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SU 35,37 Multi Role Fighter jets

The designation “SU-35” has been used in several different contexts over the years. It has been referred to, and even photographed, in ways that referred to both mid-life Flanker upgrades and canard-equipped next-generation aircraft. KnAAPO’s site added the confusion by showing SU-35 pictures on its type page and gallery that display the aircraft both with and without canard foreplanes.

The current “SU-35” as described by Sukhoi appears to be something of a compromise between the upgrade and full redesign visions Differences and features largely speak for themselves, but a short summary follows.....

1 – N035 Irbis Radar (PESA, and a follow-on to the Bars-M)
2 – No canards
3 – Rear-looking self-defence radar in shorter tail sting
4 – AL-41F1A thrust-vectoring turbofan engines rated at 142-147kN
5 – Extended high-lift devices with large flaperon occuping the full trailing edge of the wing
6 – L175M Khibiny-M electronic-warfare self-defence system
7 – Reduced-area empennage
8 – Larger Air Intakes
9 – New and lighter systems, including quadruple digital fly-by-wire flight-control system.
10- New man-machine interface with fully-glass cockpit with two large LCD screens and helmet mounted display.”
hmmm so india won't buy the SU35....and u guys r so sure about it...well i hope u don't cuz that just pisses the russians of and guess what happens PAF keeps getting its engines for the JFs cuz otherwise in my opinon india will include no sale of engines to pakistan in the "PACKAGE".......but oh well u indian boys defintely know something we don't i guess cuz all of u seem to be agreeing on one thing no SU35s for IAF
hmmm so india won't buy the SU35....and u guys r so sure about it...well i hope u don't cuz that just pisses the russians of and guess what happens PAF keeps getting its engines for the JFs cuz otherwise in my opinon india will include no sale of engines to pakistan in the "PACKAGE".......but oh well u indian boys defintely know something we don't i guess cuz all of u seem to be agreeing on one thing no SU35s for IAF

fanboy stuff aside currently the su-30 mki are having the components which were intended to be put when the first batches arived from russia ....and these are capable of doing >85% of the new su-35 new becoz there was an older version of su-35 earlier

the new su-35
The current “SU-35” as described by Sukhoi appears to be something of a compromise between the upgrade and full redesign visions Differences and features largely speak for themselves, but a short summary follows.....

1 – N035 Irbis Radar (PESA, and a follow-on to the Bars-M)
2 – No canards
3 – Rear-looking self-defence radar in shorter tail sting
4 – AL-41F1A thrust-vectoring turbofan engines rated at 142-147kN
5 – Extended high-lift devices with large flaperon occuping the full trailing edge of the wing
6 – L175M Khibiny-M electronic-warfare self-defence system
7 – Reduced-area empennage
8 – Larger Air Intakes
9 – New and lighter systems, including quadruple digital fly-by-wire flight-control system.
10- New man-machine interface with fully-glass cockpit with two large LCD screens and helmet mounted display.

su-30 mki are intended for roll on upgrades i.e, even befor all the 230 of them will be built new components like AESA radar AL-41 engines ,improvements in the cockpit design ,full 3D thrust vectoring .....and many more ...hence the MKI in the next 4-5 years will not be the same as the current versions they will be better and something equal or better compared to the su-35 surrently stated to be inducted into the russsian forces ...and the same goes to the su-34 ...it will have only minor enhancements in capabilities compared to the mki .....REMEMBER su-35 is completely for A2A with A2G capable ,su-34 is completely for A2G with A2A capable...hece MKI is capable of both with capabilities ecceeding 85% hence it is not sensible to go for either of those

su-30 mki are intended for roll on upgrades i.e, even befor all the 230 of them will be built new components like AESA radar AL-41 engines ,improvements in the cockpit design ,full 3D thrust vectoring .....and many more ...hence the MKI in the next 4-5 years will not be the same as the current versions they will be better and something equal or better compared to the su-35 surrently stated to be inducted into the russsian forces ...and the same goes to the su-34 ...it will have only minor enhancements in capabilities compared to the mki .....REMEMBER su-35 is completely for A2A with A2G capable ,su-34 is completely for A2G with A2A capable...hece MKI is capable of both with capabilities ecceeding 85% hence it is not sensible to go for either of those


True, MKI can ebe upgraded and there will be no or little difference in performance.
hmmm well then i don't get the whole idea why india is going for MRCA program and Russia is putting SU35 up for competition!!
hmmm well then i don't get the whole idea why india is going for MRCA program and Russia is putting SU35 up for competition!!

It is not the Su-35 it is the MiG-35. The Su-35 is in competiotion only in the FX-2 competition of Brazil. He RFP for the Brazillian FX-2 is far more vague than the Indian MMRCA competition.
The su-35 is an amazing fighter. I'd even say the best 4.5 gen fighter out there. If I was responsible for air force procurement for some nation (oh I can dream) i would pretty much buy up su-35s and su-34s in numbers and ensure enough was spent on support assets.
why does this low quality post start poping up again and again.
SU-37 is a technology demonstrator so no point of it being built SU-35BM is the last of the flanker series of 4th gen plane .

come one i like russian flankers too and i know its capabilities unlike the west but SU-35 BM is not F-35 LIGHTING 2 and aus -airpower has its own motives, blain here gave me an excellent reply in this regard members ask him about aus air power.

also some one posted india wants to replace the su30 with pakfa in the 2022 how long do they think su-30 will stay in service 10-15 years.?

there are only 3 prototypes of SU 35 BM built and you are speaking of sales worth billions.

ah the radar is phazotron zhuk and not ibris i can give you full details and link.
why does this low quality post start poping up again and again.
SU-37 is a technology demonstrator so no point of it being built SU-35BM is the last of the flanker series of 4th gen plane .

come one i like russian flankers too and i know its capabilities unlike the west but SU-35 BM is not F-35 LIGHTING 2 and aus -airpower has its own motives, blain here gave me an excellent reply in this regard members ask him about aus air power.

also some one posted india wants to replace the su30 with pakfa in the 2022 how long do they think su-30 will stay in service 10-15 years.?

there are only 3 prototypes of SU 35 BM built and you are speaking of sales worth billions.

ah the radar is phazotron zhuk and not ibris i can give you full details and link.

Of course the Su-35 is not an F-35. The F-35 would be murdered in close combat against a Su-35. The F-35 can not shoot and scoot out of danger like the F-22 can and if the Russian AESA for the Su-35 lives up to the marketing specs the JSF will get murdered in BVR too.

Then you compare the price difference between the Su-35 and the JSF and you realize what a waste of money the F-35 really is.
this all seems very similar to the mki...

the only difference is radar the engines are even the same (al-41 isn't ready yet?)

and maybe avionics.

I think zombie describes it at best
su-35 is completely for A2A with A2G capable ,su-34 is completely for A2G with A2A capable...hece MKI is capable of both

As far as I know Su 35 was offered to IAF, but it's only for a single pilot and it's engine (an improved al 31) and radar are only slightly improved compared to the Mkis. So it was the best decision not to take it and go to the complete new 5. Gen fighter instead.
With the next upgrade Mki will get AESA, and maybe the same Su35, or even the al 41 engine, so the advantage of Su 35 is only in RCS.
The Su 34 on the other side can be more interesting to IAF! Even if it offers the nearly the same strike performance on paper (nearly same weapons, weapon stations, payload, a bit more range), it seems to be more specialized for such missions. It offers better armor, more pilot comfort for long hour and range strike missions, a special maritime version for anti ship and submarine warfare (special avionics, sonarbuoys, even torpedos) and maybe also an electronic warfare version comparable to EA-6B Prowler, EA-18G Growler. Some of these special versions would be great alongside the Mki and would give IAF very good strike capabilities.

Does somebody (maybe moscow) have some infos about the RCS of Su 34 and 35, how big is it?
Sancho is spot on about SU35 for IAF.

su30mki of IAF is effectively around 85% of the SU35.

IN OTHER WORDS the russians have used the massive success on MKI as the design improvements on the SU35.

for IAF which is committed to buying 230 mki it makes sense to go striaght to 5 generation PAK FA. BY 2020.


This order is to give IAF a new MR fighter that is GEARED to Strike role.

That why both F18SH & RAFALE are front runners. They both carry excellent strike options. UPGRADED jags & mirage 2000 will be second line strike planes

Air superiority will be the main job of the SU30 MKI. With LCA & mig29smt secondary Air combat roles to support the mki....

Just read up Rafle is out of them game for IAF as they rejected it for several tech reasons iand for price so in the current race the f-16's , f-18's and russian fighters up for bids so lets see wat happens!
such a shame. the rafale is a great little fighter, but its failure in the MMRCA and the probable cuts by the French AF spell its doom.

although the reality is there are way too many figher manufacturers out there right now. it was all good when you could buy an air plane for a few million, or even 10-20 million. but with fighters + support running up $80 million a piece these days it's just not feasible.
Bad news for all Su-35 lovers (that includes me too)

Sukhoi Su-35BM Prototype Bursts Into Flames During Testing

Dated 27/4/2009

A prototype of the advanced Su-35 Flanker multi-role fighter plane burst into flames during take-off procedures at a testing ground in Russia's Far East, a spokesman for the Komsomolsk-on-Amur aircraft plant confirmed today.

The accident occurred at 09.55 Moscow time [05.55 GMT] on Sunday at the Dzemgi airfield during the Su-35 prototype's take-off," Vitaly Tyulkin said, adding that the pilot ejected safely.

"We will announce the details of the accident later in the day," he said.

Sources earlier said the accident could have been caused by a faulty fuel pump.

The aircraft was one of the three prototypes to test the new fighter, which has been billed as "4++ generation using fifth-generation technology."

The Sukhoi aircraft maker said in March that successful flight tests involving two prototypes had confirmed the earlier-announced timeframe for deliveries of the aircraft to Russian and foreign customers in 2011.

The company had planned to add a third prototype to the testing program in the second half of 2009, and to boost the current number of test flights to 150-160.

Su-35 fighter, powered by two 117S engines with thrust vectoring, combines high maneuverability and the capability to effectively engage several air targets simultaneously using both guided and unguided missiles and weapon systems.

The aircraft also features the new Irbis-E radar with a phased antenna array, which allows the pilot to detect and track up to 30 air targets, while simultaneously engaging up to eight targets.

It is equipped with a 30-mm cannon with 150 rounds, and can carry up to eight metric tons of combat payload on 12 external mounts.

Sukhoi plans to export at least 160 Su-35 fighters to several countries including India, Malaysia and Algeria.

Sukhoi Su-35BM Prototype Bursts Into Flames During Testing | India Defence
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