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Syria is buying Iranian Air Defence systems


Feb 17, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

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Iran is likely to sell air defense systems to Syria to boost its defenses in the face of frequent Israeli attacks, Iranian state TV said on February 24.

“Syria needs to rebuild its air defense network and requires precision bombs for its fighter planes,” the state broadcaster said.
“It is very likely that we will witness the supply by Iran of radars and defense missiles, such as the 15 Khordad system, to reinforce Syria’s air defenses,” the TV said, adding that only parts of a recent defense agreement with Syria were being publicized.
The Khordad 15 was developed by the Iran Aviation Industries Organization to counter all types of aircraft, including stealthy fighter jets, as well as cruise missiles and drones.

The long-range air defense system is typically armed with the Sayyad-3 radar-guided missile, which has a maximum range of 150 kilometers and a flight altitude of 30 kilometers. The system can detect, intercept and destroy up to six targets simultaneously.

Iranian state TV report came less than a week after one of Israel’s largest attacks on Syria this year. The main target of the attack, which took place on February 19, was reportedly an installation where Syrian and Iranian officials were meeting to advance programmes to develop drones or missiles. Five people, including four civilians, were killed and at least 15 others were wounded as a result of the attack.

Over the past year, several news reports talked about a plan to establish an Iranian air defense network in Syria. The Khordad 15 system was mentioned in some of these reports. However, no evidence confirming the deployment of any Iranian-made air defense systems in Syria have been presented, so far.

Iranian-made systems could improve the capabilities of Syrian air defenses. However, their deployment is guaranteed to provoke Israel, who has already vowed to destroy any such system in the war-torn country.

Iran's KH-3 AD and its field proven performance the downing of US global Hawk at 60,000 feet over Persian Gulf.




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Expect more Israeli bombings when they arrive :S
Naturally..But Syrians may also be able to fish some Israeli planes if they uses their system wisely..

This purchase probably came when a team of Syrian military visited Iran in January this year.
Naturally..But Syrians may also be able to fish some Israeli planes if they uses their system wisely..

This purchase probably came when a team of Syrian military visited Iran in January this year.
The problem is they will not have the opportunity to install the systems and use them. Israelis usually hit Iranian military convoys and bases when they find out they are moving heavy weapons that could challenge them.
The problem is they will not have the opportunity to install the systems and use them. Israelis usually hit Iranian military convoys and bases when they find out they are moving heavy weapons that could challenge them.
Do not believe Israel propaganda machinery so easily..and yes I am sure there will be a hide and seek ops needed to get them installed..well known that Syria military is penetrated and can not be trusted..I am sure people who do these kind of arrangement will take care of those issues...
The problem is they will not have the opportunity to install the systems and use them. Israelis usually hit Iranian military convoys and bases when they find out they are moving heavy weapons that could challenge them.
Syria was weakened by NATO supported terrorists such as ISIS and Qaeda branches. Slowly the country is getting rid of them. Hence trying to strengthen their military.

When Syria was engaged with internal terrorists, they had to tolerate the damages inflicted by outside terrorists (Israelis). Currently, the internal problem is being solved and the country is regaining its internal stability. Before all these events, Syrians had little will to return to fighting against Israel but after Israeli support for terrorists, they have every reason to consider it.

Syria itself is a missile producing country having produced different versions of Soviet era Scud missiles. Now that they are getting rid of terrorists, they take an eye for an eye from Israel. If Israel hits the cargo then Syria will bomb Tel Aviv.
Syria was weakened by NATO supported terrorists such as ISIS and Qaeda branches. Slowly the country is getting rid of them. Hence trying to strengthen their military.

When Syria was engaged with internal terrorists, they had to tolerate the damages inflicted by outside terrorists (Israelis). Currently, the internal problem is being solved and the country is regaining its internal stability. Before all these events, Syrians had little will to return to fighting against Israel but after Israeli support for terrorists, they have every reason to consider it.

Syria itself is a missile producing country having produced different versions of Soviet era Scud missiles. Now that they are getting rid of terrorists, they take an eye for an eye from Israel. If Israel hits the cargo then Syria will bomb Tel Aviv.
Are you crazy?
Can Syria buy from someone else? Russia? No! Iran is the only choice.
Israel has bombed Syria a hundred times and Syria hasn't responded once. I can't see that happening.
Terrorists in Syria, NAZIs in Ukraine, Extremists of Turkistan party etc. Everyone can see west and its military wing NATO tries to invade east through supporting rogue elements.
Are you a fool who thinks he is living in NATO’s lala land?

Having held military exercise with Israeli terrorists has deluded you as it seems.
Syria has been devastated by war and natural disasters. The Syrian Army is barely hanging by a thread,the Syrian Air Force barely exists and there are still pockets of terrorists and gangs. About half of the country is controlled by the SDF and TFSA.
Russia is fighting a war in Ukraine and you are saying that Syria should start bombing Israeli cities with ballistic missiles?

Hasn't Syria suffered enough? You want the Israelis to bomb whatever is left of the SAA and militias? What are you even talking about?
Terrorists in Syria, NAZIs in Ukraine, Extremists of Turkistan party etc. Everyone can see west and its military wing NATO tries to invade east through supporting rogue elements.
It has become a standard US OP ( Operating Procedure) to support a local proxy to achieve their ends. I assume Syria was targeted because it wouldn't recognize Israel and accept the US agenda. However Gen. Wesley Clarke stated that the Neo-cons in the Pentagon had a list of five middle eastern countries that they would ' invade' much earlier.

As the US/ China conflicts hots up, we can expect more attacks on CPEC in Pakistan.
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