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South Korea: China says it won't defend attacker

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Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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South Korea: China says it won't defend attacker

China told South Korea on Friday that it will not defend whoever it determines was responsible for the sinking of a South Korean warship that killed 46 sailors, the South Korean government said.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao made the comments after meeting South Korean President Lee Myung-bak amid tensions on the Korean peninsula following the March 26 torpedo attack near the disputed North-South sea border.

South Korea, the United States and Japan have condemned North Korea after a multinational investigation blamed Pyongyang for the attack. China, however, took a cautious position.

China will decide its stance after considering international probes and the reactions of all countries, Wen told Lee, according to a briefing by presidential adviser Lee Dong-kwan. "China will defend no one" whatever the outcome, Wen said, according to Lee.

China's backing would be key to any bid to condemn or sanction North Korea. Beijing, a veto-wielding permanent U.N. Security Council member, so far has refrained from committing to council action against Pyongyang, its neighbor and traditional ally.

Wen's comments could not be independently confirmed. China's official Xinhua News Agency made no mention of a pledge not to defend those responsible in its report on the meeting.

However, Xinhua did quote Wen as saying China would make a judgment on the cause of the incident in an "objective and fair manner" and "take its stance on the basis of facts concerning the sinking of a South Korean warship."

China "always opposes and condemns any acts detrimental to peace and stability on the peninsula," it quoted him as saying, adding that Beijing "takes serious note of the results of a joint investigation by South Korea and other countries, as well as the reactions of all parties."

Wen's remarks appear to show China is sensitive to South Korean anger over the incident and rising criticism of Beijing's reluctance to endorse the investigation results or criticize Pyongyang.

Chinese leaders were pressed hard on the issue during talks with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and other officials in Beijing earlier this week, and Seoul has already expressed its displeasure over Beijing's hosting the North's reclusive leader Kim Jong Il on a visit just weeks after the sinking.

Wen's pledge as reported by South Korea not to defend the perpetrators may also be a sign that Beijing won't exercise its veto at the Security Council. That would likely be conditional on any measures taken against the North being symbolic and unlikely to further destabilize the regime.

Wen and Lee met at the Blue House a day before a three-way summit that will also include Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama.

'Diplomatic efforts'

Lee's spokesman Park Sun-kyu said in a statement that South Korea was "fully concentrating on diplomatic efforts to hold North Korea responsible." He said the matter would be discussed Friday, at the weekend summit and at a security meeting in Singapore in early June.

Also, President Lee would lay out the case against North Korea during talks with Wen, a South Korean government official said earlier, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with department policy.

A multinational investigation concluded last week that a North Korean submarine fired a torpedo that tore apart and sank the Cheonan in the worst attack on the South Korean military since the Korean War.

North Korea has denied responsibility for the attack, and has warned that retaliation or punishment would mean war.

Tensions have soared since Lee laid out a series of punitive measures and pledged to haul Pyongyang before the U.N. Security Council. The steps include slashing trade with Pyongyang, resuming anti-North Korean propaganda broadcasts across the border and launching large-scale naval exercises off the western coast. U.S.-South Korean military drills are to follow in the coming months.

North Korea has carried out a series of attacks on the South since the Korean War ended in a truce in 1953. South Korea has never retaliated militarily.

Senior U.S. officials said Wednesday that China had indicated it was prepared to hold the North accountable for the torpedo attack and could join in some kind of formal Security Council rebuke.

Separately, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Igor Lyakin-Frolov said that Moscow wants to know with full certitude who is responsible before making further decisions. He said a group of Russian experts was heading to Seoul to study the relevant information.

"We are studying the conclusions of the panel that investigated the incident," he told The Associated Press. "We also have sent a group of experts to study the situation on the spot."

S. Korea: China says it won't defend attacker - Asia-Pacific - msnbc.com
China government said nothing about this event, only exclude "We will try our best to protect peace in this area."
Do any of you actually believe that North Korea has the capability to sink a South Korean ship, DURING A LIVE AMMO EXERCISE? It was joined by expert anti-submarine ships in the area, and somehow, some 60s tech NK midget sub got to approach undetected, sink the ship, and got away silently?

Lies and consipracies...
how come this when china and north korea r brother in arms
This is getting interesting...first of all I still cant belive NK did this..I mean how did they did it so quickly and went innoticed ?? :confused:

point 1- even if they did it and if proven, this means N.K is sure to face some anger..and ofcourse Uncles Sam,the opportunity seeker just gets another excuse to nail N.K along with S.K, and it will not miss on that.

point 2- any attack on N.K sever or minor (I dont know what punishment they are talking about, wether it will be military or something else :P) means an escalated war.

P.S: all doubts on North Korean Nuclear posession will be clear if the war takes place.:agree:

BTW - Why China backed off here ?? Is it the closer relationship with the US or just dont wanna save the poor friend ??:D
and some pakistanis think chinese will b always present for them

Well, thats how the diplomacy works...power and money is where the world is..and you got to be with the world,if the world is against your friend.So its not China's fault,they will do what is best for them.
and some pakistanis think chinese will b always present for them
First of all, you don't know what context 'defend' means here - military or diplomatic. I'm betting it's the latter.

How many times have NK avoided harsh sanction because of its nuclear program? This time it might have gone too far.
Yep, we will definitely not defend the USN.
No need to defend US. China will need everything to defend itself against US, if it comes to that. If there is a shooting fight, NKR will be severely spanked and China will stand by and watch helplessly.
people may never know the truth,S.K is not even an independent country. according to the agreements,only americans have authority to command S. K troops.

Do any of you actually believe that North Korea has the capability to sink a South Korean ship, DURING A LIVE AMMO EXERCISE? It was joined by expert anti-submarine ships in the area, and somehow, some 60s tech NK midget sub got to approach undetected, sink the ship, and got away silently?

Lies and consipracies...

it so happens that U.S sub didn't return to the yokosuka base after finishing the joint exercise .no wonder over 40% korean didn't believe the investigation result
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This is getting interesting...first of all I still cant belive NK did this..I mean how did they did it so quickly and went innoticed ?? :confused:

point 1- even if they did it and if proven, this means N.K is sure to face some anger..and ofcourse Uncles Sam,the opportunity seeker just gets another excuse to nail N.K along with S.K, and it will not miss on that.

point 2- any attack on N.K sever or minor (I dont know what punishment they are talking about, wether it will be military or something else :P) means an escalated war.

P.S: all doubts on North Korean Nuclear posession will be clear if the war takes place.:agree:

BTW - Why China backed off here ?? Is it the closer relationship with the US or just dont wanna save the poor friend ??:D

----We all know that India has very poor people and very rich people, I can imagine that some kind of thing happened in the old day. A rich people kill somebody, but he wouldn't be punished, because, the police and judge would shield the rich, and they would find a poor people, impute to him that the killing. Many men believe the judge, but the rule and the goveriment was own by the rich, so poor people has no where to find the dispassion.
----North Korea isn't evil, why some countries believe NK is a evil? Only because American dislike NK, so the rich man's ideas and words was the truth, so the following countries,such India, Japan, Australia, Canada will believe that NK is a evil.
----You Indian follow American's mind, has no self ideas, what a pity! Chinese has their own ideas and view point, Chinese people decide all the things by themselves, never follow either countries.

----We all know that India has very poor people and very rich people, I can imagine that some kind of thing happened in the old day. A rich people kill somebody, but he wouldn't be punished, because, the police and judge would shield the rich, and they would find a poor people, impute to him that the killing. Many men believe the judge, but the rule and the goveriment was own by the rich, so poor people has no where to find the dispassion.
----North Korea isn't evil, why some countries believe NK is a evil? Only because American dislike NK, so the rich man's ideas and words was the truth, so the following countries,such India, Japan, Australia, Canada will believe that NK is a evil.
----You Indian follow American's mind, has no self ideas, what a pity! Chinese has their own ideas and view point, Chinese people decide all the things by themselves, never follow either countries.


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