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Srinagar encounter ends, militant manages to escape

There is no debate on kashmir

Kashmir is muslim, it belongs to Pakistan

India/Hindu's are our enemies who we have fought for over half a century, Pakistan should continue trying to hurt India, destroy india, undermine hindu's and support Muslims in both Kashmir and India.

This is a war & it is too long gone to give up now
If we would back off on Kashmir than tomorrow we would have to back off on Baluchistan than Sindh could be next Sir we can't back off on every issue

Baluchistan and Sindh are your prized estates and Kshmir is not right?...
There is no debate on kashmir

Kashmir is muslim
, it belongs to Pakistan

India/Hindu's are our enemies who we have fought for over half a century, Pakistan should continue trying to hurt India, destroy india, undermine hindu's and support Muslims in both Kashmir and India.

This is a war & it is too long gone to give up now
If that is the criteria, join first with Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq etc...Brotheri mulk hain na? :azn:
What if the Christians say Britain is Christian so no Muslims will stay...what will you do then? Hypothetical question...
Baluchistan and Sindh are your prized estates and Kshmir is not right?...

wellthe new policy of south block is hurt the enemy where it hurts more so he doesnt have time to hurt you and i guess GOI /IB& RAW are doing a great job at that :chilli::omghaha:

There is no debate on kashmir

Kashmir is muslim, it belongs to Pakistan

India/Hindu's are our enemies who we have fought for over half a century, Pakistan should continue trying to hurt India, destroy india, undermine hindu's and support Muslims in both Kashmir and India.

This is a war & it is too long gone to give up now

ha ha ah well if your so concerened about kashmiri muslims we can help you relocate them in azad kashmir but we will never give you owr kashmir make no mistake if you still keep hopes then its your problem keep the fir burning
If that is the criteria, join first with Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq etc...Brotheri mulk hain na? :azn:
What if the Christians say Britain is Christian so no Muslims will stay...what will you do then? Hypothetical question...

We had a partition, the majority muslim state of Kashmir should be with Pakistan.

We kashmiri's muslims hate hindu's, your your culture, your dracula & monkey Gods, we want nothing to do with them and you.

You have occupied Kashmir, so the war will go on until you are destroyed or pushed out of our land
wellthe new policy of south block is hurt the enemy where it hurts more so he doesnt have time to hurt you and i guess GOI /IB& RAW are doing a great job at that :chilli::omghaha:

ha ha ah well if your so concerened about kashmiri muslims we can help you relocate them in azad kashmir but we will never give you owr kashmir make no mistake if you still keep hopes then its your problem keep the fir burning

what more can we hurt when they are hurting themselves practically in every place!!. you can call it fuel the fire just..:)..
what more can we hurt when they are hurting themselves practically in every place!!. you can call it fuel the fire just..:)..
your right buddy and the funny thing is they are still reluctant to show the world so called 'seriou proofs' about owr involvemnt:omghaha:
We had a partition, the majority muslim state of Kashmir should be with Pakistan.

We kashmiri's muslims hate hindu's, your your culture, your dracula & monkey Gods, we want nothing to do with them and you.

You have occupied Kashmir, so the war will go on until you are destroyed or pushed out of our land

Not when we are successful in "khadeding" kashmiri Muslims like you to UK!!!:omghaha:
when logic finished in debate Matures should leave it - bye
Pakistan has survived against all obtacles against a much larger enemy, India...

Our aim should be to hurt india, to make sure we keep hurting india..

To ohbtain support at all costs to make sure we keep hurting india in the future

There should be no trade, no peace, no talks our aim should be to take the hindu's out of the game
Nah! they just went back so that they can kill a few climbers and shias.
We had a partition, the majority muslim state of Kashmir should be with Pakistan.

We kashmiri's muslims hate hindu's, your your culture, your dracula & monkey Gods, we want nothing to do with them and you.

You have occupied Kashmir, so the war will go on until you are destroyed or pushed out of our land

uhmmm. Okay. :coffee:
Pakistan has survived against all obtacles against a much larger enemy, India...

Our aim should be to hurt india, to make sure we keep hurting india..

To ohbtain support at all costs to make sure we keep hurting india in the future

There should be no trade, no peace, no talks our aim should be to take the hindu's out of the game


Pakistan is getting destroyed while mounting a fail attempt to hurt India.If pakistan's aim is to hurt India at all cost then it is not doing the job properly as it's own jihädi spawn is attacking itself, a bit like auto-immune disease.

Yesterday Imran khan had floated the idea of de-facto separation of waziriatan from pakistan and giving it to TTP in exchange of them not attacking Punjab and Sindh.http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...hairman-imran-khans-latest-article-today.html

Don't know how much more pakistan has to pay for it's India obsession.First Bangladesh now probably Waziristan.
Pakistan will survive, it has always survived

Any which way you look at it Pakistan has a economic revival coming. As a nation it is economically under developed but the resources, population and basics are there to have a decade of double digit growth and a futher decade of high single digit growth

Its just a question of perservering and pushing through and having the basics in place to allow that to happen

Pakistan is not gone and we have managed to hold our own against all circumstances agaianst a much bigger foe.

Battered and bruised we are still here, as well as economic revival our aim needs to be to deal with and hurt our enemies.

India is a mortal enemy of Pakistan, the Hindu's are the mortal enemies of the muslims in the sub continent so ignoring this threat wont make it go away.

Kashmir is still occupied and india is still our enemy, so I support all efforts to fight against india on all fronts, at all times

Anything that hurts india we should support

You should first exit dar-ul-harb Britain and return to dar-ul-Islam Pakistan in order to have a moral standing for advocating suicide on part of Pakistan.

You should act like a moral man and take the bitter pill.
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