I see you need a good dose of fantasy to keep you ecstatic, no problems with it.
When reality is bitter, fantasy can help you. Maybe.
Just for those members and lurkers who are not into fantasy, let's get clear some facts.
Turkey by no means is a developed country.
It has nothing of worth to show or share to the world that is world leading and high technology or scientifically advanced at the top echelons of world's research capabilities.
Nothing to show for all of Erdogan's shenanigans of military indigenous capabilities.
They bragged and boasted like Indians, and ended up going to some European country or the other for help. For their tank engine, for their imaginary fighter programme, for their nuclear power plant (like Iran), or like China for their aircraft carrier (from Ukraine, purchased as casino, LOL) and Turquie does the same from Spain for its landing helicopter dock as did Russia for two Mistral BPC from France.
Russia's "indigenous"
SuperJet-100 (what a name!) contains 80% French and Western components.
Tell this to the copycat Chinese whose copycat Commie regime has imposed anti religious anti Muslim veil and beard ban.
I burst out in laughter each time Pakistani members express bonhomie and untiring love and brotherhood for these despicable commies. In fact, the Chi-commies are cowards of the highest order. The moment they see a bigger stick, they bow their heads down like Deng Xiaoping and now Xi Jinping.
French police did the necessary thing against their national, they dare not say a thing except moaning and crying. We took Shanghai and French concession, again more crying and whining. Vietnam taken from under their nose. More crying from them, again.
when it comes to powerless Muslims in Xinjiang and weak countries like Malaysia, those poor copycats don't spare a chance to interfere and impose their ideology.
The time is now before you Muslims experience what Malaysia experienced. Singapore was carved out of Malaysia as the Israel of the East because the Malays were easy going friendly and unsuspecting. And now the Chinese ambassador threatens intervention in Malaysia's internal matters.
But God Forbid, any Muslim speak out against Chinese atrocities in Xinjiang and other areas conquered by invader foreign Hans who were never natives of that region.
I laugh at the double standards and hypocrisy of third worlders here.