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Surprise! US navy to have an active laser arsenal in 2 years.

It should also be noted the first 2 Zumwalt class ships are coming online next year! These are ships that have been designed from the start to accomodate directed energy weapons and electromagnetic railguns! The future is near!

all on chinese 3 Trillion dollar aid money?
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Lasers could useful in protecting a LHD like the Wasp class loaded with F-35B. I hope China launches a space craft that can emit electron laser and EM defensive sheild.
Oops, got caught. China is not close to catchup with the US and unless it work twice as hard and wise as Americans, it will never happen,

Nope, the way the American economy is going, we don't have to worry about America.

American military is overrated, it's all hype.
And yet you can't comprehend, a test setting in a controlled environent != battlefield or combat ready!

Chemical lasers != Electron lasers!

Your military isn't ready, your tests aren't ready, Russia's had tests, hell the US has and the Soviet Union tested laser weaponry for decades, but it was never ready for a combat environment. Well the US navy is showing us it is now :D

you have failed again miserably and avoided my question to make your silly argument which contradicted yourself:

Above: you wrote "a test setting in a controlled environent != battlefield or combat ready!" and in closing the OP you wrote
"...are coming online next year!...The future is near!"

in posting #1: you quoted
The U.S. Navy is apparently just two years away from an active laser arsenal.

Rear Admiral Matthew Klunder, the chief of Naval research, told Wired.com's Danger Room that “directed energy”—the Navy’s term for lasers—is now past the physics stage and is in the process of being integrated into the fleet.
The biggest remaining challenge is power—specifically, making sure that ship captains won’t have to choose between maneuvering their vessels and firing their weapons. But Klunder believes his team has solved the issue and now can focus on making the lasers compatible with specific ships.

Laser weapons have reportedly been used to take down drones in tests. Klunder declined to give specifics, but he said the weapons have had “very successful” tests—though we imagine that really depends on which end of the laser beam you’re facing.

you have dug a big hole for your own burial!


Above: you wrote Chemical lasers != Electron lasers!

where do you have the idea we dont have electron laser? and I repeat:

“China’s system shoots a laser beam that destroys the [guidance systems] and causes the projectile to fall harmlessly to the ground,” the paper said.

what kind of manoeuver was that if it was not DEW?

Your loser mentality is overflowing on the thread!
What is this? Is this suppose to tell us something?

That your lasers are visible to the naked eye and ours are not?

where have you shown your laser is invisible to the naked eye?
Hm, possible Lasers & Railguns of naval unit's sounds very interessting.
But i hope that the US continues to work on Airborne-Lasers like the Boeing YAL-1.

Look's just to cool.

where have you shown your laser is invisible to the naked eye?

Because it is. Notice that all videos in weapons test they have to be in infrared to at least see it?

Enough said.

You see any laser in this video in normal camera?
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Hm, possible Lasers & Railguns of naval unit's sounds very interessting.
But i hope that the US continues to work on Airborne-Lasers like the Boeing YAL-1.

Look's just to cool.


China is also developing airborne lasers from the Y-20.
Nope, the way the American economy is going, we don't have to worry about America.

American military is overrated, it's all hype.
And yet the PLA is using the US military as a model for reform. :lol:

Yes, we know why you are a conscript reject.
huh hardworking to photochop??? or did ccp informed you...:china::cheesy::argh::taz::victory::woot:

Y-20 is our strategic transport aircraft (our C-17).
Y-20 first flight is scheduled for this year.
The Y-20 will be a platform for our future tanker, AWACS, etc.
It was supposed to be the platform for our airborne laser weapon too.

Not sure how the project is getting along.

Y-XX / Y-20??? / C919 Military Variant
Because it is. Notice that all videos in weapons test they have to be in infrared to at least see it?
Enough said.

You see any laser in this video in normal camera?

you are ignorant! lasers in broad daylights are hardly visible to the naked eyes but it can be captured through filtered lens!
And yet the PLA is using the US military as a model for reform. :lol:

Yes, we know why you are a conscript reject.

yeah as a laughing stock during the PLA off-time that these usa military pricks share the common traits of thugs, sadists, hate-crime offenders and serial rapists!
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