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Sweden has perhaps unwillingly and unnecessarily self-sabotaged itself including harmed Finland with all this drama at crucial moment


Jul 18, 2021
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I have been to Sweden and the swedes can be nice people and easy going but they lack something very important their social skills are lacking.

Honestly the Swedes are some of the lowest IQ people when it comes to diplomacy they just don't understand it how it is conducted. They are thick headed and also slow thinking.

Do you think the Swedes wanted this extremely unnecessary scandals to occur at this critical moment for them?.. Ofcourse not but then again it takes you back to how slow thinking the regular swedes are to mess this simple thing up to such an extent..:lol:

The Finns on the other hand are much more capable and crafty in their lobbying and charm-offensive. I believe they just have much better leadership then the swedes and way smarter. I think the unwise run Sweden and it is a circus I have been there and you will notice this just after being one hour in Sweden, Stockholm, Malmo or Goteburg.

This could also mean the end of Sweden's NATO membership because after pulling of this historic and gigantic mess up it is hard to convince Turkey or win their favor back.. This is self-inflicted and honestly they didn't want events go out of hand like this just turned unpredictable and out of their control. They simply lost control of the situation and the agenda for the demonstrations was hijacked by an element who crossed over from Denmark which is again to their surprise which shows their incompetancy and this was done against their wish meaning they don't have control over things.

Finland might perhaps also lose membership opportunity due to Sweden's major mess up all tho the Finns are doing everything they can.. but Sweden just messed things up accidently And may have lost the Turks for good
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The swedes are annoyed over Paluden he is a dane which means a foreigner.. There media and netizens don't like Paluden and for some in sweden they think this was a well planned plot to not only sabotage swedish-turkish ties but to absolutely murderer it beyond repair and the target being Swedens prospect of joining NATO
The swedes are annoyed over Paluden he is a dane which means a foreigner.. There media and netizens don't like Paluden and for some in sweden they think this was a well planned plot to not only sabotage swedish-turkish ties but to absolutely murderer it beyond repair and the target being Swedens prospect of joining NATO

It will be hard to sell this when you were to slow to grasp what was happening and can't do repair when the damage is done to an extent they were not expecting.. I think they have lost the Turks for good or could take years or perhaps a decade or more to return to this stage of ties
I’ve heard they’re even started to Ration food supply in norway and denmark
The results of war are coming soon and it could plunge em all into it.
I’d leave denmark/nirway etc if possible…..things r deteriorating fast between russia and nato
We are not talking Denmark or Norway they have nothing to do with this
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