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Stockholm car blast kills one


Oct 20, 2008
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Stockholm car blast kills one

A car believed to have contained gas canisters has blown up near a busy shopping area in Sweden's capital, Stockholm, killing at least one person and injuring another.

A second explosion went off nearby soon after.

The cause of the blasts is not yet known and it is unclear if this was an accident or a deliberate attack.

The cars were about 200 metres from each other.

By MALIN RISING, Associated Press

Two explosions in central Stockholm killed one person and injured two on Saturday, causing panic among Christmas shoppers.

Police spokeswoman Petra Sjolander said a car exploded near Drottninggatan, a busy shopping street in the center of the city. Shortly afterward, a second explosion was heard higher up on the same street, and a man was found injured on the ground.

He was later pronounced dead.

Two other people were taken to the hospital with lighter injuries, but it was not immediately clear in which explosion they were hurt.

Rescue services spokesman Roger Sverndal said the car that exploded contained gas canisters.

Sjolander said it was unclear what caused the second explosion and if the two blasts were linked, but said a police bomb squad has been sent to the site.

Gabriel Gabiro, a former AP staffer, heard the explosion from inside a watch store across the street and saw smoke coming from the area where the man was lying.

"There was a man lying on the ground with blood coming out in the area of his belly, and with his personal belongings scattered around him," he said.

Gabiro said the blast was "quite loud" and he saw people running from the site.

"It shook the store that I was in," he said of the blast. "Then there was smoke and gun powder coming into the store."

"I saw some people crying, perhaps from the chock," he added.

Sweden -- which has so far been spared of any large terrorist attacks -- raised its terror threat alert level from low to elevated in October because of "a shift in activities" among Swedish-based groups that could be plotting attacks there.

The security police then said the terrorism threat in Sweden, a Scandinavian country, remained low compared to that in other European countries, and no attack was imminent.

Who did it , i just cant understand who will be responsible for tht.
Sweden calls Stockholm blasts "terrorist attack"


(Reuters) - Two blasts rocked the center of Stockholm Saturday night in what Sweden's foreign minister called "a terrorist attack," killing one person and wounding two.

The blasts Saturday took place after Swedish news agency TT said it received a threatening letter about Sweden's military presence in Afghanistan and a years-old case of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad.

Asked if a man found dead at the site of the second blast blew himself up in some way, police spokesman Kjell Lindgren said: "It is possible."

The incident began when a car burst into flames in the city center, followed by explosions from within the car which the police said were caused by gas canisters.

Another explosion took place, in which the man died, about 300 meters (yards) away. Two people were wounded in that blast.

"Most worrying attempt at terrorist attack in crowded part of central Stockholm. Failed - but could have been truly catastrophic," Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said in a message on Twitter, which was also shown on his blog.

Investigations were underway to see if the two incidents were linked, Lindgren said.

Several hours after the blast, the man's body was still lying on the pavement, covered with a white sheet.

Police vans had cordoned off several streets around the body and the car had been towed away. Elsewhere, the city center was calm, with people having a normal Saturday night out.

Swedish newspapers all said the man did blow himself up.

Dagens Nyheter quoted a man called Pascal, a trained medic, as saying, "It looked as if the man had carried something that exploded in his stomach."

"He had no injuries to the face or body in general and the shops around were not damaged."

Newspaper Aftonbladet quoted a source as saying that the man was carrying six pipebombs, of which only one exploded.


He also had a rucksack full of nails and suspected explosive material, the newspaper said. It also quoted eyewitnesses saying the man was shouting in what was apparently Arabic.

The police declined to comment on that report.

TT said the email it received was also sent to the Security Police, which confirmed it had received such a communication, but declined to reveal its contents.

TT said the email had sound files in Swedish and Arabic.

"Our actions will speak for themselves, as long as you do not end your war against Islam and humiliation of the Prophet and your stupid support for the pig Vilks," TT quoted a man as saying in one of the recordings.

TT said the threat was linked to Sweden's contribution to the U.S.-led NATO force in Afghanistan, where it has 500 soldiers, mainly in the north.

It also referred to caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad by the Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who depicted the Prophet with the body of a dog in a cartoon in 2007.

Most Muslims consider any depiction of the founder of Islam as offensive.

In March, an American who called herself "JihadJane" was charged with plotting to kill Vilks. In May, arsonists tried to set fire to his house.

Vilks, contacted by Reuters Television, was safe.

"This is the first casualty of my project," he said. "It was an act against the Swedish people to scare them and not to me. The good news was that a terrorist died and not someone else."

Evan Kohlmann, a U.S. terrorism consultant, told Reuters that a small militant Islamic community had been based in Sweden for some time. But she thought that the Saturday incident, if an attack, was one man's work.

"However, given the scale of this attack and the target, I suspect this is a homegrown local extremist who may or may not have connections to any actual terrorist organization."

"We've seen a flurry of attempted attacks across northern Europe by similar lone wolf militants who were, in one way or another, enraged by the Cartoon controversy."

Lindgren said it was not clear what caused the car to explode. After the first explosion, the gas canisters caused smaller blasts, he said.

Gas canisters were also part of the homemade bomb which failed to avoid in Times Square in 2010 and when a jeep was rammed into Glasgow airport in 2007.

In January, a Somali man was indicted for terrorism and attempted murder for breaking into the home of the Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard and threatening him with an axe.

A cartoon by Westergaard in 2005 that depicted the Prophet Mohammad with a turban shaped like a bomb caused outrage across the Muslim world, with at least 50 people killed in riots in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

Sweden calls Stockholm blasts terrorist attack | Reuters
Two blasts rocked the center of Stockholm Saturday night in what Sweden's foreign minister called "a terrorist attack," killing one person and wounding two.


The blasts Saturday took place after Swedish news agency TT said it received a threatening letter about Sweden's military presence in Afghanistan and a years-old case of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad.

Asked if a man found dead at the site of the second blast blew himself up in some way, police spokesman Kjell Lindgren said: "It is possible."

The incident began when a car burst into flames in the city center, followed by explosions from within the car which the police said were caused by gas canisters.

Another explosion took place, in which the man died, about 300 meters (yards) away. Two people were wounded in that blast.

"Most worrying attempt at terrorist attack in crowded part of central Stockholm. Failed - but could have been truly catastrophic," Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said in a message on Twitter, which was also shown on his blog.

Investigations were underway to see if the two incidents were linked, Lindgren said.

Several hours after the blast, the man's body was still lying on the pavement, covered with a white sheet.

Police vans had cordoned off several streets around the body and the car had been towed away. Elsewhere, the city center was calm, with people having a normal Saturday night out.

Swedish newspapers all said the man did blow himself up.

Dagens Nyheter quoted a man called Pascal, a trained medic, as saying, "It looked as if the man had carried something that exploded in his stomach."

"He had no injuries to the face or body in general and the shops around were not damaged."

Newspaper Aftonbladet quoted a source as saying that the man was carrying six pipebombs, of which only one exploded.


He also had a rucksack full of nails and suspected explosive material, the newspaper said. It also quoted eyewitnesses saying the man was shouting in what was apparently Arabic.

Sweden calls Stockholm blasts terrorist attack | Reuters
Stockholm Hit by Blasts After E-Mail Warning


STOCKHOLM — One man was killed and two other people were injured when two explosions hit the heart of Stockholm’s city-center shopping district on Saturday evening, the police in the Swedish capital said. The country’s foreign minister called the blasts a terrorist attack, and an e-mail to news organizations minutes before the blasts seemed to link them to anger over anti-Islamic cartoons and the war in Afghanistan.

A police forensics team examined the remains of a suspected suicide bomber in central Stockholm on Saturday.

The police said that a car parked near the busy shopping street of Drottninggatan exploded first, shortly before 5 p.m. Stockholm time, and that the wreckage of the vehicle included gas canisters. A second blast followed minutes later, and about 200 yards from the first. A man’s body, with blast injuries to his abdomen, was discovered after the second explosion.

Swedish newspapers portrayed the dead man as a suicide bomber, and the newspaper Aftonbladet said on its Web site that he had been carrying pipe bombs and a backpack full of nails. But the police declined to confirm this. “We are in the middle of a technical investigation, and we are working methodically to find out what happened,” said a police spokeswoman, Petra Sjolander, who refused to speculate about whether the blasts were a terrorist attack.

Still, comments from Foreign Minister Carl Bildt on his Twitter account did not attempt to hedge the issue. His post read: “Most worrying attempt at terrorist attack in crowded part of central Stockholm. Failed — but could have been truly catastrophic...”

An editor at the Swedish news agency Tidningarnas Telegrambyra, Dan Skeppe, said the agency had received an e-mail minutes before the blasts; it was also addressed to Sweden’s security police, and included a sound recording addressed to “Sweden and the Swedish people.” Mr. Skeppe said the recording cited Swedish “silence” over cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad drawn by the artist Lars Vilks, criticized Sweden’s 500-soldier military contingent in northern Afghanistan and threatened attacks on Swedes.

“Now, your children — daughters and sisters — will die like our brothers and sisters and children die,” it continued. “Our actions will speak for themselves. As long as you do not end your war against Islam and the insult against the prophet and your stupid support for that pig Vilks.”

The Stockholm blasts seemed certain to cause widespread shock in Sweden. The country has long prided itself on having created a stable and peaceful society at home, and on having avoided involvement in the upheavals that have ravaged much of the rest of Europe in modern times, including World War II.

It has previously escaped the types of bombings mounted elsewhere in Europe since the 9/11 attacks in the United States. The Swedish military’s current deployment in Afghanistan, adding signals intelligence specialists to a NATO-led combat mission under American command, is a rare departure from the country’s usual pattern of avoiding involvement in military alliances.

Another major change has been the impact of heavy immigration, especially Muslims. Their growing numbers, and the furor surrounding Mr. Vilks, have contributed to a rise in tensions that have led to increased support for a right-wing anti-immigration party, the Sweden Democrats, which won 20 seats this summer in a general election. The party, blaming immigration for increased crime rates, has focused its ire on the Muslim population, which accounts for about 5 percent of Sweden’s 9.3 million people.

The recorded message sent to Swedish news organizations demanded that Muslims in Sweden “stop sucking up and degrading yourselves,” and broadened the appeal to “all mujahedeen,” or holy warriors, in Europe. “Now it’s time to attack,” it said. “Do not wait any longer. Come forth with whatever you have, even if it is a knife, and I know that you can bring more than knives. Fear no one. Do not be afraid of jail. Do not fear death.”

Mr. Skeppe said the address in the e-mail indicated it had also been sent to Sweden’s security police, but there was no indication what sort of an attack was planned, or when. “They didn’t mention that anything specific would happen at all,” he said.

Several Swedish news organizations described the e-mail as having been sent anonymously, but Mr. Skeppe declined to confirm that, or to say whether the e-mail named the individual or organization who sent it. The e-mail’s reference to Mr. Vilks, a 64-year-old artist and free-speech activist, pointed to the deep anger in the Muslim world over Mr. Vilks’ drawings of the Prophet Muhammad in 2007.

Publication of the drawings in Swedish newspapers drew widespread condemnation in the Muslim world and death threats against Mr. Vilks, who has since lived under police protection. In March this year, Colleen R. LaRose, an American who has converted to Islam and used the pseudonym JihadJane, was charged with trying to recruit Islamic terrorists to kill Mr. Vilks.

Christina Anderson reported from Stockholm, and John F. Burns from Cambridge, England.

Explosions in Stockholm believed to be failed terrorist attack

From Per Nyberg, CNN
December 12, 2010 -- Updated 0237 GMT (1037 HKT)
(CNN) -- A failed terrorist attack in a central Stockholm district full of Christmas shoppers could have been catastrophic, Swedish authorities said late Saturday.

Police are investigating whether two explosions in Stockholm, an e-mail threat sent shortly before the attack that mentions Afghanistan and the body of a man who was apparently killed in one of the explosions are related.

"Most worrying attempt at terrorist attack in crowded part of central Stockholm. Failed -- but could have been truly catastrophic," Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said in a Twitter message on Saturday.

A Swedish news agency and police said they received e-mail threats against the Swedish people 10 minutes before the explosions, which killed one person and injured two others on Saturday.

"We have not taken any decision to increase the terror threat level," said Swedish Security Police spokesman Mikael Gunnarsson. "And apart from the e-mail we didn't have any other indications or threats that this would happen," Gunnarsson added.

The writer of the e-mail mentions the presence of Swedish troops in Afghanistan and a Swedish cartoonist who depicted the Prophet Mohammed, according to TT, a Swedish news wire.

The e-mails contained sound files featuring a person speaking in Swedish and Arabic, TT reported.

The sender referred to Swedish silence regarding the Afghanistan troops and the controversial cartoon by Lars Vilks that depicted Mohammed as having the body of a dog.

"Now your children, daughters and sisters will die like our brothers and sisters and children are dying," the e-mail states, according to TT.

"Our actions will speak for themselves," the person said in an audio recording attached to the email. "As long as you don't end your war against Islam and the humiliation against the prophet and with your stupid support to Lars Vilks the pig."

Swedish terrorism expert Magnus Ranstorp told CNN that he did not believe the attacker acted alone.

"This was not something where he just woke up and thought that he would blow himself up," said Ranstorp, a professor at the Swedish military academy and a former professor in terrorism studies at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

Police said the explosions were in a popular pedestrian shopping area.

"One explosion happened at the intersection of Drottninggatan and Olof Palmes Gata," two busy streets in central Stockholm, said police spokeswoman Petra Sjolander. "This was the car that exploded multiple times."

A second explosion occurred about five minutes later, at the intersection of Drottninggatan and Bryggargatan streets, Sjolander said.

An unidentified man was found dead at the scene of the second blast.

"We don't know at this point what caused the second explosion," Sjolander said, describing it as suspicious.

A bag was found near the body, she said.

"We had bomb technicians on site, but I can't give you any details of what they did," Sjolander told CNN.

A bomb robot rolled up to the body and removed the bag for examination, according to the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter.

In the first incident, multiple blasts went off in a car, according to Sjolander.

"It is likely that this was some kind of gas tubes that have caused the car to explode multiple times," she said.

Two people at the site of the car explosion were taken to the hospital with minor injuries, she said.

Video on Sweden's TV4 showed flames spewing from the car, which was parked behind several others.

The e-mail writer ended the message with a call for action "to all Mujahadeen in Europe and Sweden," TT said.

"Now is the time to strike, don't wait any longer," the message read, according to TT. "Step up with whatever you have, even if it is a knife, and I know you have more than a knife. Fear no one, fear not prison, fear not death."

TT said that it was not clear from the e-mail or the audio files if the person belongs to any specific organization.

The person claimed to have been to the Middle East and asked family for forgiveness for lying to them. "I didn't go to the middle east to work," the writer wrote. "I went there for jihad."
Stockholm bomber calls on Mujahideen to kill infidels across Europe

December 11th, 2010 8:39 pm ET

Once again, the intolerant depravity of Islamic extremism was on display, this time in Sweden as one person was killed and two injured after a car bomb explosion rocked a busy shopping mall in Stockholm on Saturday.

Investigators believe the person killed might be the perpetrator – a young man found dead near the scene who wore a Palestinian kaffiyeh-style scarf tied around his face.

A Swedish news agency reported receiving threats via emailed sound clips 10 minutes before the incident, claiming troops in Afghanistan and a Swedish cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed as rationale for the attack according to CNN.

"Now your children, daughters and sisters will die like our brothers and sisters and children are dying. Our actions will speak for themselves," the Stockholm bomber said in the audio recording attached to the email.

"As long as you don't end your war against Islam and the humiliation against the prophet and with your stupid support to Lars Vilks the pig,” he wrote, referring to the Swedish cartoonist.

The e-mail writer ended the message with a call for “all Mujahadeen in Europe and Sweden" to take action:

"Now is the time to strike, don't wait any longer," the message read, according to TT. "Step up with whatever you have, even if it is a knife, and I know you have more than a knife. Fear no one, fear not prison, fear not death."

The individual wrote he lied to his family about why he went to the Middle East: "I didn't go to the middle east to work," the writer wrote. "I went there for jihad."

"It looked as if the man had carried something that exploded on his stomach. … My first thought was that the man was a terrorist," said the witness, who identified himself only as Pascal. "His chest moved a couple of times, but I couldn't get a pulse. I removed a Palestinian scarf from his face … but it was too late."

The Geopolitics Examiner's Analysis:

This destructive act supports the perpetual anti-theist argument of Christopher Hitchens who is wont to say that “religion poisons everything”. Attempting to win support against Western occupation of Afghanistan or sympathy for the mujahideen cause by indiscriminately blowing up people in Stockholm is beyond self-defeating (judging the terrorist by his intent and not the literal body count on this one).

The gross intolerance of extremist Muslims who resort to violence over cartoon depictions of their precious prophet or books that portray Islam unfavorably, such as Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses, does considerable damage to the image of their purported "religion of peace" that far outweighs any benefits they aspire to achieve.

Muslims have every right to protest such “blasphemous” art, but there are television shows like South Park in America that mock Jesus to such an extent that give adherents of Christianity legitimate reason to show offense as well, yet, how often do we see soldiers of Christ launching terror strikes because they feel insulted by a cartoon or book?

Stockholm bomber calls on Mujahideen to kill infidels across Europe [Video] - National Geopolitics | Examiner.com
Stockholm bombers: 'Stop your stupid war on Islam'

12/12/2010 02:28

Swedish journalists receive taped warning before cars filled with gas canisters explode in a shopping district, killing 1 and injuring 2.

Two explosions shook central Stockholm on Saturday, killing one person and injuring two, rescue officials said.

Swedish news agency TT received a warning ten minutes before the bombing. The warning was a recorded message in Swedish and Arabic, which arrived via e-mail, in which the attackers criticized Sweden for not taking action against a caricature of Muhammed, drawn by Lars Wilkes.

Turkish citizen arrested in Sweden for 'terror crimes'
Japan joins US, UK in issuing Europe travel terror alert

Rescue services spokesman Bengt Norberg said two people had been taken to hospital with lighter injuries. He said the dead person was still lying on the street.

"Our actions will speak for themselves, as long as you do not stop your stupid war against Islam, your humiliation of the prophet, and your support of the pig Wilkes," the warning said.

Police spokeswoman Petra Sjolander said a car exploded near Drottninggatan, a busy shopping street in the center of the city. Shortly afterward, a second explosion was heard higher up on the same street, and a man was found injured on the ground. He was later pronounced dead.

Sjolander said it was unclear what caused the second explosion but a police bomb squad has been sent to the site.

Another rescue services spokesman, Roger Sverndal said the car that exploded contained gas canisters.

Gabriel Gabiro, a former AP staffer, was inside a watch store on the opposite side of the street from the second explosion and saw people running from the site.

"I saw some people crying, perhaps from the chock," he said. "There was a man lying on the ground with blood coming out in the area of his belly, and with his personal belongings scattered around him."

Gabiro said the blast was "quite loud" and he saw smoke coming from the area where the man was lying.

"It shook the store that I was in," he said of the blast. "Then there was smoke and gun powder coming into the store."

Stockholm bombers: 'Stop your stupid war on Islam'
Christmas shopping suicide bomber strikes in Stockholm

By Richard Osley, Sunday, 12 December 2010

A suspected suicide bomb attack which caused panic in Stockholm yesterday has been linked to lasting Muslim anger over three-year-old cartoons picturing the Prophet Mohamed as a dog.

A man found dead after explosions in one of the Swedish capital's main streets was said to have been hooked up to six pipe bombs and a backpack stuffed with nails. Police were investigating whether the man triggered two separate blasts, one that destroyed a parked car and then another, seconds later, in which he detonated explosives strapped to his body.

Bomb detection robots were used to examine his body as the scene was cordoned off. Two people caught in the explosions suffered minor injuries. Christmas shoppers fled as the street filled with smoke. Witnesses later told Swedish newspapers that the man shouted out in Arabic immediately before the blast.

The Swedish news agency TT said it had received an emailed warning ten minutes before the explosions. The same alert was sent to Sweden's security chiefs, the agency added. It said the email contained two sound files, one in Swedish and one in Arabic, expressing anger at Sweden's involvement in Afghanistan.

The message was also critical of the government's silence over the cartoons drawn by Lars Vilks and published in Swedish newspapers in 2007. The Prophet was drawn as a dog statue at the centre of a roundabout and led to Vilks receiving death threats. A similar controversy erupted in Denmark a year earlier when caricatures of the Prophet were published there in a daily paper.

Christmas shopping suicide bomber strikes in Stockholm - Europe, World - The Independent
Twin 'terrorist' blasts in Stockholm kill one

By Igor Gedilaghine (AFP) – 1 hour ago

STOCKHOLM — Twin blasts in central Stockholm killed one person and injured two others, in what Sweden's foreign minister said was a "terrorist" attack that could have had "catastrophic" consequences.

The explosions on Saturday, in a busy part of the capital packed with Christmas shoppers, came minutes after a Swedish news agency received a message denouncing Sweden's military presence in Afghanistan and threatening deadly attacks.

One of the blasts killed the suspected bomber, Sweden's SVT reported, although neither police nor the intelligence service would confirm that it was an attack.

But Carl Bildt's comments, sent from his Twitter account, were unequivocal.

"Most worrying attempt at terrorist attack in crowded part of central Stockholm," wrote Bildt.

"Failed -- but could have been truly catastrophic..." he added.

The first blast hit at around 4:50 pm (1550 GMT) when a parked car packed with gas canisters exploded, police said.

That explosion left two people in need of hospital treatment for minor injuries, said emergency services spokesman Bengt Norberg.

The second blast was about 200 metres (650 feet) away, he added.

Police spokeswoman Petra Sjolandero said one person had been found dead at the site of this explosion.

"I cannot confirm that the death is linked to the explosion of the car but I cannot deny it either," she added.

But SVT reported that a bag filled with nails had been found near the body of the man who, it said, was thought to be the bomber.

And witnesses cited by Dagens Nyheter newspaper said the dead man had a large wound to his stomach as if something had exploded there. (Praise Allah for this! TS)

Swedish news agency TT reported that it had received messages about 10 minutes before the first blast in Arabic and Swedish, warning of unspecified "action."

"Our acts will speak for themselves," TT quoted the message as saying. "Now your children, your daughters and your sisters will die as our brothers, our sisters and our children are dying."

The message referred to the Swedish military presence in Afghanistan as part of the US-led international security force, TT added.

Punitive actions would continue "as long as you do not stop your war against Islam, your degradation of the Prophet and your stupid support for the pig Vilks," said the statement.

Swedish cartoonist Lar Vilks has been the object of death threats and at least one plot to kill him over a picture he drew depicting the Prophet Mohammed as a dog.

The message concluded by urging "mujahideen," or Islamic fighters, to rise up in Sweden and in Europe, the news agency said.

TT said a similar message had been sent to the Swedish Security Service SAPO.

Sweden has 500 soldiers serving with NATO's International Security Assistance force (ISAF) in Afghanistan, but their mandate only runs to January 1, 2011, and would need to be renewed by parliament for them to stay on.

AFP: Twin 'terrorist' blasts in Stockholm kill one
Truthseeker we understand a blast happened and one person died. No need to post a thousand articles of the same event. If you want to bash Islam then please open a thread, don't try to do it by hiding behind those articles.
Truthseeker we understand a blast happened and one person died. No need to post a thousand articles of the same event. If you want to bash Islam then please open a thread, don't try to do it by hiding behind those articles.

I am not hiding behind anything. Just the "truth", nothing more. If you see "bashing Islam" in the articles I have copied here, then that is in your own mind. N'est-ce pas?
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