

Two million of these are in areas that are hard to reach.

This year’s UN appeal for $1.41 billion (Dh5.18 billion) to finance aid work in Syria has reached only 62 per cent of its target. UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos will launch a funding appeal for 2014 on Monday, potentially seeking even more cash.

Twelve UN staff and 32 staff or volunteers of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent have been killed and 21 UN staff remain in detention, last month’s UN document seen by Reuters says — without specifying which groups were holding them.

In a country in the grip of a population explosion before the war began, half of Syria’s needy are children.

“The time will come that whatever aid you bring it is far too late and the scars on children will be far too deep to repair,” said Maria Calivis, Middle East and Northern Africa director for the UN Children’s Fund Unicef.

This month the UN failed to deliver food to 600,000 out of its monthly target of four million, a goal never yet reached.

Of 91 public hospitals in Syria, 36 are not functioning and another 22 have been damaged, while almost half of the 658 ambulances have been stolen, burned or massively damaged, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

The domestic drug industry — largely based in some of the areas hardest hit by fighting — collapsed in August 2012 and has virtually halted production, the WHO added. Rights groups say the Syrian air force has deliberately bombed hospitals.

The WHO said last month that polio, which is incurable and paralyses children within hours, had spread from the eastern city of Deir Al Zor to the major city of Aleppo and around Damascus. It is the country’s first outbreak since 1999.

The WHO must work through the government and a vaccination drive has not reached all areas, although the agency says 600,000 people have been reached in contested areas.
“The pressure has to be kept on” for access for medical supplies, said Elizabeth Hoff, the WHO representative in Syria.

Lebanon-based public health researchers Fouad Fouad and Adam Coutts criticise the local and international response.
“The outbreak and now spread of polio type I in Syria represents more than just a breakdown of a public health system during a time of conflict,” said Coutts. “It is symptomatic of a humanitarian response in which public health has been neglected and which remains underfunded and poorly coordinated.”

Fouad said more than 70 per cent of medical staff have left Syria due to the crisis and that no data is being collected on mental health inside Syria. Mental health care is a neglected area and a “heartbreaking” challenge, the WHO’s Hoff said.

Leishmaniasis, a disease transmitted by sand flies that causes sores on the skin, is spreading so fast it has earned the local nickname the ‘Aleppo boil’.
In Aleppo, once Syria’s most populous city, Fouad said no one had had heart surgery in more than a year. “This is not a new crisis,” he said. “This is not the first conflict. The UN should be doing better.”

Peggy Hicks, the head of advocacy for lobby group Human Rights Watch, said that UN efforts have lately made some modest progress in eliminating bureaucratic obstacles to aid.

“But with winter fast approaching, these grudging steps by Syria are nowhere near enough,” she said. “The UN should keep emphasising that the real test is a change in the situation on the ground, particularly for the 280,000 Syrians in besieged towns.”

On October 2, the UN Security Council urged the Syrian government in a non-binding statement to allow immediate cross-border aid deliveries. UN aid officials said that access has improved somewhat since then.

UN aid chief Amos said this month that there had been ‘modest progress’ with Damascus, such as issuing 50 visas for international staff and permitting the setting up relief hubs to store and distribute supplies. But UN convoys from Turkey are still forbidden and besieged communities are still blocked off.
Last week, the UN announced that Damascus had approved a first airlift to Syria from Iraq to supply the mainly Kurdish north-east, though snow has so far delayed the start of flights.

The breakthrough followed secret talks chaired by Amos with countries including Syria’s allies Iran and Russia.

Hicks at Human Rights Watch said more should still be done to press world powers to demand humanitarian access in Syria.

“There is always room for more vocal engagement,” said Hicks. “I think there is more room for explicit movement and to pressure the Security Council to act on their words.”
Syrian civilians suffer as aid delivery stalls | GulfNews.com

And the world looks on....while UN plays the puppet ,all the Super powers turn their head in the other direction and Al Assad plays with his kids on the fresh snow(the happy family pictures that I saw of him).
Syria is now a place where humans are treated worst than animals....

Enough said
This is an essay that I read yesterday and it was very disturbing.

"Kneel," his soldiers laugh, "or you will go hungry ..."


Yarmouk refugee camp, home to the largest Palestinian refugee community in Syria(MohaNNad/Worldcrunch)

by Omar Kaddour


DAMASCUS — About two months ago, here in the Syrian capital, people in the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk were allowed to leave for a short time to buy food. They were told that each man had the right to bring a bag of pita bread back into the camp for his family. But when they came back, the men were stopped at a military checkpoint and their bread was taken away. In order to get it back and be allowed into the camp, they were told they had to kneel down and bark like dogs. An old man stepped forward, knelt down and started to bark, tears of humiliation streaming down his face.

The Syrian government soldiers nearly killed themselves laughing. On a wall by the checkpoint they had hung a sign saying, “Kneel or go hungry.”

Kneel or go hungry — that is the regime’s new motto. Even with the use of chemical weapons in Ghouta, the government hasn’t succeeded in bringing the rebels to their knees. In fact it has drawn the attention of the world to Syria and placed the government under international pressure to give up its chemical weapons and have them destroyed.

Now it seems that the regime is searching for an alternative weapon of mass destruction, and it has settled on the starvation of civilians. The officer who forced people to bark like dogs is only a small part of the government’s targeted policy of humiliation. The slogan “Kneel or go hungry” is posted at the edges of several besieged quarters in Damascus and the surrounding area, which is home to around a million people. This is a policy that sees Syrians as animals and denies them the basic right to a life of freedom and dignity.

Just as in the past Adolf Hitler classed his political enemies as subhuman, at the beginning of the protests Bashar al-Assad referred to the rebels as "germs". He compared the brutality of his troops to the work of a surgeon whose hands are stained with blood from cutting out a cancerous tumor.

The regime’s aim is to take away people’s dignity so that they simply give up fighting. Soldiers have been filmed forcing civilians to kneel before Assad’s picture and acknowledge him as their master — an image reminiscent of the worst form of slavery.

Here in Syria, Assad’s government has established a comprehensive system of physical and symbolic violence. Dehumanization leads to mistreatment: If a person is seen as an animal, he can be treated like an animal. It is no coincidence that the regime’s soldiers have filmed themselves both killing donkeys in cold blood and shooting unarmed people.

What hunger does

As I write these words, only half a kilometer away from me the Syrian army is shooting civilians from airplanes and with rocket launchers. They are the same civilians who find themselves under siege and have no access to food or medicine. There are no longer any words to describe people’s suffering here. Some families have already been forced to slaughter their pets for food and others have resorted to eating poisonous leaves.

At the beginning of the revolution, state television was working on a report in which a young man named Muhammad Abdalwahab shouted to the camera, “I want to say to Bashar al-Assad that I am a human and not an animal! And the same is true of the others!” The film was not aired, but one employee secretly posted it online and it spread quickly through social networks.
I am a human and not an animal — this cry is for all Syrians. For more than 40 years, this regime has been robbing us of our human dignity. Many Syrian farmers who have been taught to value their livestock treat their animals better than they themselves are treated by the regime. When government soldiers started killing donkeys for practice, the people reacted with widespread horror.

40 years without elections

Like all Syrian schoolchildren, I was forced to repeat the speech in which we celebrated Assad as the eternal president of our country. I also had to pay tribute to the father of the current ruler, Hafez al-Assad. Throughout my life I have been ruled by a president who came to power through a military coup and then passed his power onto his son. For more than 40 years, Syrians have been denied the right to decide who represents them.

That was what brought the people of Syria onto the streets: They wanted freedom. The regime wants a population of animals with no will or ability to express themselves. That is why it is using all forms of violence available to it, as the world looks on. This approach has worked once before, with the Hama massacre in 1982. Led by the president’s brother Rifaat al-Assad, Syrian special forces and air forces murdered 30,000 people under the pretext of crushing an uprising of the Muslim Brotherhood. The world looked the other way.

But the Syrians will not be reduced to animals. They want to live in freedom and dignity. These are simple wishes. Why should they not be possible?

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