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Sunnis versus Shi'ites

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Mick in England


New Recruit

Oct 22, 2006
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Why do the Sunnis and the Shi'ites in Iraq kill each other?
I thought all Muslims were brothers and sisters?
Why do the Sunnis and the Shi'ites in Iraq kill each other?
I thought all Muslims were brothers and sisters?

I thought christains were bothers and sisters, what has been happening in the Ireland for last 30 years? why do christain kill other? and also people in Iraq,Afghanistan,somalia,WW1,WW2,civil-war...list goes on?

Do you remeber how SAS agents dressed as arabs were caught red handed with a car bomb in the middle of market in Iraq? not one of the greatest moment for the Imperial empire...is it?
I thought christains were bothers and sisters, what has been happening in the Ireland for last 30 years? why do christain kill other? and also people in Iraq,Afghanistan,somalia,WW1,WW2,civil-war...list goes on?

Do you remeber how SAS agents dressed as arabs were caught red handed with a car bomb in the middle of market in Iraq? not one of the greatest moment for the Imperial empire...is it?

couldnt have said it better.:banana2:
I thought christains were bothers and sisters, what has been happening in the Ireland for last 30 years? why do christain kill other? and also people in Iraq,Afghanistan,somalia,WW1,WW2,civil-war...list goes on?

Do you remeber how SAS agents dressed as arabs were caught red handed with a car bomb in the middle of market in Iraq? not one of the greatest moment for the Imperial empire...is it?

Touché! :thumbsup:
Ok rather than witty comebacks.......

It all goes back to schism within the faith which is similar to the Catholic/protestant schism.

Like all interfaith rivalries there are heated passions which can explode. As witnessed in Northern Ireland.

As for the SAS supposed operation I didn't hear anything at all about that. There was an incident involving SAS and Iraqi police but no bombs were involved.
I thought christains were bothers and sisters, what has been happening in the Ireland for last 30 years? why do christain kill other? and also people in Iraq,Afghanistan,somalia,WW1,WW2,civil-war...list goes on?

True Christians don't want to kill anybody..
But sometimes as a last resort we have to defend ourselves because we're not strong enough to turn the other cheek..
For example Hitler bombed my mother in 1940 but she survived. He bombed lots of other Brit cities too, so we had to do D-Day to stop him..
Don't forget Jesus's right-hand man Peter the Disciple carried a sword and lopped off the high priests servants ear when they came to arrest Jesus.
Jesus told him off, but the fact remains he allowed him to carry a sword in the first place ;)
As for the Irish, they like fighting, and religion is just an excuse.
Why do the Sunnis and Shi'ites fight each other?
Do you remeber how SAS agents dressed as arabs were caught red handed with a car bomb in the middle of market in Iraq? not one of the greatest moment for the Imperial empire...is it?

Ha ha ha that's just another conspiracy theory :)
Why on earth would the British want to plant bombs in Iraq??
The guys were probably just bomb disposal experts, that's why their car was full of equipment..
Remember, the Brit media loves a good story and always print scandals like the mistreatment of prisoners in Abu Ghraib jail and other harshness by Coalition troops, then the soldiers are court-martialled and punished.
So if the two SAS guys really were bombers,the media would have printed the scandal all over the front page :)
Ha ha ha that's just another conspiracy theory :)
Why on earth would the British want to plant bombs in Iraq??
The guys were probably just bomb disposal experts, that's why their car was full of equipment..
Remember, the Brit media loves a good story and always print scandals like the mistreatment of prisoners in Abu Ghraib jail and other harshness by Coalition troops, then the soldiers are court-martialled and punished.
So if the two SAS guys really were bombers,the media would have printed the scandal all over the front page :)

Denial will not change the reality.:coffee:
I thought I answered the question?????????
Why do Protestants and Catholics kill or hate each other? (The remark about Irishmen liking to fight is a bit poor) I mean there are "Christians" in the (US)states who hate "papists"

Also the remark about "true" Christians not fighting is right up there with the Irish remark. I could counter with all "true" Muslims don't fight with each other.

As for the SAS sillyness. I asked what happened from a friend of mine who is involved in that area. Gotta agree with Mick on this one. What benefit would there be to distablising the area more?
Denial won't change reality huh? Since you weren't there I guess you have no idea of reality.....:disagree:
As with all conspiracy theories, nobody seems to think them through..
I ask again, why should Brit soldiers want to plant bombs in Iraq?

Divide and conquer?
search it in the forum, you may find the article
LOL Since the strategy would destablise Iraq (opposite to stated government policy) the whole divide and rule thing would not work. Plus dividing Iraq would strengthen Iran in the region (with influence over the Shiite oil rich areas)

Also the last time the Brits practised the divide and rule thing was back in the days of empire. you may be old but i doubt you are THAT old.
British have already stirred up shia-sunni conflict, this will make sure that they are busy fighting and killing themselves instead of attacking the real enemy; soon Iraq will be divided into three states. After that everyone will packup leave.
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