Cookie Monster

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So before 1947 Pakistanis were alien creatures who magically changed form to humans and snapped their fingers to spawn a new culture out of thin air?so Iran in March 1979 was n't the same state and nation!
Funny how ur reasoning changes when the same concept is applied to Pakistan.
Quitting so early? All I asked was about ur claim that ur dad is older than Pakistan...and u turn tail that quickly?You don't ever get it.. do you! I,m done.. anyways.. Pakistan Zinda bad
It's simple math...u say ur dad is older than of Aug 2018 Pakistan was 71 years ur dad has got to be at least 72 as per ur claims. U also claim that u r 14 years
72 - 14 = 58
That means ur dad was 58 when he had u? While seems highly's not a very common occurrence...and IMO that's the reason u didn't even bother explaining when questioned about it just once...bcuz there's nothing to explain

There it is again...ur double standards shining bright. So when u claim that Pakistan supports terrorism...that's not a "US list"...If you have noticed our list is (U.S. List) per your own link!! A country where put MEK on the list becoz they killed and terrorized 17K of civilians and still having the same agenda and then later remove from the list to attack Iran!! what a list! A country that create Al qaeda and ISIS and then put them in and out of their fake list when they serve their interests!! According to our list of terrorists USA, Isreal, Saudis and recently Emiratis are topping the list of terrorists
...of course it makes perfect must be Czech Republic that accuses Pakistan of terrorism. How blind must u be to not see ur double standard. The same countries that accuse Pakistan of supporting terrorism...also accuse Iran of the same thing. So pick a side...which is it then?
U have no argument here kid. U and that other dude claimed Pakistan is isolated...I showed u guys the mirror that it's Iran that's way more isolated and the come back was "but we have a better economy"

U guys claimed Pakistan supports terrorism...I replied that it's Iran that tops the charts on that...and all of a sudden that list is biased bcuz US and Israel are conspiring against u.
In any case I'm not interested in establishing as a fact as to which country is more accused of supporting terrorism or which country is more isolated. I'm more interested in this whole thing about ur dad being older than Pakistan...plz do explain...I can't wait to find out

Yup and just like that everyone else is a fake Muslim while Iranians are the true Muslims bcuz u said so. I mean u might as well put in a request with God to not bother with Judgment Day since u have it all figured out already. Such will be ur downfall.Btw, if you ask me we are very proud to be in the terrorist list of USA.. That proves we are the true Muslims here... unlike all other fake Muslim countries who do their best to ally with yahud and Nasara: As per your own Allah and prophet Mohammad's teachings:
All Islamic nations politics could be explained as easy as that
«یا أیها الذین آمنوا لاتتخذوا الیهود و النصاری أولیاء، بعضهم أولیاء بعض و من یتولهم منکم فإنه منهم، إن الله لایهدی القوم الظالمین»
سوره مائده- 51
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