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Startups by Indians in US on rise even as immigrant-led ventures decline

You fell to the same ditch you dug ! You should have at least hidden your UK flag before making that comment :P

First of all these start ups are done by Jews, the Indian might be working there and claiming it as their own startup, typically Indian.
There is zero proof Indians have ability to innovate.
Utterly zero.

Most successful people in America are the Jews, Indians are at the bottom rung.

If Indians are successful where is the apple companies from Indians? Because there are none.

Indians are the least successful in the world, the Indians they interview in these surveys brag more than they have just like the Indians in here.
All for ego massaging.
So these surveys should be taken with a big grain of salt.

If Indians were so smart, India would be dominating PISA tests and not these utterly useless surveys based on personal opinions.

The truth is Indians have a very low IQ which has been proven by western experts, therefore Indians are generically at a disadvantage to other people.
Low IQ...grow up guys....use new words or sentences.

Seems like you have little knowledge of English. I can give you guys new sentences to bash India. Just use something new.

I think you may be using Google translate for it...Ohhh...is Google accessible ?
This is great, I know an Indian muslim prof in Waterloo Uni for whom my frnd worked as a research assistant. That man has 121 patents and 100s of research papers. :cheesy: He has made and sold 3 start ups in his one career life. If this could happen in India :woot:
This is great, I know an Indian muslim prof in Waterloo Uni for whom my frnd worked as a research assistant. That man has 121 patents and 100s of research papers. :cheesy: He has made and sold 3 start ups in his one career life. If this could happen in India :woot:
Now they will bring Indian MUSLIM card.:lol:
Mostly, USA is worried about Indian illegal immigrants.... USA has seen the largest rise of illegal immigrants from India
Don`t give a damm. Just ignore and don`t reply just reminding you something I learnt from respected members like you. :lol:

Illegal immigrants, fobs, H1b1 visa, racism, low IQ bla bla just ignore.
:lol: Spot on....I have at least dozen illogical arguments of their.

BTW they don't know that the computer they use which has Intel processor was designed by an India. Talking of innovation....:rofl:

Mostly, USA is worried about Indian illegal immigrants.... USA has seen the largest rise of illegal immigrants from India
Watch this video. Where Indians stand in US ? Even your all weather friend Chinese are good friends of Indians in US.

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:lol: Spot on....I have at least dozen illogical arguments of their.

BTW they don't know that the computer they use which has Intel processor was designed by an India. Talking of innovation....:rofl:

There is nothing more idiotic than their arguments, but one thing they say is 100% right and I agree with it. Those people are not Indians but are Americans. Vinod Dham is not only the father of Intel but also AMD. He joined them when they were startups and now we know where they are. Now, lets come to India which till date hasn`t made a pentium 2 level processor leave a 8 core next gen processor with sandy bridge and ivy bridge tech. It is a shame IMO.
There is nothing more idiotic than their arguments, but one thing they say is 100% right and I agree with it. Those people are not Indians but are Americans. Vinod Dham is not only the father of Intel but also AMD. He joined them when they were startups and now we know where they are. Now, lets come to India which till date hasn`t made a pentium 2 level processor leave a 8 core next gen processor with sandy bridge and ivy bridge tech. It is a shame IMO.
Not exatly. If you have advanced R & D facilities, you can design it.

Problem is that we are technically behind.
Not exatly. If you have advanced R & D facilities, you can design it.

Problem is that we are technically behind.

Well in some fields like services, resources exploration we are on par with the world or maybe ahead of most.

In things like defence manufacturing, goods manufacturing, space, telecommunication, infra we are quickly approaching developed world. Hopes are good that one day we will.

In processors, electronics, aerospace, nanotechnology I think we are even behind the start line not just technically behind. :lol:.

Bottom line, we need to do it and do it fast. 17% of the world population needs 17% of world research output which right now is 4%.
Mostly, USA is worried about Indian illegal immigrants.... USA has seen the largest rise of illegal immigrants from India

And most of these indian technology company report talking about are body shop to bring indans in H1B visa with fake and fabricated documents. Report did not say how many indian company closed and re appeared with new name and identity.
And most of these indian technology company report talking about are body shop to bring indans in H1B visa with fake and fabricated documents. Report did not say how many indian company closed and re appeared with new name and identity.
Name 5 multi billion companies of BD with their annual turnover. Then talk.

And watch that video I posted above. Look at data.
Nice video :tup:

I think it proves that hard-working immigrants from poor countries are the only thing that is keeping America afloat. If America is ever loses its place as the 'land of opportunity', it's pretty much over.

Australia is almost in the same boat.
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