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Suicide bomber who killed 27 members of Iran's Guards was Pakistani

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so Iran in March 1979 was n't the same state and nation!
So before 1947 Pakistanis were alien creatures who magically changed form to humans and snapped their fingers to spawn a new culture out of thin air?

Funny how ur reasoning changes when the same concept is applied to Pakistan.
You don't ever get it.. do you! I,m done.. anyways.. Pakistan Zinda bad
Quitting so early? All I asked was about ur claim that ur dad is older than Pakistan...and u turn tail that quickly?

It's simple math...u say ur dad is older than Pakistan...as of Aug 2018 Pakistan was 71 years old...so ur dad has got to be at least 72 as per ur claims. U also claim that u r 14 years old...so...
72 - 14 = 58

That means ur dad was 58 when he had u? While possible...it seems highly unlikely...it's not a very common occurrence...and IMO that's the reason u didn't even bother explaining when questioned about it just once...bcuz there's nothing to explain ;)
If you have noticed our list is (U.S. List) per your own link!! A country where put MEK on the list becoz they killed and terrorized 17K of civilians and still having the same agenda and then later remove from the list to attack Iran!! what a list! A country that create Al qaeda and ISIS and then put them in and out of their fake list when they serve their interests!! According to our list of terrorists USA, Isreal, Saudis and recently Emiratis are topping the list of terrorists
There it is again...ur double standards shining bright. So when u claim that Pakistan supports terrorism...that's not a "US list"...
...of course it makes perfect sense...it must be Czech Republic that accuses Pakistan of terrorism. How blind must u be to not see ur double standard. The same countries that accuse Pakistan of supporting terrorism...also accuse Iran of the same thing. So pick a side...which is it then?

U have no argument here kid. U and that other dude claimed Pakistan is isolated...I showed u guys the mirror that it's Iran that's way more isolated and the come back was "but we have a better economy" :cheesy:
U guys claimed Pakistan supports terrorism...I replied that it's Iran that tops the charts on that...and all of a sudden that list is biased bcuz US and Israel are conspiring against u.

In any case I'm not interested in establishing as a fact as to which country is more accused of supporting terrorism or which country is more isolated. I'm more interested in this whole thing about ur dad being older than Pakistan...plz do explain...I can't wait to find out :pop:
Btw, if you ask me we are very proud to be in the terrorist list of USA.. That proves we are the true Muslims here... unlike all other fake Muslim countries who do their best to ally with yahud and Nasara: As per your own Allah and prophet Mohammad's teachings:

«یا أیها الذین آمنوا لاتتخذوا الیهود و النصاری أولیاء، بعضهم أولیاء بعض و من یتولهم منکم فإنه منهم، إن الله لایهدی القوم الظالمین»

سوره مائده- 51
All Islamic nations politics could be explained as easy as that
Yup and just like that everyone else is a fake Muslim while Iranians are the true Muslims bcuz u said so. I mean u might as well put in a request with God to not bother with Judgment Day since u have it all figured out already. Such arrogance...it will be ur downfall.
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“We actually had a couple set up but were canceled for security reasons because people were finding out. Pretty sad when you spend 7 trillion dollars in the Middle East and going in has to be under this massive cover with planes all over and all of the greatest equipment in the world and you do everything to get in safely,” Trump said Wednesday.

He didn't said that, "we have destroyed social fabric over there and have turned cities into ruins and everything over there is broken" and we all know they have done that.
Let me not list you how an 1979 Iran rose miraculously from a backward, slave, puppet country into No.1 scientifically, technologically, militarily, etc and is competing world pioneers in many future sciences... All this while Iran was and is the most sanctioned nation on earth and gone through a whole world against Iran war for 8 years that literally destroyed every infra in Iran.. Not saying Iran does nt have economic problems... Its natural.. you have the whole world against you becoz you want to be yourself and independent... you are sanctioned...and you have trillions of Euros worth of development to carry on... Guess what.. despite all this, Iran is just joining the list of VERY HIGH in the human development index list of nations... if to be FAIR, you should shout WELL DONE Iran and Iranians..
Iran was even doing very well before 1979.Iran has huge oil and gas reserve which is backing it off.
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You were Indians before 1947..
Then u guys were Safavid(during Safavid empire), Buyid before that(Buyid Empire), Sassanid before that(Sassanian Empire), and Parthian before that(Parthian Empire)...and so on and so forth.

That's the thing with logic and reasoning...it goes both ways...if only u understood.
Pakistan supports terrorism...that's not a "US list"...
No, we did n't put Pakistan in our list of terrorists... Actually, this is the first time this is happening in Iran and guess what... still Iran discriminates between your regime and some ISI Saudi wannabees who do everything for either secterian or petrol money.. so, when we suddenly say Pakistani nationals committed suicide bombings and guess what they again flee to Pakistan, that does nt mean we say Pakistani regime is terrorist.. its not... We say as Pakistani regime is in charge and responsible for its lands, they should either cooperate more to stop them from taking refuge in Pakistan or let Iranians finish them... and btw, this is the first time Iranian officials are talking about solid ISI involvement in terrorist incidents.. Who cares about US list of terrorists... they put anybody against them in that list and remove them and use them for their agenda if interests dictates... As Turkey calls Syrian so called democratic forces PKK militia as terrorists when US aid them in open day light...

Then u guys were Safavid(during Safavid empire), Buyid before that(Buyid Empire), Sassanid before that(Sassanian Empire), and Parthian before that(Parthian Empire)...and so on and so forth.

That's the thing with logic and reasoning...it goes both ways...if only u understood.
There were no independent state called Pakistan in your today land.. But those Saddanid, parthian, buyid, safavid, afsharid they all were Iran as nation and as a state in the same geographical location... Is it that hard to comprehend?

Iran was even doing very well before 1979.Iran has huge oil and gas reserve which is backing it off.
First we compared Iran today with Iran pre-revolution to come up with saying Iran is a world better in most important aspects.. so It does not matter if Iran in 1979 was also doing well to your eyes.. it was a ZERO point for us..now if you think that ZERO was very well then its nice of you!

Second, Iran is under sanctions and can not sell oil and gas the way others can... If u see we are still surviving and not only that but also create so much achievements and progress when Iran can not get its money back for its oil and gas that for itself says a lot...

It says, Iran with free oil exports and free trades with all nations performed that poor pre 1979 (which i think even that was very well to your eyes!) and now with no oil money we are doing not only better comparing to that era but also comparing to most non-sanctioned nations..

It says Iran is not dependent on oil and gas dollars to flourish today.. Our non-oil exports exceeded oil and gas exports a while ago...
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Iran and India will pop the puss filled zit that is Pakistan!!!

What sitting in Canada? What is with you so called 'Iranian' exiles, that you feel you speak on behalf of Iran having ran away from the country?

India yes, oh like this?

India on Friday joined the US in voting against Iran in a resolution passed by UN atomic watchdog IAEA censuring the Islamic nation over its controversial nuclear programme and demanding that it stop uranium enrichment.


When India's bread was being buttered they fed you straight to the meat grinder....
Being a Urdu speaker I don't understand Dari or Tajiki, almost alien lingos. Though I can read your Persian since it use Arabic alphabets.
I didn't say Urdu is Persian (Although you can see considerable Persian element in it).. I said even your national anthem is in Persian... somebody said "we call it Urdu"... I said... yes, if you call that %100 Persian national anthem Urdu..it does n't mean it is not Persian.. whatever you name it..
As for the thread of course you can pay hired hands to do such things, this happens the world over. It doesn't mean these pieces of sh*t were backed by Pakistan! The IS in Pakistan Baluchistan, which also just a couple of days ago carried out assault on the paramilitary is made up of so called Pakistanis.
No, we did n't put Pakistan in our list of terrorists... Actually, this is the first time this is happening in Iran and guess what... still Iran discriminates between your regime and some ISI Saudi wannabees who do everything for either secterian or petrol money.. so, when we suddenly say Pakistani nationals committed suicide bombings and guess what they again flee to Pakistan, that does nt mean we say Pakistani regime is terrorist.. its not... We say as Pakistani regime is in charge and responsible for its lands, they should either cooperate more to stop them from taking refuge in Pakistan or let Iranians finish them... and btw, this is the first time Iranian officials are talking about solid ISI involvement in terrorist incidents.. Who cares about US list of terrorists... they put anybody against them in that list and remove them and use them for their agenda if interests dictates... As Turkey calls Syrian so called democratic forces PKK militia as terrorists when US aid them in open day light...
Gonna need proof of that. In absence of that proof it remains an accusation. It's just Iran's words no one is convinced.
and as a state in the same geographical location... Is it that hard to comprehend?
News flash...all other modern day countries were also in the "same geographical location" when they were part of other empires. It's not like Pakistan was floating in space when it was part of other empires and only came down to earth once it became modern day Pakistan.
There were no independent state called Pakistan in your today land.. But those Saddanid, parthian, buyid, safavid, afsharid they all were Iran as nation
Omg ur IQ is really showing. A good habit to have is that before u get into an argument...at least look up what it is u r going to blindly make claims about. All it takes is a quick google search. Let me dismantle this display of ignorance step by step...u crammed in an astonishingly high amount of stupidity into a few sentences.

"There were no independent state called Pakistan in your today land"
Indus Valley civilization is among one of the oldest civilizations. Pay attention to that name INDUS. U know where that comes from? From the river near which this civilization existed/thrived. It's called "Sindh" in Pakistan and it's the major river that runs through Pakistan. This is where the Sindh province of Pakistan derives its name. This term "Sindh" is where the word "Hind"(as in Hindustan) and "India"(as in Indus) comes from. The word India got popularized bcuz of Greeks(ancient Greeks). So if we are tracing civilization of the land of Indus...it leads to Pakistan. This is where that river flows where Indus Valley civilization existed...this is where settlements have been unearthed.
...and what u were boldly claiming that Pak was part of India...u see the very name India is borrowed from Indus River/Indus valley civilization.
Here take a look at this river and educate urself...

Now up next let's look at this gem below...
"But those Saddanid, parthian, buyid, safavid, afsharid they all were Iran as nation"

No these empires weren't Iran...do u see "Iran" in any of their names? Different conquerors and dynasties conquered and ruled the area that makes up MODERN DAY IRAN and other surrounding countries. These empires WEREN'T Iran. Iran was just one part of their territorial expanse.

Here is the mongol empire

^it included modern day Iran, modern day Pakistan and many more modern day countries. Were mongols Iranian?

Here is the Umayyad Caliphate

^it included modern day Iran, Arab countries, and northern African countries. Were Umayyad's Iranian? (Hint: They were Arabs)

Here is the Macedonian Empire

^it included modern day Iran and many other countries all the way up to Greece. Was Alexander the Great Iranian? (I hope u don't need a hint for that)

After Alexander's death...his empire broke up and various generals ruled their respective portions. One successor(partly) of this Macedonian empire was the Seleucid empire...look at this map here

^it included modern day Iran and other territories...were Alexander's generals(Seleucid I in this case) Iranians? (Hint: He was just as Greek as Alexander)

So in conclusion...ur argument just flat out failed. A normal person would be embarrassed but I have a feeling u r not one of those ppl. I think u r gonna come back with some other made up BS not knowing what u r talking about as always. In any case I'm not interested in spoon feeding u some basic history...u got lucky this time that I took my time to spoon feed u some knowledge u were lacking. I'm more interested in ur father's age thing when he had u...which I mentioned earlier in my post. Please do shine some light on that.
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Gonna need proof of that. In absence of that proof it remains an accusation. It's just Iran's words no one is convinced.

News flash...all other modern day countries were also in the "same geographical location" when they were part of other empires. It's not like Pakistan was floating in space when it was part of other empires and only came down to earth once it became modern day Pakistan.

Omg ur IQ is really showing. A good habit to have is that before u get into an argument...at least look up what it is u r going to blindly make claims about. All it takes is a quick google search. Let me dismantle this display of ignorance step by step...u crammed in an astonishingly high amount of stupidity into a few sentences.

"There were no independent state called Pakistan in your today land"
Indus Valley civilization is among one of the oldest civilizations. Pay attention to that name INDUS. U know where that comes from? From the river near which this civilization existed/thrived. It's called "Sindh" in Pakistan and it's the major river that runs through Pakistan. This is where the Sindh province of Pakistan derives its name. This term "Sindh" is where the word "Hind"(as in Hindustan) and "India"(as in Indus) comes from. The word India got popularized bcuz of Greeks(ancient Greeks). So if we are tracing civilization of the land of Indus...it leads to Pakistan. This is where that river flows where Indus Valley civilization existed...this is where settlements have been unearthed.
...and what u were boldly claiming that Pak was part of India...u see the very name India is borrowed from Indus River/Indus valley civilization.
Here take a look at this river and educate urself...

Now up next let's look at this gem below...
"But those Saddanid, parthian, buyid, safavid, afsharid they all were Iran as nation"

No these empires weren't Iran...do u see "Iran" in any of their names? Different conquerors and dynasties conquered and ruled the area that makes up MODERN DAY IRAN and other surrounding countries. These empires WEREN'T Iran. Iran was just one part of their territorial expanse.

Here is the mongol empire

^it included modern day Iran, modern day Pakistan and many more modern day countries. Were mongols Iranian?

Here is the Umayyad Caliphate

^it included modern day Iran, Arab countries, and northern African countries. Were Umayyad's Iranian? (Hint: They were Arabs)

Here is the Macedonian Empire

^it included modern day Iran and many other countries all the way up to Greece. Was Alexander the Great Iranian? (I hope u don't need a hint for that)

After Alexander's death...his empire broke up and various generals ruled their respective portions. One successor(partly) of this Macedonian empire was the Seleucid empire...look at this map here

^it included modern day Iran and other territories...were Alexander's generals(Seleucid I in this case) Iranians? (Hint: He was just as Greek as Alexander)

So in conclusion...ur argument just flat out failed. A normal person would be embarrassed but I have a feeling u r not one of those ppl. I think u r gonna come back with some other made up BS not knowing what u r talking about as always. In any case I'm not interested in spoon feeding u some basic history...u got lucky this time that I took my time to spoon feed u some knowledge u were lacking. I'm more interested in ur father's age thing when he had u...which I mentioned earlier in my post. Please do shine some light on that.
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