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Stop Using Neuro-Electromagnetic Weapons on Humans

And how are you, sitting in Pakistan a billion miles away, being affected by these so called Neuro-Electromagnetic weapons? What is your interest in getting the petition signed? It pertains to the Americans - of the Americans, for the Americans by the Americans. So let them take the call. They are quite capable of looking after themselves.
May be that's why people are going crazy, agitated, and blowing themselves all over the world. Hmmm...sounds logical...;)
@AhsanAmin Do you have any proof that a certain country is building this ; any pics or a video? or anything?
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May be that's why people are going crazy, agitated, and blowing themselves all over the world. Hmmm...sounds logical...;)
And that's probably why I'm on PDF!!! I really must be outta ma mind!! :crazy: :D
modern history of these weapons date at least half a century ago when US and soviet union were in intensive cold war. This is all sheer science.
In fact humans knew how to read other people's brain long time ago. Suleman the magnificent, the most famous Ottoman king, used to keep some Aluminium in his turban so that nobody else can read his thoughts. Layman scientific explanation of thought reading is that our pituitary gland emits waves because of the movement of charges in the brain and some people can sense them enough to know what the person is thinking without any scientific equipment.
I have not kept track of latest developments in this field but feel free to sift through internet and make your opinion. I know there are some books and United Nations has experts on this field to help in policy making etc. You might probably want to contact them etc. Credible evidence does not come from targets but scientists(who might become whistleblowers) who work in this profession employed by CIA etc and this always would have a tendency to remain several years behind latest developments. This research is considered highly classified and state secret. Where do you think a trillion dollars(military budget of USA) a year of US tax payer money goes.
I remember, though I did not keep track of citation, there was an article I read more than seven years ago in a refereed journal that even emphasized that criteria of diagnosis of psychosis has to be changed since when NEM weapons block or rewire the brain of the victim, psychosis like lack of coherence in speech and thought process can occur and this fact is intentionally exploited by people who have absolutely no regard for good human values and they can even connive with psychiatrists to declare the victim mentally sick. In a materialistic world, every other person wants dollars and when you cannot express yourself coherently, inhuman people become extremely bold to insult scuh victims for money.
I have not kept track of latest developments in this field but feel free to sift through internet and make your opinion.

And you decided to start this petition because.... ?!

I remember, though I did not keep track of citation, there was an article I read more than seven years ago in a refereed journal

So the closest thing you have to a source is a memory of reading an article in an unknown journal seven years ago. OOKKkkkaaaayyyyy....

Suleman the magnificent, the most famous Ottoman king, used to keep some Aluminium in his turban so that nobody else can read his thoughts.

Subject: Stop Using Neuro-Electromagnetic Weapons on Humans


I created a petition to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama which says:

"Use of Neuro-electromagnetic weapons against humans is inherently evil and unethical. Please stop using these weapons against human beings everywhere. We request President Barack Obama to make laws that declare the use of NEM weapons illegal forever. "

Will you sign this petition? Click here:

MoveOn Petitions - Stop Using Neuro-Electromagnetic Weapons on Humans


Done mate...Peace
K_Patriot, thanks for being a true patriot. People get retarded everywhere in the world using NEM weapons. Developed nations do not let any foreign power retard their own people, but moles in our nation only want money. The way money is given to moles in our country to retard our brains, they simply cannot help it.
I am worried about it so that our nation and people have awareness of these weapons and mentality of moles. They(moles) make up so heroic stories of patriotism that common citizens (like me) really help them with zeal. The moles become rich and start living in foreign countries, while the rest always remain poorer.
America has no special interest in helping our country. They just want their interests to be served by hook or crook. It is more important for us to have a great system of accountability so that powerful moles do not become instruments of foreign countries.
AhsanAmin said: ↑
I have not kept track of latest developments in this field but feel free to sift through internet and make your opinion.
And you decided to start this petition because.... ?!
AhsanAmin said: ↑
I remember, though I did not keep track of citation, there was an article I read more than seven years ago in a refereed journal
So the closest thing you have to a source is a memory of reading an article in an unknown journal seven years ago. OOKKkkkaaaayyyyy....

Because I have to concentrate on my professional activities.

Admin, can I write the web address of my company's web site to let these guys know about my professional work?
Admin, can I write the web address of my company's web site to let these guys know about my professional work?

Ok, I saw there was an option for website in my profile so I added my website details there.
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