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Sunni-Shia division conf. held in Israel

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Jan 15, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
An Israeli university has held conference on Sunni-Shia division in the Muslim world.

The conference, dubbed Sunni-Shia Division, was held at Dan David Building in Tel Aviv University campus on Sunday.

Tel Aviv University is among a number of other Israeli universities that have sponsored such events before.

Such conferences seek to pit Salafists in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan against Shia Muslims in several other countries in the Middle East and other parts of the world.

Speaking on the issue, James Jennings, the president of Conscience International, told Press TV, “When you think about the strategy that Israel has used over time, [it is] to divide and rule,” Jennings said.

“There is nothing intrinsically wrong with studying such things as long as one does it sincerely and if you bring people in, who represent that point of view, but I’m afraid this is not that.”
Sunni-Shias are already divided. Destroying and killing each other. Why blame Israel ?
May be Israel is eyeing this as a next major opportunity to sell arms and weapons!
May be Israel is eyeing this as a next major opportunity to sell arms and weapons!
Tit for Tat response I think. BTW they will face tough competition.

Few Arab nations also sending arms and weapons in in trouble Muslim dominated countries like Syria, for free of cost.
Sunni-Shias are already divided. Destroying and killing each other. Why blame Israel ?
No, Sunni-Shias aren't divided. religious and irreligious are divided.
those who are killing other Muslims are Wahhabis which is an England made religious and so nothing more expected from it.
No, Sunni-Shias aren't divided. religious and irreligious are divided.
those who are killing other Muslims are Wahhabis which is an England made religious and so nothing more expected from it.
So any Muslim that kill innocent people is a Wahhabi ? Aren't Sunni Shia fighting among themselves ?
They must be laughing themselves to sleep :laugh:

Watch Iran go hold a conference with more anti zionism Hacidics

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Israel has the most to gain from sunni-shia division. Syria has been reduced rubble by this very same sectarian conflict, and if Assad falls it will also weaken Hezbollah. Killing two birds with one stone.
So any Muslim that kill innocent people is a Wahhabi ? Aren't Sunni Shia fighting among themselves ?

ohhhh yar even t.t.p kills if he know you are salafi(wahabi) they hate salafi's.
here people dont know or they pretend.
Pakistani taliban are pure deobandi. not wahabi's and they have killed near 50,000 muslims. still salafi's are blamed for each and every thing.
ohhhh yar even t.t.p kills if he know you are salafi(wahabi) they hate salafi's.here people dont know or they pretend.Pakistani taliban are pure deobandi. not wahabi's and they have killed near 50,000 muslims. still salafi's are blamed for each and every thing.
Guys, its too confusing. Who is killing who ? Can someone explain in brief ?
yar in muslims a sect(khawarij) its from the biggining. they call all muslims infedals (who are against there idiology) and they say killing these muslims is there right and order of GOD. they kill every one. including shia sunni ...... every one.
in pakistan Salafi's are opposing them more then any other sects. but salafi's are too strict(fundamentalists) with religion hence people dont like them.
the game of shia sunni is there from years. but now because of gawadar port saudi, uae , iran and every stake holder is using this for there own purpose.
And Also Involve India And Play a great game against Pakistan
So any Muslim that kill innocent people is a Wahhabi ? Aren't Sunni Shia fighting among themselves ?
why would shiah and sunni fight with each other, we are brothers, the only diference between us is substitute of our prophet, shiah believes it's god choose, sunnis don't. nothing else.
in other hand Wahabis only consider themselves Muslim, and consider both shiah and sunni impious, with this believe, their leaders announce fatwa for killing other religious and going to heaven.
"mohammad ebne abdulwahhab" their first leader in 1703 created this religious by the order of England and support of ale saud (ancestors of current Saudi Arabia dictators) to destroy Muslim believes, for example he said whoever goes for pilgrimage is impious, the goal was obvious, to get Muslims away from their prophet and making them ready to accept England orders, even they wanted to destroy the tomb of our prophet but because of high pressure of Muslims they didn't dare to do it. today whenever you see an explosion in muslim's tombs, you should no it's their work. today you can find their cleric fatwas, allowing Jihadist militants in Syria raping women.
Saudi Wahhabi Preacher Issues Fatwa Allowing Jihadis to Rape Syrian Women - YouTube[/url]
they do it with the name of Islam, but both Shiahs nad Sunnis have condemned these fatwas.
so as you can see the real problem is between wahabis and rest of Muslims.
to make it more clear you should look at incidents.
you hear wahabis have attacked 9/11, but you should ask yourself how is it, (such clever minds) they never attacked US again, how is it when US enters Iraq, al-qaedeh enters too, US attacks syria, al-qaede helps them too. have you ever heard they threaten Israel? they even have bases in Israel. why? cause it's their duty ,the duty they have created from the beginning.
@mohsen What about sectarian violence in Pakistan ?
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why would shiah and sunni fight with each other, we are brothers, the only diference between us is substitute of our prophet, shiah believes it's god choose, sunnis don't. nothing else.
in other hand Wahabis only consider themselves Muslim, and consider both shiah and sunni impious, with this believe, their leaders announce fatwa for killing other religious and going to heaven.
"mohammad ebne abdulwahhab" their first leader in 1703 created this religious by the order of England and support of ale saud (ancestors of current Saudi Arabia dictators) to destroy Muslim believes, for example he said whoever goes for pilgrimage is impious, the goal was obvious, to get Muslims away from their prophet and making them ready to accept England orders, even they wanted to destroy the tomb of our prophet but because of high pressure of Muslims they didn't dare to do it. today whenever you see an explosion in muslim's tombs, you should no it's their work. today you can find their cleric fatwas, allowing Jihadist militants in Syria raping women.
Saudi Wahhabi Preacher Issues Fatwa Allowing Jihadis to Rape Syrian Women - YouTube
they do it with the name of Islam, but both Shiahs nad Sunnis have condemned these fatwas.
so as you can see the real problem is between wahabis and rest of Muslims.
to make it more clear you should look at incidents.
you hear wahabis have attacked 9/11, but you should ask yourself how is it, (such clever minds) they never attacked US again, how is it when US enters Iraq, al-qaedeh enters too, US attacks syria, al-qaede helps them too. have you ever heard they threaten Israel? they even have bases in Israel. why? cause it's their duty ,the duty they have created from the beginning.

laies bundle of lies.
ok who is t.t.p??
they are sunni's or wahabi???

who is sipah e sahaba??
who is lej??
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