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Spain probes Hu Jintao 'genocide' in Tibet court case

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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BBC News - Spain probes Hu Jintao 'genocide' in Tibet court case


Spain's top criminal court has decided to hear a case brought by Tibetan rights activists who allege that China's former President Hu Jintao committed genocide in Tibet.

Judges ruled that they were competent to handle the case because one of the activists, Tibetan monk Thubten Wangchen, is a Spanish citizen.

Hu Jintao was the Communist Party leader in Tibet in 1988-1992, when Chinese troops quelled mass protests.

China imposed martial law in Tibet.

The remote mountainous territory is an autonomous region ruled by Beijing.

In their lawsuit against Hu Jintao the Madrid-based Tibetan Support Committee allege that as Communist leader in the region he was ultimately responsible for actions "aimed at eliminating the uniqueness and existence of Tibet as a country, imposing martial law, carrying out forced deportations, mass sterilisation campaigns, torture of dissidents".

The Spanish legal system recognises the universal justice principle, under which genocide suspects can be put on trial outside their home country. But for Spain to hold the trial there is a requirement that at least one victim of alleged genocide must be a Spanish citizen.

Beijing claims a centuries-old sovereignty over Tibet, but many Tibetans remain loyal to the exiled Buddhist spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama. He is seen by his followers as a living god, but by China as a separatist threat.

Genocide, the gravest crime against humanity, is understood to mean actions aimed at the mass extermination of a whole group of people.
what can spain do even if found guilty.

Perhaps as much as US court can do to summon your PM

US court's summons to Manmohan - The New Indian Express

A US Federal Court has issued summons on PM Singh in connection with human rights violations in the counter-terrorism operations in Punjab in the 80s and the 90s. (PTI/File photo)

Close on the heels of the summons served on UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi, a US Federal Court in Washington DC has now issued summons on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in connection with the alleged human rights violations in the counter-terrorism operations in Punjab in the 80s and the 90s.

And the move by the Federal Court followed a human rights violation law suit filed against the PM by the ‘Sikhs For Justice’(SFJ) rights group under the Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA) and Torture Victim Protection Act (TVPA) for funding several counter-terrorism operations in Punjab, which allegedly resulted in the extrajudicial deaths of more than one lakh Sikhs.

We're not alone?:lol:
what an unamusing --pathetic is the better word-- "Spanish Joke" :flame:

we better regard it purely as a Spaniard ways to entertain their current hardships

# I know Spanish Fly, yet I'm still new to Spanish joke,,, must be learning some :omghaha:

P.S. Or... perhaps the Spanish still delude themselves with the past glorious era of the infamous Spanish Inquisition under the Ferdinand and Isabella reigns :alcoholic:
Tibetans go missing and nobody cares in china, It is like selective genocide by Hans on Tibetans on regular basis.
Tibetans have been oppressed for too long in privacy
This is so stupid. I have no words.

Even more stupidier than this.
Hindraf re-files suit to highlight plight of Indians | Free Malaysia Today

LONDON Hindraf supremo P Waytha Moorthy has re-filed a lawsuit at the Royal Courts of Justice here, on July 2, to sue the British government for abandoning the Indians when Malaya gained independence in 1957.

The original lawsuit was filed in 2007 on the 50th anniversary of Malaysia’s independence.

The exiled lawyer said, “This case is about restoring the lost dignity of the Malaysian Indians, who were brought into Malaya, as indentured labourers, by the British.

“Many of our forefathers did not know what they were getting into. They were illiterate, poor and vulnerable. Inhumane methods were sometimes used to transport people to Malaya, where the British had promised a new life in ‘paradise’. Children were kidnapped. Village heads were cheated or bribed, into sending men to the ships. False promises of pilgrimage were also made”.
Now that he doesnt have the immunity... would that make a difference??
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