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Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

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Not related so much but LOL If you come to Finland, you can see that there is no skyscraper, no luxurious resorts, the whole country has about 2 limousines, Vantaa airport is as small as a primary school in Beijing. We have forest everywhere, I dont know why we keep being one of the strongest economy in the world ;) :troll:

The point is that, do not judge the richness of a country through some pictures or how it looks (which I think most of you now are doing) :D different place in the world has different lifestyles, we enjoy living the the forest with bunch of money in Swiss bank and having holiday in China :D.

One more thing I wanna say is that the gap between the rich and the poor in China is quite much. I mean HUGE. It can cause more social problem so Chinese authority should be aware of it.
Same old tired arguments as always

!. We indulged in genocide because we could, you would have done the same if you had the means- which proves that we have an absolutely bestial view of mankind and would have continued with the same loot and pillage had not the non whites acquired means of resistance. Even then, we indulge in depredations wherever we can.

It's the truth. Or else, why do we have rape rates, robbery rates, and homicide rates that would make your cities and countries blush? Crime rates are the best indicator of a society's level of kindness and civility. We have corruption levels that you wouldn't find in the best of Indian cities. Our level of civility is what led to OUR nations inventing democracy, our people freeing slaves centuries before the Arabs, our societies fully desegregating far before you have (caste system).

Our kindness allows you to flood into our country, criticize us, and when we say it's time for you to go home, you get to cry racist. It's Whites that have been so generous, that we continue to allow you to take more.

not withstanding the present day massacres which we so shamelessly indulge in.

We don't take part in any of your massacres. Maybe next time we should have let the Libyans kill each other. Oh, and Afghanistan? Next time tell your cousins not to attack us. You are damn right we are willing to wipe the floor with any country that attacked us.

We are great because you come to our countries - and were your ancestors born in USA / Australia/ New Zealand, or are you there because they were a bunch of murderers who killed the people whose land it was?

Yep, my ancestors have been here since the 1600's. We initially took land that belonged to NO ONE. The Indians could have slaughtered us, as they do their disobedient kids, if we took their land at the initial settlement.

As for the UK, the trillions in loot which they have taken from India


We didn't take anything from that 3rd world hell. Your country wasn't even valued in the billions, let alone the trillions when our people arrived. We built infrastructure for you, architecture, transportation, the industrial revolution, railroads, roads, telegraphs, postal services, educational institutions, English language, foreign investors, and a united country to name a few.

What could we possibly take from a people that had NOTHING? We could have taken you as slaves, but we didn't. We could have settled the land, but we didn't. We could have annexed part of it, but we didn't. We could have taken your (non-existent) natural resources, but we barely took any.

We lost our wealth and Human capital in the expensive and "manly" colonial conquests, that were more about competition against other European powers, than it was about exploiting the tribal 3rd world people.

back even if they give us their whole country many times over.

I say we cut aid to your countries permanently, and deport your people back to India.

It is only fitting that they are getting swamped by immigrants and will be a minority in their own country shortly

Don't count on it. Europe is becoming increasingly nationalist. Golden Dawn is winning elections in Greece. Jobbik is winning in Hungary. UKIP will probably win the next elections in the UK.

Forget about it! Your welfare is being cut off!

Not related so much but LOL If you come to Finland, you can see that there is no skyscraper, no luxurious resorts, the whole country has about 2 limousines, Vantaa airport is as small as a primary school in Beijing. We have forest everywhere, I dont know why we keep being one of the strongest economy in the world ;) :troll:

The point is that, do not judge the richness of a country through some pictures or how it looks (which I think most of you now are doing) :D different place in the world has different lifestyles, we enjoy living the the forest with bunch of money in Swiss bank and having holiday in China :D.

One more thing I wanna say is that the gap between the rich and the poor in China is quite much. I mean HUGE. It can cause more social problem so Chinese authority should be aware of it.

We are comparing GDP per capita numbers, not pictures.

Finland GDP (PPP) per capita 2012: $36,395

LOL! You don't look poor, you look developed!
Tianjin's economy is really bubbled up, maybe I do not know its economy and industry dimensions very well, since currently there are few massive infrastructure projects going on, so the investment really does give a solid boost to its GDP, the question is whether Tianjin's economy can absorb the boosted capacity in few years time, or otherwise the bubble will burst hard ``!

and the same question for Inner Mongolia, which has rich natural resources on which its economy is built..the famous 'ghost' city of Ordos is in Inner Mongolia, which triggered public outburst of mismanagement in China in 2010
It's the truth. Or else, why do we have rape rates, robbery rates, and homicide rates that would make your cities and countries blush? Crime rates are the best indicator of a society's level of kindness and civility. We have corruption levels that you wouldn't find in the best of Indian cities. Our level of civility is what led to OUR nations inventing democracy, our people freeing slaves centuries before the Arabs, our societies fully desegregating far before you have (caste system).

Look who's talking about crime rates:P

1. rapes / 100000 : USA - 21.7 India- 1.4
2. Homicides : USA - 4.5 , India -3.5
3. incarceration rate - USA - 730/100000!!! India - 30 / 100000

And of course, shootouts in which innocent school children are massacred are obviously symptoms of a very healthy and cultured society.

Our kindness allows you to flood into our country, criticize us, and when we say it's time for you to go home, you get to cry racist. It's Whites that have been so generous, that we continue to allow you to take more.

There is nothing you do apart from printing paper money and manufacturing war equipment. Your whole economy is a rent seeking machine designed to circulate fake money in endless loops. So dont give me any of your crap about hard work or giving to others.

We don't take part in any of your massacres. Maybe next time we should have let the Libyans kill each other. Oh, and Afghanistan? Next time tell your cousins not to attack us. You are damn right we are willing to wipe the floor with any country that attacked us.

Sure! You have your own massacres to conduct. Why would a man using cannons want to play with slingshots?

Yep, my ancestors have been here since the 1600's. We initially took land that belonged to NO ONE. The Indians could have slaughtered us, as they do their disobedient kids, if we took their land at the initial settlement.

Just because you say so. 12 million Red Indians were "no one". As you sow, so shall you reap. You are 65% in US today and your birth rates are rock bottom- barely enough to replace your population. Where does that leave you in 2030?...2040?...Of course, about Europe, the less said the better. In the end, population always wins though smart alecs may think otherwise.


We didn't take anything from that 3rd world hell. Your country wasn't even valued in the billions, let alone the trillions when our people arrived. We built infrastructure for you, architecture, transportation, the industrial revolution, railroads, roads, telegraphs, postal services, educational institutions, English language, foreign investors, and a united country to name a few.

What could we possibly take from a people that had NOTHING? We could have taken you as slaves, but we didn't. We could have settled the land, but we didn't. We could have annexed part of it, but we didn't. We could have taken your (non-existent) natural resources, but we barely took any.

We lost our wealth and Human capital in the expensive and "manly" colonial conquests, that were more about competition against other European powers, than it was about exploiting the tribal 3rd world people.

Read up a bit of history if you are not educated ... might help you get a job. In 1850, India contributed 32% of world GDP. And when the British left in 1947, it was 3%. And how did Britain, a poor nation which could not even grow enough food for itself, come up with all the capital for its breakneck industrialization. If you have selective amnesia does not mean that the rest of the world will forget.

I say we cut aid to your countries permanently, and deport your people back to India.
We dont take your stinking aid. In fact, recently the British were grovelling before us because our Finance Minister shrugged off the British aid offer as peanuts. We are well aware that your aid is a devious ploy to obtain a disproportionate foothold in national policy making.

Don't count on it. Europe is becoming increasingly nationalist. Golden Dawn is winning elections in Greece. Jobbik is winning in Hungary. UKIP will probably win the next elections in the UK.

Ha! HA! Dream on as you like. In you obsession for consumerism and materialism, you have killed off all philosophies which could detract from naked hyper individualism. So nationalism is dead. Kinship is dead. And religion is dead. No social cement is left. You are too hedonistic to unite for causes you no longer believe in. You are just left with your toys which you may take with you to your graves if you wish. And you will be plucked off one by one by people who still cherish social and ethnic bonds... by the Muslim, the Chinese and the Indians.
In 1850, India contributed 32% of world GDP. And when the British left in 1947, it was 3%.

lol you tool, could it maybe be because everyone else advanced so hard while Indians were playing in the dirt?
The period you mention is the era of most of the discoveries that make our life possible today and increase productivity many fold (electricity, automobile to name just two).

But you wouldn't know that would you? Face it son, history ran over you...
lol you tool, could it maybe be because everyone else advanced so hard while Indians were playing in the dirt?
The period you mention is the era of most of the discoveries that make our life possible today and increase productivity many fold (electricity, automobile to name just two).

But you wouldn't know that would you? Face it son, history ran over you...

Difficult to run over such a vast and ancient nation. But you have been run over, only you don't know it yet.
Difficult to run over such a vast and ancient nation. But you have been run over, only you don't know it yet.

lol ok, gypsy fortune teller. :dirol:

So, you're not very smart and colorblind too?



Burning moar? :dirol:

Ever seen a light colored Indian in reality or you are talking through your As*? Ive lived in the USA and know what I m talking about. Indian complexion is very different -- not blotchy reddish like you guys. And neither do our ladies get wrinkled in their 30s.
Ever seen a light colored Indian in reality or you are talking through your As*? Ive lived in the USA and know what I m talking about. Indian complexion is very different -- not blotchy reddish like you guys.

Light colored Indian in reality is like a black haired Spanish/Greek woman/man you tool, complexion is almost the same, hair color is same, only the facial features are different. It's called Indo-European people for a reason.

And neither do our ladies get wrinkled in their 30s.

Ofcourse they do son, they age faster then anyone because of all the manual labor and 10 births in 10 years. Can't beat mother nature....
Light colored Indian in reality is like a black haired Spanish/Greek woman/man you tool, complexion and hair color is the same, only the facial features are different.

Ofcourse they do son, they age faster then anyone because of all the manual labor and 10 births in 10 years. Can't beat mother nature....

Convince someone else with your delusional rambling, not an Indian who knows his people very well. I m from the North Western Indian state of Punjab which has people with lighter complexion and I know how people in our state compare with the Europeans.

By the way, don't be so smug about the light color. It is coded by a set of six genes -- all recessive. :D. So you can extrapolate how you descendants will look like after these weak genes have been overshadowed.
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