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Stop Using Neuro-Electromagnetic Weapons on Humans


Nov 8, 2013
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Subject: Stop Using Neuro-Electromagnetic Weapons on Humans


I created a petition to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama which says:

"Use of Neuro-electromagnetic weapons against humans is inherently evil and unethical. Please stop using these weapons against human beings everywhere. We request President Barack Obama to make laws that declare the use of NEM weapons illegal forever. "

Will you sign this petition? Click here:

MoveOn Petitions - Stop Using Neuro-Electromagnetic Weapons on Humans

Guys, my petition has received more than 50 signatures. I will request all of you to call your friends, relatives, and try to reach out to others through social media. Our target is to get a million signatures.
There are a lot of people with compassion and empathy who would want to sign this petition. With a very broad public support, we can rid the world of cruel ways of torturing humans based on selective and skewed morality and an illegal and subjective system of retarding humans parallel and above the legal justice.
Even if yr petition will make it to Obama it wil be of no use nor yr the first one to say such kind of stuff to them. When they havnt took necessary action when requested/petition by their own citizens, then what makes u think they will take action on behalf of an outsider's request/demand?
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Peter C., since you are from US, these weapons are used by neocons on your own compatriots when they think some people(victims) have "perverted away" too far from the "true path of Christ".

It is easy to feign ignorance about your own wrongdoings? Isn't it.
Peter C., since you are from US, these weapons are used by neocons on your own compatriots when they think some people(victims) have "perverted away" too far from the "true path of Christ".

It is easy to feign ignorance about your own wrongdoings? Isn't it.

Ok I see you REALLY are wearing a tin foil hat.

Hey a minute I thought I supposed to be in some land controlled by Jews. Isn't this going to brainwash them too? Or are they protected by tinfoil hats? They really are the tricky ones!! I will start wearing their clothes to protect myself. Thanks for the heads up!
I will start wearing their clothes to protect myself.
Send me some of those clothes here in Pakistan. And then run as big US AID ads about your generosity as nobody could ever believe. If you were that sympathetic to us, instead of running 24 hr propaganda ads everywhere, that money would be spent where it could actually be helpful.
More money comes from your country for propaganda, for your tentacles, and to retard our brains and is oficially called aid to Pakistan.
Make me your tentacle and give me a big bribe. Only later, I will disclose it was a sting operation on you. The success of my first sting operation is already obvious.
Make me your tentacle and give me a big bribe. Only later, I will disclose it was a sting operation on you. The success of my first sting operation is already obvious.

Shhh...quiet. I'm "in" on the secret. When Morpheus begged me to take the blue pill I took the red one instead. But I know the secret anyway. I like being in the "fake" world oblivious to my caged reality. Others here know it too but are happy with it...the others...well we have taken care of them.
Secret or no secret, please make me your tentacle for real. I really want to be your tentacle. An honest tentacle. Give me a big bribe, please. You are a great nation. Aren't ya?
So took the trouble of quoting my post just for my correction???

Mr American immigrant i again feel honored.

Something tells me, you learn more from me, than you ever did in school....Mr Pakistani Ignorant!!:woot:
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