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Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid Latest Gun

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He fought against the russians but left when Russians left today Americans are being attacked but some American touts who sell everything for dollars are not happy with that some are on this forum to

That is why i am calling on Syrians not to make the same mistake we did. We did destroy our country and other people got strategic benefit on our cost. Too sad for people of Afghanistan.
He fought the Soviets, didn't participate now if that's what you're thinking.
i am sure he is not participating now, but even the Russian time 'fight' was something which brought us to our knees so that we will never be able to go back to where we were. Fighting the russians was a super mistake by us.
First it was rusted sword


Now its Gun Great going man .:rofl:
Yes because that is Hadees that means told by not Zaid Hamid but HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW he just told us what HAZRAT MUHAMMMAD SAW told us if you have problem with sayings of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW than that is your problem

The myth of Ghazwa-tul-Hind

religion has quite frequently been used as an excuse for military motives. Talking specifically about Islam, hadees has been used as a tool to invent excuses for political motivations and military interventions/attacks as and when required.

There has been enormous hue and cry over Ghazwa-tul-Hind for years. This was probably first used by self-styled ****** activists in Pakistan for getting public support in Pakistan and raising funds to be used in their attacks in Kashmir with the aim of conquering India and creating what they call dar-ul-Islam. It is very interesting to note that neither Arabs nor the Mujahideen of Afghanistan made use of these ahadees to wage a war against India. Pakistan army, ISI and the local Jihadis have a monopoly over Ghazwa-tul-Hind for now, although they don’t talk specifically about Green Pakistani Jihadis waging the war.

Islamists and right-wing-military-apologists have fallen to the propaganda of Pakistan army and ISI when they propagate waging a war against the neighboring country India, finding excuses for ding so through hadees. Zaid Hamid, the mouth-piece of ISI and Pakistan army has been making use of Ghazwa-tul-Hind (6 hadees in total), promoting hatred against Hindus and war hysteria. These hadees are available here.

Are they authentic ?
Just a brief look at these will make it clear that none of these five ahadees are found in Sihah-e-Sitta. Two of these appear to be in the collections of ahadees by Imam Nisai but not in Sunan an-Nisai al Sughra, the book considered to be among the Sihah-e-Sitta, the six books considered most reliable by main-stream Muslims.
The others are not even found in the reliable collections of respected muhadiseen.
Note that Imam Nisai died in 915. The years of death of other respected muhadiseen to whom Sihah-e-Sitta are attributed to: Imam Bukhari in 870, Imam Muslim in 875, Abu Daud in 888, al-Tirmizi in 892, Imam Malik in 796, Ibn Maja in 886. All of them died before Imam Nisai. It does not make much sense that we have these ahadees being narrated through Imam Nisai but not through any of the other respected muhadiseen who lived before him.
They are narrated through a single chain. Reported only once through one companion of the Prophet.
Considering the reward for participating in this war and the importance of it, as these ahadees tell, they should have been narrated by more companions of the Prophet and should have been there in more books of ahadees.
It is very important to note that none of these are found in any of the collections of ahadees which the Shia Muslims consider authentic. This raises the question if they were invented by the Ummayads/Abbasids considering their expansionist designs? This is also to be noted that Ummayads did reach Sindh, a part of Hind back then.
One must also note the fact that we don’t have any history report telling us about the use of these ahadees in the past by Muslim rulers or conquerors, even those who did invade India or waged a war on it. If they were respected and authentic ahadees, we should have such history reports.

What if they are authentic ?
It is also pertinent to examine how some well-known contemporary Indian ulema look at this hadith report.

Maulana Abdul Hamid Numani, a leading figure of the Jamiat ul-Ulema-i Hind, opines that this hadith was fulfilled at the time of the ‘Four Righteous Caliphs’ of the Sunnis, soon after the demise of the Prophet Muhammad, when several companions of the Prophet came to India, mainly in order to spread Islam. [1]
Mufti Sajid Qasmi, who teaches at the Dar ul-Uloom in Deoband, is also of the same opinion, although he believes that it might also refer to the invasion of Sindh by the Arabs under Muhammad bin Qasim in the eighth century. [1]
On the other hand, Maulana Mufti Mushtaq Tijarvi of the Jamaat-i Islami Hind believes that it is possible that this hadith report is not genuine at all and that it might have been fabricated at the time of Muhammad bin Qasim’s invasion of Sindh in order to justify it. [1
i am sure he is not participating, but even the Russian time fight was something brought to our knees that we will never be able to go back to where we were. Fighting the russians was a super mistake by us.
Yes so you are saying you should have lived like their bloody slaves this statement tells a lot about you Sir your people fought because they had honour and they don't want to be slaves of any nation if you want to that's your problem Sir
Moon ko chhodo, pehle khud se ek satellite to bana lo.

all the models of pakistani satellites are made by pakistani scientists but we only leave the satellites on orbit from the china ....:coffee:
Yes so you are saying you should have lived like their bloody slaves this statement tells a lot about you Sir your people fought because they had honour and they don't want to be slaves of any nation if you want to that's your problem Sir
Dont tell me what i am and what i should do. You are being very cheeky to tell me how to live my life. I lost 3 of my brothers in fight agaisnt the Soviets! What did we get from it? losing my own brothers as well as milion of other Afghans plus a complete destruction of the country and at the end, the country has become a proxy land between regional powers, most notably by Pakistan. To be slave of Pakistan is no different to be slave of America or Soviets.

because they had honour
Talking about honour, why are Pakistanis against the TTP then? The TTP is also fighting for honour as well as Islamic Sharia. Double standards, ha?
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