Of course it is acceptable, you will see our Pancasila said Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, or One and The Only God, not using "Allah."
No Muslim scholars will say it is Sirik if English man ask Allah with the words God instead of Allah. It is basically the same, but it is better to use Allah during Dua.
Well people comes with their level right, there are layers between human, we can see sincere Muslim and not sincere Muslim, you will see Muslim who understand Islam so deep and Muslim who understand Islam in the surface only.
Muslim basically live to worship God, so every thing we will do is to get Ridho from God. This is stated in Quran. This is maybe something difficult to understand by Atheist. I will try to explain it. Actually many people live their lives to seek people acceptance, this is why so many people when they can have enough salary, they will buy car, despite car is not necessary because we can still use public transportation, unless they have marriage and really needs car to bring their little kids to school.
Many man is actually working to get acceptance by their wifes, to make their wife stay with him and respect him. This is why Islam try to break this slavery mentality, we dont need to get acceptance from people, wife, and others, we just need to get acceptance by God because God is the true creator of us, who think about us before we are born, and who will help us sincerely. Many men are left by their wife after the men doesnt provide financial support to the family, but God will always be with us if we are really a good person.
Politics and power is important, through politics and power we can help people and protect Muslim. For true Muslim they become politician is to serve Allah.
Dont judge people as lying if they say they want to serve Allah when they ask for leadership position, we can see for their track record, good people can be seen through their track record
This Ridwan Kamil, West Java Governor, wants to be President and he said what he is doing in politics is for Ibadah ( worshipping God) since in Islam we have been informed by Allah that we are created to worship Him. There is nothing wrong in it.
Yup, physical distance is not a barrier for Him
I dont understand with your statement saying universe to be a dream of God ?