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Study finds 1080 wars in Iranian history


Nov 4, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
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A team led by Iranian scholar Azizollah Alizadeh has recently completed research that shows Iranians have fought in 1080 wars with foreign countries over the past 2720 years ago.

“The team composed of three exerts spent four years studying wars in Iranian history,” Alizadeh told the Persian service of ISNA on Thursday.

“We found that Iranians have fought with foreign states in 1080 wars since when the Medes ruled Iran,” he added.

He said that the last of the wars was the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war.

The study is scheduled be published by Ferdowsi Publications in a book, which will be entitled “The Encyclopedia of Iranian Wars”.

Alizadeh said that his plan to study the major factors in the backwardness of Iran led him to work on the issue of wars in Iranian history.

“I think that numerous futile wars are one of the main factors in the backwardness, because many of these wars were unreasonable and occurred by the will of the rulers of the time,” he stated.

“Killing kings and their ousters are among the other main factors responsible for the regression,” he added.

According to the study, 182 kings out of the 417 kings that ruled Iran over the past 2720 years ago have been killed or expelled.

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