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South Asia rides on India’s coat-tails


Apr 28, 2011
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South Asia rides on India’s coat-tails

Last week, the United Nations (UN) put out its report World Economic Situation and Prospects 2012. Besides its grim summation of global economic prospects in the immediate future, the UN made a significant observation: South Asia’s economic growth in 2011 was dragged down by a slowing Indian economy.

This coat-tail effect of associating with India’s growing economic prowess opens up a never-before opportunity.

While at the global level, India only possesses the potential to play a similar role, the transition in South Asia as the region’s economic behemoth is absolute.

If one narrows this down to the subcontinent, then the impact would be even greater. In the last decade, the Indian economy has surged forward like never before. It is not that the other economies in the subcontinent did not grow—India just grew much, much faster. The impact is

The World Development Indicators published by the World Bank reveal that India nearly doubled from a size of $460 billion in 2000 to $834 billion in 2005, and then more than doubled in the next five years to $1.72 trillion in 2010. :woot::woot:

This is amazing. The Indian economy has grown nearly fourfold in the last decade.

As a result, the share of the other economies relative to that of the Indian economy shrank. The size of Pakistan, the second largest economy in the subcontinent, relative to the Indian economy shrank from little less than one-fifth in 2000 to about one-tenth in 2010; :woot::woot: similarly for Bangladesh, the third largest economy, its size shrank from one-tenth to about one-twentieth in the decade.

Not surprisingly, as reported in Mint on 19 January, the UN concluded that real gross domestic product (GDP) growth in South Asia is estimated to have slowed to 6.5% last year from 7.2% in 2010, consistent with the sharp deceleration in India’s growth rate to 7.6% from the level of 9%.

The political economy of this development is of enormous import. It has served up a never-before opportunity to India to assume a constructive leadership role in the region. While it would be tempting to do some chest-thumping, it would be disastrous —and end up scaring the neighbours, just like countries in South-East Asia have now begun to fear the Chinese bear hug. India’s pacifist approach—a tremendous record of never having started a war of its own accord—together with the room created by the surge in its economy, has enormous potential for diplomatic leverage.

To a large extent, the impact has already begun to see its fallout: the recent turnaround in the bilateral relationship with Bangladesh; Pakistan agreeing to extend, after holding out for years, the most favoured nation (MFN) status to India, and the gradual warming of relations with Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

The economic linkages already exist—some covertly though. Here one is not referring to smuggling activity across South Asia’s borders. Because of the estranged relationship between India and Pakistan, the two countries are unable to officially show the extent of their economic links.

Sotto voce, people in government will tell you that the bulk of the trade that flows through the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Singapore is actually destined for Pakistan; there is also this peculiar practice of ripping of “Made in India” labels and replacing them with “Made in UAE” to make it politically acceptable.

It is not surprising then that the UAE and Singapore are among India’s top five export destinations. According to the latest data available with the commerce ministry, at the end of October, UAE ranks first (accounting for $20 billion of exports) and Singapore third ($10 billion). Together, these two countries account for a little under one-fifth of India’s total exports in the April-October period of 2011-12. The softening of diplomatic links will allow both countries to bring these deals above board—not only will it save costs, but also enhance the volume of trade.

And, money always talks. So clearly, there is an opportunity waiting to be tapped. The trick is how to go about it. One is not even sure if this government, so distracted with its share of firefighting to survive politically, has the ability to make good the opportunity.

That apart, India has to ready itself to pay the price of being in such a pole position in the neighbourhood. This is already manifesting itself in immigration, mostly illegal, into the country. At present, the regime has not been prepared to deal with the influx of immigrants. Even if the other economies are pulled up by the bootstraps as it were by India, the pull factor will continue to operate.

Living in denial will only result in a missed opportunity, both for India and now the entire subcontinent.

South Asia rides on India
South Asia rides on India’s coat-tails

As a result, the share of the other economies relative to that of the Indian economy shrank. The size of Pakistan, the second largest economy in the subcontinent, relative to the Indian economy shrank from little less than one-fifth in 2000 to about one-tenth in 2010; :woot::woot: similarly for Bangladesh, the third largest economy, its size shrank from one-tenth to about one-twentieth in the decade.

South Asia rides on India

There are several errors in this Livemint news report.

First, the report it cites is not a UN report; it's a World Bank report.

Second, the World Bank report clearly says Pakistan's economy accounts for 15% of the South Asian economy, not 10% as this news report alleges.

Read page 135 second paragraph of the report. http://siteresources.worldbank.org/...900917/GEP_January_2012a_FullReport_FINAL.pdf
onne hand america is blessing india with investment, on other hand, it is destroying billions of dollars worth properties in pakistan and then army incursion, bomb blast, earth quake, floods, sindh rain flood and what not, all inverters have fled after WOT and no foreigners are coming as a result of srilanka team attack

is a miracle pakistan has even survived, if it was india instead of pakistan, india has been long gone
onne hand america is blessing india with investment, on other hand, it is destroying billions of dollars worth properties in pakistan and then army incursion, bomb blast, earth quake, floods, sindh rain flood and what not, all inverters have fled after WOT and no foreigners are coming as a result of srilanka team attack

is a miracle pakistan has even survived, if it was india instead of pakistan, india has been long gone

PK is in dire straits now, the only way is up. Mutual trade between SA countries will be great for all of us.
Its not that bad as we all think. if u actually look at their economy,read news article etc... like i did they are just fine. Thing is they are facing so many problems alongwith political instability, WoT, etc etc... entire world thinks pakistan is failing which is not true. Steps are being taken...

Its upto us, India, that we also have good relation with pakistan... coz we also need them, not strictly btw. and vice versa
There are several errors in this Livemint news report.

First, the report it cites is not a UN report; it's a World Bank report.

If its a World Bank report not UN then its holds same or more credibility. What u say?

Don't you take World Bank expert of economic matters and its report as genuine?????

Second, the World Bank report clearly says Pakistan's economy accounts for 15% of the South Asian economy, not 10% as this news report alleges.

Read page 135 second paragraph of the report. http://siteresources.worldbank.org/...900917/GEP_January_2012a_FullReport_FINAL.pdf

I think you have forget to wear ur reading glasses there is no error in report just your reading abilities.

You claims to be a economist and can't read simple English????? :woot::woot:

Read again:

The World Development Indicators published by the World Bank reveal that India nearly doubled from a size of $460 billion in 2000 to $834 billion in 2005, and then more than doubled in the next five years to $1.72 trillion in 2010.

This is amazing. The Indian economy has grown nearly fourfold in the last decade.

As a result, the share of the other economies relative to that of the Indian economy shrank.

The size of Pakistan, the second largest economy in the subcontinent, relative to the Indian economy shrank from little less than one-fifth in 2000 to about one-tenth in 2010

Let me spoon feed you:

In simple words, The economy of India grows at a very massive rates that the gap between Indian economy and other south asian economies grew wider and wider.

For Example, pakistan's economy which was about 1/5 or India is now 1/10 of India.

Or you can say that India's economy is 10 times bigger then pakistani economy.

I hope Great economist Mr. riaz haq understand it now. :wave:

Pakistan i think is around $200 billion

so its 9 times the size


Pakistan i think is around $200 billion

so its 9 times the size


It is definitely 10 times. This one is the DATA for 2010 from World Bank Site, and 2011 Data is still not available. And I don't think Pakistan could alter this ratio in a single year with just 1/3 GDP growth rate of India.

GDP (current US$) | Data | Table
So what is the big deal in case Pak economy is 1/9th of the size of Indian economy?...:undecided:
onne hand america is blessing india with investment, on other hand, it is destroying billions of dollars worth properties in pakistan and then army incursion, bomb blast, earth quake, floods, sindh rain flood and what not, all inverters have fled after WOT and no foreigners are coming as a result of srilanka team attack

is a miracle pakistan has even survived, if it was india instead of pakistan, india has been long gone

You are funny, there are many african countries "survive" even after torn by civil wars.
What exactly is your definition of survival. Does somalia not survive?

And america even now has good relation with your military, while Indian military is still suspicious of US hardware.
We have massive floods and cyclones every so often, you have just two floods.
Why do Indians always need to compare themselves to others, and then masturbate to themselves?
If you guys are having good growth, then be proud of that.
Why are you being childish and mocking others who may not have the same growth rate?
Just goes to show the level of maturity of India.
I have not seen any Chinese members make threads about how big Chinese economy is vs India and then mock India for it.

And as one Indian friend said, Pakistan economy at the moment is not as strong, but is by no means on the verge of collapse.
Dude more than half of your country was gone in 1947

So you do agree that India existed before 1947 and Pakistan broke away from India. Which means that Indus valley civilization was truly an Indian phenomenon..

You guys need to make up your mind.. Did 2 countries take birth in 1947 from the British colony or Pakistan broke away from India in 1947.. Once you have made up your mind on that (which it seems you havent been able to in last 64 years), we will carry forward this discussion..

---------- Post added at 01:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 AM ----------

I have not seen any Chinese members make threads about how big Chinese economy is vs India and then mock India for it.

Really.. Looks like you havent spent much time on the forum ;)
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