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Special unit for Pakistan border on the cards

You say PA doesn't want trouble, yet they fire on a regular basis across border and last time they crossed our border to kill our soldiers, next time it will be ours crossing borders and taking heads.Tit for tat policy will be applied by this government.Last government was weak and unwilling. not this one.
According to Indian media, it's always Pakistan's fault. Tell me, how true do you think this is? In all honesty, I think India is just as guilty. The only reason why India is winning the narrative war is because of India's growing global influence.
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New Delhi: In an attempt to deal with the increasing menace of Pakistan’s Border Action Teams along the International Border and the Line of Control, Indian security agencies are now planning to set up their own specialised commandos units along the Indo-Pak border.

According to highly placed intelligence sources, there is a growing view within the new BJP-led NDA government that Pakistani forces and terror outfits operating out of their soil need to be given a terse message irrespective of the recent diplomatic overtures between the two countries.

In the past, Pakistan’s BAT, a mix of Pakistan Army regulars and terrorists, have entered into Indian territory severing the heads of soldiers.The new government is now planning to deal with the issue by having their own specialised commando units in the border area.

Special unit for Pakistan border on the cards
Someone with balls:taz:

They are escalating the anti-Pakistan rhetoric, get ready for border skirmishes and more.
They are escalating the anti-Pakistan rhetoric, get ready for border skirmishes and more.
I doubt it.

Modi may be a hardliner, but he isn't stupid, he knows that if India starts the trouble, India's global standing will go right out of the door.
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An imaginary boogeyman by the name of BAT is being hyped by Indian Media so when Indian army attack us, they start giving excuses it was in retaliation. Indian lies are famous, be it for 62 incursion, 71 incursion. What we see is just excuses. They infiltrated Siachen, occupied our land and then accuse us of instigating a fight. It's just hindu nationalists (read extremists), and hindutva elements in Army similar to col.purhoit are trying to pick a fight with us.
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I doubt it.

Modi may be a hardliner, but he isn't stupid, he knows that if India starts the trouble, India's global standing will go right out of the door.
I don't think Modi has a choice Indo-Pak affairs are controlled elsewhere
I doubt it.

Modi may be a hardliner, but he isn't stupid, he knows that if India starts the trouble, India's global standing will go right out of the door.

Yara, India can start a trouble and their media can spin the narrative to show India as victims. You forgot, it was them first who crossed the border and kill our soldiers which instigated the 2013 hostilities and Indians became victim in those hostilities
I don't think Modi has a choice Indo-Pak affairs are controlled elsewhere
Yeah, no. Modi has a choice, he either has a choice of being a fucking moron, or being an advocate of good will between Pakistan and India.
The lion in your avatar looks like a mutant with radiation poisoning
Well I'm Glad you Noticed, thank you for your analysis

Yeah, no. Modi has a choice, he either has a choice of being a fucking moron, or being an advocate of good will between Pakistan and India.
I think he is going to chose Option A (Moron)
Except that Nawaz didn't do what MMS did, he reciprocated, and even when he was very clearly insulted, he still tried to salvage some sort of good will between India and Pakistan. Pakistan has invited Modi, it's up to Modi if they wants to go or not. like I said, the ball is in India's court.

Nawaz was outmaneuvered by Modi. Unlike NS for his oath taking, Modi invited the heads of every South Asian nation, and made it a show of South Asian unity. NS had no choice but to attend - if he alone declined, he would have looked like the bad guy who was not interested in peace and harmony in the region.

OTOH, MMS was invited at a time when the border was tense and Indian soldiers had been murdered. MMS too had no choice - had he accepted the invitation, the message would have been that the lives of soldiers didn't really matter to him.
I think, it's just a preparation to handle insurgency that could happen once NATO leaves Afghan. As long as LeT and other terror groups who hates India resides in Pakistan, you never know what happens.
Yara, India can start a trouble and their media can spin the narrative to show India as victims. You forgot, it was them first who crossed the border and kill our soldiers which instigated the 2013 hostilities and Indians became victim in those hostilities
I didn't forget, in fact, I mentioned it in this very thread.

Special unit for Pakistan border on the cards

But like I said, if India starts trouble, it'll be obvious. Indian media tried to spin the tale last time, but you should remember that Pakistan won out in the narrative in the end. People quickly figured out that India was bullshitting.

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