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Spain issues arrest order for Chinese President Jiang Zemin


May 7, 2011
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Nov 20, 2013

MADRID – Spain’s National Court on Tuesday issued arrest orders for former Chinese President Jiang Zemin and four other officials as part of a probe into alleged genocide by China against Tibet.

The court said it accepted arguments from Spanish pro-Tibet rights groups that international reports indicate the five may have had a role in the alleged genocide and should be questioned.

The five also include former Prime Minister Li Peng; former security and police chief Qiao Shi; Chen Kuiyan, a former Communist Party official in Tibet; and Pen Pelyun, ex-family planning minister. None has been formally charged.

China has previously described the investigation as interference in its affairs and called the claims “sheer fabrication.”

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said Wednesday during a regular briefing that Beijing firmly opposes the court’s move and urged Spain to repair “the severe damage.” Hong said Madrid should respect China’s stance on Tibet and not harm China-Spain relations.

Spain’s legal system recognizes the universal justice principle, under which genocide suspects can be put on trial outside their home country. The policy allowed former Judge Baltasar Garzon to try to chase late al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and late Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. In practice, very few probes have seen people brought to trial in Spain. Meanwhile, the investigations have irked some countries, most notably China and Israel, and led to accusations that Spain was behaving like a global policeman.

Spain issues arrest order for Jiang | The Japan Times
These Spanish courts are toothless interlopers, meddling in issues that they have no jurisdiction over. But seeing as its Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, and the rest of their gang, I kinda hope they do get extradited...
HAHAHA...I cannot catch my breath. Where is Spain? Who care?

Besides, when staying in Barcelona, I saw many buildings had Catalonia independence flags. I traveled from Barcelona to Madrid by train, and found that this country was not the European developed country I imagined when I was in China. Catalonia is quite good, but other area is not as good as Barcelona.

Ordinary Spanish people is very warm, the warmest people I ever met.
What a joke LOL
The worst thing can happen is 1 less vacation spot for former China leaders. LOL
It would be joke that former China leaders are not inform regard to their trouble with Spain court, and they take a vacation in Spain and got convict in Spain, that would be hilarious.
Spain was the leading nation in EU between the 16th and 17th century but the Spanish Empire is long gone. Today it's economy is struggling, has hardly any political influence even the Spanish forces are not something to brag about. The Spanish court must be desperate to get into headlines so they throw out some meaningless arrest order just to get some attention. Come and arrest them, just don't crap in the pants in front of our PLA boys.
An alternative view is that the pro tibetan camp really has exhausted all avenues for external support.

The spanairds with 26% unemployment rate must really love Tibetans.
so the guys who are talking about unemployment are ok with the order if Spain has 100% employment.....when talking about apples dont bring in oranges....
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