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South Korea has a robotic "Super Gun" the Super Aegis 2 and India claims they will ha


Oct 12, 2010
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South Korea has a robotic "Super Gun" the Super Aegis 2 and India claims they will have a hypersonic missile in 2012

1. Billed by its manufacturers DoDaam of South Korea as a "Total Security Solution," the Super Aegis is an automated turret system that supports a variety of weapons, from a standard machine-gun to a surface-to-air missile.

It is designed to repel an attacker from up to 3 kilometers away, using sophisticated thermal imaging software and camera systems to lock onto a human-sized target even in the dead of night

The system requires no human presence. It's all operated robotically from a distant control room.

Screenshot from a video showing a hail of shots from a supergun

DoDaam Systems Vice-President Park Sung-ho says the high-tech weapon could become an integral component in South Korea's ongoing military face-off with North Korea across the heavily armed Demilitarised Zone.

[Park Sung-ho, Vice President, Dodaam Systems]:
"We have certain circumstance where North and South Korea are confronting each other and currently soldiers are operating a lot of military equipment. If the job can be replaced by non-human guarding and monitoring robots, it could reduce the number of labour forces and military forces. And it could also reduce human losses under real combat situations."

Super aEgis 2 detects objects with two cameras: a low-light camera and a thermal imaging camera which senses body temperature.
A laser range finder and gyroscopic stabiliser keep the weapon steady in high winds.

2. Indian Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) chief VK Saraswat said on Friday all sub-systems of the country’s first indigenous subsonic medium-range cruise missile Nirbhay (fearless) were almost in place and it would be ready by early next year.

Speaking at Aero India-2011, he said: “Integration of the engine is under way.”

The missile with a range of 1,000 km can take to the skies from multiple launchers and will arm all the three services. Nirbhay is expected to supplement the 300-km-range supersonic BrahMos.

Saraswat said an advanced version of BrahMos would be ready by 2012. The technology of the hypersonic missile call-ed BrahMos Mark-2 or BrahMos-2 was successfully lab-tested in May 2008 at a speed of 6.5 mach. The hypersonic demonstrator vehicle will attain a level flight for a ground-to-ground test at a height of 30 km before it hits the target with a speed between seven and eight mach.

The mach-8 Brahmos-2, an advanced version of the present air-launched missile, will be the country’s first hypersonic cruise missile. DRDO and Russian NPO-Mash are working on a sustained flight scramjet, which will be the core element of the Mark-2 version.

About a ballistic missile defence shield, Saraswat said the next AAD (advanced air defence) test will take place this month.

South Korea has a robotic "Super Gun" the Super Aegis 2 and India claims they will have a hypersonic missile in 2012
Why arent they talking about Shaurya?...it is already an hypersonic missile.
Do people still really believe that the Brahmos' range falls within the MTCR limits, b/c a 300 km hypersonic missile doesn't sound that useful. An Air-to-ground variant yes, but 300 km range for the Navy is kind useless.
Do people still really believe that the Brahmos' range falls within the MTCR limits, b/c a 300 km hypersonic missile doesn't sound that useful. An Air-to-ground variant yes, but 300 km range for the Navy is kind useless.

Well the Indians wanted to based missile off of the P-700 Granit (range 120 to 300 km) but the Russians declined and based it off of P-800 Oniks (range 550 to 625 km)

Also is 290 km max range listed for Brahmos wikipedia a ship launched?
Well the Indians wanted to based missile off of the P-700 Granit (range 120 to 300 km) but the Russians declined and based it off of P-800 Oniks (range 550 to 625 km)

That's odd that India would want to develop the missile based off an older (taller and heavier) design and the russians wanted it designed off of the newer missile. Seems like India modernized the missile completely and added additional capabilities. That being said it probably still has a range greater than the advertised 290 km. Most major powers have violated the MTCR for lesser countries, Russia would easily do it for India.
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