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Spy agencies destroying explosive data


Jan 10, 2007
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Spy agencies destroying explosive data

By Ansar Abbasi

ISLAMABAD: Critical intelligence data and material, including explosive tape recordings of the top-most government, opposition and media persons, are being destroyed by spy agencies to avoid getting caught after the change of government, a senior spy has revealed.

“It’s time for some of the intelligence agencies to fritter away their dirty work before the incoming masters wash the dirty linen they have collected, in public,” he said. The senior spy, associated with the Intelligence Bureau, told this correspondent in a chance meeting on Wednesday that the IB was busy these days destroying the dirty work.

“In our late sittings, our men do this job to leave no evidence of what the bureau has been doing in the recent years,” the source confided on condition of anonymity. In particular, telephonic tapes of different persons, including judges, lawyers, politicians, bureaucrats, journalists and even many of those who had ruled this country during the last eight years are being destroyed, claimed the official, who is one of the in-house contenders for the slot of the Director-General Intelligence Bureau, which has been recently vacated with the departure of Brigadier (retd) Ejaz Shah.

The spy cautioned that telephonic tapes being destroyed included conversation of families of “earmarked” journalists. After March 9, 2007, some of the journalists were confronted with the narration, which was purely a free and frank discussion on professional matters between journalist colleagues.

However, it was on the basis of the same immoral and unlawful “intelligence” work of the intelligence agencies that some persons belonging to the media were “seen” by some of the rulers as among the so-called “conspirators”, who had fuelled the judicial crisis against General (retd) Musharraf.

Though the names of journalists were never made public, deposed chief justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry and leading lawyer Aitzaz Ahsan were publicly named amongst those who had hatched the so-called conspiracy.

Unofficially, PML-N Quaid Nawaz Sharif was also involved and it was alleged that he had financed the judicial movement. Some of the targeted journalists were conveyed unofficially after the Nov 3 emergency-cum-martial law that they might be booked on charges of “treason”.

Former railways minister Sheikh Rashid, who was one of those saner voices during those days of extreme subjugation of the country’s media, had opposed the move against the working journalists.

According to a source, it was not only the IB but also the ISI that has been extensively involved in the bugging business. The source said that some of the IB officials had secured the copies of some the high-profile tapes, which even included telephonic conversations of President Musharraf, the then prime minister Shaukat Aziz and almost every other player in the then government, including the Chaudhrys.

Some of these tapes are already in “limited circulation”. A source revealed that a former top ruler was also in the habit of taping telephones of his residence and office. Some officials, who have served in the Prime Minister Secretariat in the recent years, are also believed to have in their possession some of these “explosive” tapes.

The Intelligence Bureau (IB) has been condemned in the past more than once for being involved in such dirty works. During the Byzantine period of 1990s, both the then PPP and PML-N governments fully misused the IB for their political gains and it was during the same period when the taping scandal was unearthed for the first time.

It was, however, the consequence of the same dirty work that incumbent Attorney-General Justice (retd) Malik Qayyum and the then serving judge of the Lahore High Court was caught discussing Benazir Bhutto’s case with the accountability chief Saifur Rehman.

The controversy led to the removal of Qayyum, who by the twist of fate is the man today having great say in the appointment of superior judges in the post-Nov 3, 2007 scenario. After March 9, 2007, the 13-member bench of the Supreme Court, which was hearing the presidential reference against Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, had also reprimanded the government for bugging offices and residences of the judges of the superior judiciary.

It was the same court that had directed the IB director-general to clean offices and residences of all the then judges of such bugging devices. Documents produced by the government before the court also included not only the transcript of the purported talk of the chief justice but also the photographs of Justice Iftikhar’s house in complete violation of his right to privacy.

It was on the basis of such soiled work of the intelligence agencies that the court had rejected these documents with abhorrence and penalised the federal government with a fine of Rs 100,000. The government had also tendered an apology to the Supreme Court for the same. However, sources suggest that the intelligence agencies never stopped their “illegal” activities of taping phones of politicians, journalists, judges and lawyers.

Rather such activities had furthered after the Nov 3, 2007. Not only the mobile SIMs of deposed Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry were blocked time and again but the same thing was also done to Aitzaz Ahsan.

Spy agencies destroying explosive data
About time this stops - all that surveillance needs to be directed at certain politicians and personalities with sympathies for the Taliban, and the netwroks that supply them with money and resources.

Shameful really, that we have Pakistanis dying everyday at the hands of terrorists, and our resources are wasted on this.
This may also have to do with Benazir's murder they are destroying all data to avoid being caught.
This may also have to do with Benazir's murder they are destroying all data to avoid being caught.

First you have to come up with a reasonable theory, in the presence of B Mehsud's own claim of wanting to kill her, the conclusions by the CIA and Scotland Yard that AQ and/or Mehsud was behind it, about why Pakistani intel agencies were responsible.

So far the worlds premier intelligence and police agencies claim one thing, and you claim another. Any reason to believe you over them?
First you have to come up with a reasonable theory, in the presence of B Mehsud's own claim of wanting to kill her, the conclusions by the CIA and Scotland Yard that AQ and/or Mehsud was behind it, about why Pakistani intel agencies were responsible.

So far the worlds premier intelligence and police agencies claim one thing, and you claim another. Any reason to believe you over them?

I live in a western country and I tell you 8 news channels reported on the governments involvement the, gov said she was not hit by bullet while video on ITV 4 shows she was, she was not given proper security, Zardari asked independent inquire from UN it was not allowed the scene of murder was washed away. I will wait until the independent UN inquire comes and we will see who is right.
I live in a western country and I tell you 8 news channels reported on the governments involvement the, gov said she was not hit by bullet while video on ITV 4 shows she was, she was not given proper security, Zardari asked independent inquire from UN it was not allowed the scene of murder was washed away. I will wait until the independent UN inquire comes and we will see who is right.

News channel reports are not "proof". Fox news was all over an analysis by some nutjob website claiming that SSG hit squads did it. This was hours after the blast, before any concrete information was available, and based entirely on the hypothesis that BB was shot - which was proved wrong by Scotland Yard.

I am still not certain how the UN can do a better job than the CIA or Scotland Yard when it comes to investigating a murder. Scotland Yard looked at the X-rays of BB's skull, validated them with BB's dental records, and came to the same conclusion that Pakistani investigators did - that she did not have a bullet wound, and that she died from head trauma from striking a part of the car.

The only way the UN could do better in explaining how BB died might be if the body of BB was allowed to be exhumed, and I doubt Zardari will allow that.

If a UN inquiry does occur, it will only be a commission that collects statements from various parties/personalities involved. In Pakistan everyone has an agenda, and the Newspapers often quote "reliable inside sources" that turn out to be lying or mistaken. In an environment like that, any UN report will be highly compromised.

Even if a low level officer is found who is the "smoking gun", and claims "I heard Ejaz Shah give the orders", we have no way of knowing whether that testimony was bought or coerced by the government (now led by the PPP) who have a vested interest.

How I wish some of these tapes be made public---at least the public can decide who was in the right and who the enemy was.

As far as exhuming the body of Benazir---that is not neccessary----a probe can be sent into the coffin through the grave which can then take pictures of the skull and neck---that is what Zardari stated a while ago.

We would love to hear the conversation between The Justice and aitzaz and Nawaz and his team---and about funding the insurgency.
Not only them even the CORRUPTION record is being burnt too.

Records burnt in Sindh Secretariat fire

KARACHI: Important records of the Land Revenue Department and the surveys Branch were burnt on Thursday in a fire at Sindh Secretariat in Karachi.

An official said the 1836 British-era building housed offices of a number of government departments. “We were informed of the situation at the police help line (15) at 10:53am,” DSP Salman Hussain said. “The fire had engulfed nearly 40 to 50 percent of the infrastructure when the Fire Department got there.” He said a senior member of the Central Board Of Revenue, Anwar Haider, told him the offices were closed because of a holiday and the record room was usually closed too. Haider told the DSP that a guard informed him of smoke coming out of the record room at about 10:25am. Firetrucks and Edhi and Chippa ambulances rushed to the scene along with police and rangers personnel. Thirteen vehicles took part in the operation. The fire was put out by about 2:19pm.

Chief Fire Officer Ehteshamuddin said that the building had been completely damaged. “If we were informed on time it would’ve been possible to save the important records and the building. But the department informed us 30 minutes after the first information.” “They were complaining to us that we arrived late. But, I have the records of when we received the information,” he said. Sindh Police Inspector General Azhar Ali Farooqui said some of the recent fire incidents were “suspicious”. A four-member investigation team has been formed on the Sindh chief minister’s directive, to probe the incident. faraz khan
I live in a western country and I tell you 8 news channels reported on the governments involvement the, gov said she was not hit by bullet while video on ITV 4 shows she was, she was not given proper security, Zardari asked independent inquire from UN it was not allowed the scene of murder was washed away. I will wait until the independent UN inquire comes and we will see who is right.
Bro its time for you to stop all this blam game. You are so funny dude you are telling me that pakistani Gov will be in her death wow and i can see your intelligence from your statment. I tell you what is your wet dream lmfao your wet dream is to see THE PRESIDENT MUSHARRAF getting hanged lmfao well bro iam the alarm clock so get up wash your face and come back again lol just being funny but seriously its not happening get over it because if anybody from PPP even think of this
may god help them Because i will belive the entire ZARDARI family will be 6 feet under the ground by PAKISTANI ARMY THE STRONG ARMY THE BEST ARMY thank you so much by the way what country do you live in ????? :cheers::pakistan:
The real reason why we see so many suecide bombings these days is that intelligence agencies are always busy in the dirty politics instead of doing the real job. This is the only reason why we have failed so miserably in capturing Batiullah Mehsud and hes still at large.Pathetic
purpose of intelligence:-
the purpose of intelligence agencies is to destroy internal enemies of the country which are licking the country and its people and the major assets of country like the "FIRE ANTS" and "TERMITES" but alas our agencies are intrested in politics and those politicians who are only in pakistan for big "HANGAMAAS" and their job is to create a tensionful enviornment make people "TAASUBEE". so i mean this is necessary to hold the circumtances and make our enviornment peaceful not "HANGAMA FUL". it should be possible due to fight against all of those TERMITES and BLACK WIDOW spiders who are cutting my country's roots internaly.
why is everyone here playing the blame game? who cares about what they are doing, it's their job, leave them alone. these people do ONLY what they are told, don't blame them for your troubles.

how can we focus on mehsud, when the larger troubles are coming from within our own politicians? when we have troublemakers like aitzaz ahsan or zardari shouting they will collapse the govt.? When we have treacherous rats that talk rubbish on foreign media, especially indian news channels?

some people over here may some trouble taking this is in, but i think that this is important to note. the militants will fight us head on and go against us, but the politicians and bureacrats will stab us in the back only because of their lust for power and wealth.

most of the people i have talked to in pakistan, all agree that these politicians will rob us of our money. they could care less about what the isi is doing, as long as it purifies our country of trash that needs to be taken out. however, among the so-called "enlightened" individuals, students, lawyers, politicians, and claim-to-be educated peoples think otherwise.

I have heard the most treacherous things from these people, they all think that the ISI should be disbanded! why should we disband one of the most powerful intelligence agencies, that most importantly run by muslims! if we look at all the powerful countries today, they are all run by some sort of secret govt. whether it's russia, usa, israel, pakistan. this is a mark of a powerful country, it is something to be proud of. i am proud of my country because it is powerful.

there are many people who agree with me, that our politicians have abused their powers and care for nothing, but themselves. I'm glad if the agency takes these people out, they've been given too many chances already. Look at PPP, it has been always within the control and grip of the bhutto family.

you'd be surprised with what benazir was barking about in the us. about destroying the isi, only because they didn't support her! she wouldn't shut her mouth, she would have ruined this country and yet our youth and ***** mass have elected her again.
Two words " common practice ". Not new, it happened every where in the world.
The bottom line is every government in Pakistan has tried to use the Agencies, the Security forces, the police, the media, and all other state resources for their own political purposes.

You know why these suicide bombers are in pakistan---remember palestine---remember when all you guys my pakistani colleagues would say---oh yea----we will give our lives---die and kill the enemy---then it happened in iraq---and you guys were happy when the suicide bombers went to work in iraq---remember how you guys would get excited when americans would be killed----and hundreds of thousands of iraqis were killed by these suicide bombers and I condemned them at every chance i got---and you people were saying that it was the americans and israelis who were doing this---it happened in afghanistan---and all the pakistanis were excited---kill the enemy---it is ok civilians are also killed---you guys were all happy and excited when your muslim brothers house was burning and exploding---when little muslim children were being slaughtered by by these exploding live human devices---guess what---as this killing machine is effectively being controlled in other countries----these monsters need to do something---so guy---how does it feel---our house is lit on fire---our children men and women are dying without prejudice---.

For these suicide bombings, you also need to thank the commander in chief IMRAN KHAN, Qazi Ahmed, Nawaz and co and everyone else who stated that 'what are these people going to do if their familes are killed in millitary action'---in other words all these politicians were justifying suicide bombings---include in the list retd ISI gen and hundreds of other mullahs, the news media and news panelists and your average pakistanis who were happy when other people were being blown apart---pakistanis have been playing with fire for a long long time---can you feel your skin sizzle and burn to charcoal---can you feel to your body and limbs being torn apart with the concussion of the blast---if I said that I do---then I would be exagerrating---but I do feel the pain.

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