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Subramanian Swamy calls for an Indian resurgence



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Sep 15, 2014
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At a seminar organised in Delhi by the “Patriotic Social Media” group of Twitter Users BJP leader Subramanian Swamy spoke on an ‘Action Plan for National Renaissance’. Dr. Swamy spoke on the need to create a better and aware social media network for a better India. He began his speech by citing the example of former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh who for all his erudition had failed to provide Leadership to the Country. Highlighting how Dr. Singh was overruled by the Congress president Sonia Gandhi resulting in the 2G and Coal Blocks scandals. This, Swamy said, had resulted in a loss of over rupees one lakh crore to the exchequer and worse still, ‘while he knew that the decisions made were wrong, the former Prime Minister kept quiet.

Citing a specific example he said, “ classic case is that of A Raja to whom he wrote a letter as Prime Minister saying that the spectrum must be auctioned. The same thing in coal also, he told the coal secretary that the coal blocks must be auctioned. But later on, instructions came from above, from Sonia Gandhi, straight to Mister Raja (saying) don’t listen to … and you go ahead. What is the scandal there? … Spectrum was sold in 2008 at the price of 2001. The prices then were ten times than what the prices were in 2001… Spectrum was given (away) by the Minister in conjunction with mister Chidambaram (former Finance Minister) to companies who did not use it themselves. For example Swan Telecom headed by Shahid Balwa, who is the right hand man of Dawood Ibrahim, he got the license… wan’t even a telecom company… who went ahead and sold it to an Abu Dhabi company… for three times the price…. Had the Government of India auctioned it, they would have got ten times the price. The difference is roughly about Rs 2 lakh crore rupees, which roughly about what the CAG had mentioned – Rs 1 lakh 76 thousand crore.”

He further added – There is plenty of money in this country if you don’t ‘give away’. I am seeing in India good people who are standing up to these kind of crimes, but they are not organized, but the crooks are. That is the difficulty.

Talking about the historic mandate that BJP has received, he said, “How did it happen? The personality of Narendra Modi, Congress was totally discredited because of my corruption campaign and finally for the first time a large number of Hindus and some Muslims joined together breaking caste, religious lines and voted for us. The television and media kept saying BJP has polarized. All this while they were uniting the minority vote and dividing the secular vote…. We welcome all minorities, especially the Muslims and Christians if you accept this land as the land of your ancestors.”

Hitting out at Islamists, he said: They will not like this. Various Muslim intellectuals blame for being anti-Muslims but in Tamil Nadu, I oppose the LTTE even if they are Hindus. As a Minister I dismissed the DMK Government and took action against LTTE. I have taken every step in national interest.” Giving full credit to the leadership and vison of prime Minister Narendra Modi, he said, “ If the relations with Sri Lanka had not improved after Modi took over, this Selvarajan (Lankan based Pakistan spy in Chennai) wouldn’t have been caught who was part of the game to plot a 26/11 like attack. Today Sri lanka is cooperating that’s why we can catch them.”

“We have to come together as one nation with a single identity of being Indian. The British had divided us in the name of Aryans and Dravidians. All this is untrue. I had got DNA tests done. It does not matter if we look different, but we all have one DNA,” he said. Referring to the partition, he lashed out at the key players, “Jinnah said and the Congress accepted that Muslims are different people. The British also went along dividing India into India and Pakistan. I say that those who thought they were different have been given a separate land. When I object to infiltration from Bangladesh, their diplomat asks me why do I take such a hard stand. I say that those who wanted to be different have been given a separate land so that they do not have to be with Hindus. So a separate land has been carved out for them, now why should they come back to stay with Hindus in Assam and other places? So I say, either you give one-third of the allotted land back or you take back your people.”

Underlining the reason why this is being reiterated, he said – the same thing I am telling the Muslims here today. You are not an international community. We are facing a threat from the ISIS. They are saying that Muslims are all citizens of the Caliphate. They may live anywhere, but they are all citizens of the Caliphate. I think all Muslims should stand up and say that they are Indians first and then Muslims just as I say I am a Hindustani first and then a Hindu… let me tell you the DNA of a Brahmin and Shudra is same and so is that of a Hindu and a Muslim.”

“The ordinary Muslim agrees with us, but their leadership doesn’t allow them to merge with the mainstream. When we were united, no one could defeat us. Caliphate was first formed in the 700 A.D. period. 738 AD the most terrible Caliph called Umar came on the scene. He conquered most of Europe and then he headed for India. He came here and in the borders of Rajasthan, Gujarat and Sindh. Two of the most important dynasties of that period – the Prajapatis of Gujarat and the Chalukyas of Maharashtra and Andhra came together and gave him such a defeat that it became the end of the Caliphate and could not be revived for another 700 years. Why should there be a new united Hindustan? It is because we are under threat.”

Speaking on women’s issues he said – “It was Kerala High Court that coined the term Love Jihad. They said one of the reasons for Love Jihad was the girl’s feeling of helplessness because her father doesn’t have money for her dowry and suddenly this fellow comes and fools her and she falls prey. To fight these things we have to bring about social change.” Speaking on Uniform Civil Code, he said that many women among Muslims want it. “I am fighting a case for Kerala Muslims, where large number of women came and gave me in writing that they want succession rights as that of the Hindus. I will win it.”

On Indian economy, he said that if we can have 10 per cent growth rate for ten years, we’ll be a developed nation. Speaking on the issue of India being a nation of youth he elaborated on the immense amount of potential the nation has. “But what should we do now? In my opinion the time has come to get organized. This election has shown that with 38 per cent of NDA votes BJP has got majority in the Parliament. But with 44 per cent vote share for NDA, the BJP can get two-thirds majority. A better understanding of our history is important. We are the only nation which has been ruled by Moghuls for 8oo years. Anywhere else, in a short period, for example Iran, modern day Iraq and Egypt became Islamic in very short periods. Here in India, 800 years of Muslim rule, 200 years of Christian rule, yet we have remained 80 per cent Hindus. That’s because we fought, be it Rana Pratap, Guru Gobind Singh or Shivaji.”

“This history should give you pride. While contesting the Rama Setu case, I found that the corals can be dated to 10,000 years old period. There were 46 civilizations since Human history began, 45 disappeared, only one remains. With this pride we go ahead. All that has been promised and is good for united India will be implemented.”

He ended by saying that “I would like Hindus and Muslims to be one” and for this he said that his colleagues have decided to create a social media organization, which will have its reach in every State.

he also talks about the rafale deal and ram temples and more here is the video link -

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If India was a Muslim majority country. Things would be much better.
Exactly just like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq , Somalia... If you have so gut feeling why don't you renounce Indian citizenship n become a citizen of any above country n We will always be indebted to your kind act .....
But in truth you will not follow above advice since you have grown up certain traits of either mullah or traitor......

If India was a Muslim majority country. Things would be much better.
Exactly just like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq , Somalia... If you have so gut feeling why don't you renounce Indian citizenship n become a citizen of any above country n We will always be indebted to your kind act .....
But in truth you will not follow above advice since you have grown up certain traits of either mullah or traitor......
I was a part of this tweet up..amazing man this Dr. Swamy is... :-)
post reported for trolling.


report him for trolling whenever possible.
Yesterday I was going through some of the posts of this guy @mujhaidind on the illegal animal slaughtering thread and it became clear to me that either he is not an Indian at all and false flagging and wants to pick a bone with all the other Indian members and loves to hurt religious sentiments of others or he is one of those handful of Indians who are Madarssa brainwashed extremists and still delude of Islamic caliphate and all that. I simply do not get it as to why the Mods despite witnessing the fact that this guy who is abusing and disgracing his own nation couldn't seem to arrive at the logical conclusion that he might be a falseflagger or an Indian who has been radicalized and ban him cause I really do not think that encouraging radicalized elements is at all a policy of this Forum .
Yesterday I was going through some of the posts of this guy @mujhaidind on the illegal animal slaughtering thread and it became clear to me that either he is not an Indian at all and false flagging and wants to pick a bone with all the other Indian members and loves to hurt religious sentiments of others or he is one of those handful of Indians who are Madarssa brainwashed extremists and still delude of Islamic caliphate and all that. I simply do not get it as to why the Mods despite witnessing the fact that this guy who is abusing and disgracing his own nation couldn't seem to arrive at the logical conclusion that he might be a falseflagger or an Indian who has been radicalized and ban him cause I really do not think that encouraging radicalized elements is at all a policy of this Forum .

it's quite clear he is plain trolling. i kinda like his posts..no real hatred.
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Got to love that man. :tup: (or hate him, depending on your POV :P)

He is truly one of the Bravest man I know. Totally dedicated to his Nationalist beliefs. Always reinventing himself.

His extraordinary brilliance comes second to his courage and strength of character. And that is saying something ! I hope the Modi govt. give him his due by giving him an opportunity to serve India in some way.

Even if it is as a special prosecutor to handling black money and corruption by congress. He still has a good few years left in him and it would be a terrible waste to not put it to good national use.

Its always been a mystery why the Tamils hate him. Probably because he doesn't fit into their stereotype and his Brahmin background for which he is unapologetic.
Exactly just like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq , Somalia... If you have so gut feeling why don't you renounce Indian citizenship n become a citizen of any above country n We will always be indebted to your kind act .....
But in truth you will not follow above advice since you have grown up certain traits of either mullah or traitor......
Muslims created India. Like Manmohanji said we have first right over nation's resources. So why would I leave this countrywhich my ancestors ruled and created?

post reported for trolling.
report him for trolling whenever possible.
Yea sure sweety! A proud and practising Muslim would sound like a troll to you.

Too bad for you cuz you have 35 cr trolls in India.
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Muslims created India. Like Manmohanji said we have first right over nation's resources. So why would I leave this countrywhich my ancestors ruled and created?

Yea sure sweety! A proud and practising Muslim would sound like a troll to you.

Too bad for you cuz you have 35 cr trolls in India.

:D chweetaart, do i look or type worried about them or you ?
People like you need to get banned for trolling.

India was the richest and most posperous nation during Muslim rule. Only Islam and Muslim rule can make India the world's richest and most powerful nation.

Did I not burst this bubble the last time you made such a claim? Did I not show to you that India started losing its preeminent position economically globally once the Muslims invaded India? Do you wake up in the morning with a specific quota to lie before the night falls everyday?
People like you need to get banned for trolling.

India was the richest and most posperous nation during Muslim rule. Only Islam and Muslim rule can make India the world's richest and most powerful nation.

Are you sure about that?

Most of the positive things one read about India ( Mathematics, Philosophy, Medicine ) are from Pre-Islamic period. There has been hardly any positive contribution from India to World in Islamic period.
People like you need to get banned for trolling.

India was the richest and most posperous nation during Muslim rule. Only Islam and Muslim rule can make India the world's richest and most powerful nation.

Dude India was all that despite the Muslims, not because of Muslims and will be all that despite Muslims like you.
Muslims created India. Like Manmohanji said we have first right over nation's resources. So why would I leave this countrywhich my ancestors ruled and created?
will you please tell us about your genealogy how are you related to muslims who ruled india?? Are are you an ashrafmuslim or an ajlaf muslim???
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