Each mirror have two sides.
While I WOULD NOT argue this, but some people do.
What if EVERYONE in the US is allow public carry.
In Switzerland, everyone is allowed to public carry, public display of their firearms, it is not unusual at all to see people carrying their rifle. I WILL MOST definite not try to shoot people in Switzerland unless I am planning to die, and even if I do, I am more than expect stiff resistance if I try to do "Mass Shooting" so even with ultra lax gun law, Mass Shooting in Switzerland did not actually exist, IIRC, they have 3 or 4 Mass shooting in like the last 100 years.
And if Gun Law is not a problem, then Gun itself is not a problem. Again, if I am in a State of US who allow Public Carry, then the likeliness of both "Attempt" to perform Mass Shooting and the "Prompt Prevention" of Mass Shooting would most likely increase. Hence, Gun is not exactly the problem of why there are MCI in the First Place.
Problems is, this "Vicious" cycle is always going to exist unless the root problem is cleared. With or Without Guns. I can compare a tight gun control country and a non-tight gun control country and the result will shock you. Try compare the frequent of MCI between China (Ultra Gun Control) to Switzerland (Virtually no Gun Control) or China to Norway.
Just because I got a gun, that does not mean I want to shoot someone, when I do, that mean I have something wrong in my head, and if that is the case, Gun or No Gun, I will kill people either way.
Having worked in Intelligence Sector with both DIA and NSA, what I can tell you is this.
There are more resources devoted by the Intelligence Circle to track down domestic terrorist than international terrorist such as ISIS or AQ.
There are two reason behind this. The first one being we can have a lot of input and direction within US border, more reach from Federal to Local LEA and more intel flow between Agency. However, when we talk about Foreign Terrorist group, then there are not much we can do beside depending on foreign intelligence service. And virtually nothing we can do if the foreign country that terrorist group based on is hostile to the US.
The Second thing is that the concept of "Foreign Terrorist" group is still new, well, relatively new opposing to domestic terrorism, the US never experience Foreign terrorist campaign until around 1970, which mean the system to deal with that is still new and may or may not working their best to counter the situation. What and How information is being share is another issue, information being withhold both intentionally and accidentally contribute to the ineffectiveness to counter intelligence service between Local LEA to Foreign Terrorist Organisation.
On the other hand, the worse fear for many of us is now coming clear, which is the blend of domestic terrorist incident with International Terrorist organisation. Which mean group that have no common political agenda work together to disable or bring down the infrastructure of the United States, which is currently remain the most crucial problem with the US government.
Something you may not know is that Guns Control in the US is actually straighter than most in the world. You may not buy rifle in some state and for other states that allow Rifle ownership, you are required to go thru a straight process in order to own one, it's not like I can just pop down to a store and buy a rifle like I shop for a sack of potatoes.
Gun law change nothing to the ground reality. First of all, most offender did not buy their own gun under their own name to commit those crime, they either steal it from immediately family, or get them illegally or illegally modified those firearms to perform the crime.
Second of all, Gun law change will provoke gun sells, people don't care about amnesty and will purchase more gun before "Deadline" and not turning them in afterward. Which gun law would create a more unstable balance of situation where people who already own them, albeit now illegal, would have an unfair advantage over people who are law abiding which turn in their guns or those who are not interested in Gun. If US Law Enforcement is indeed adequate, then yes, Gun Control would work because the LEA is competence to prevent or deal with crime, however, if you are looking at a small town in Kansas where 12 LEA officer look after the whole town of 10,000, crime will goes up if gun law are tighten.
And then you also need to consider people who commit crime will commit those crime with or without firearms, and you need to think about how much serious of a MCI if I rent a Ryder truck and ram people over High pedestrian traffic.
You are the one that give irrelevant information and have been avoiding my challenge over in that thread.
You remember pulling up this post on the mobile phone thread and when you are challenged you said "Don't derail the Mobile Phone thread"
People here have a brain you know? Unlike in other section, they can see and judge a post by its merit, what you are doing here is basically strengthen my reputation, and weaken your own. If you even have half a brain, you should have known.