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So how was your Eid....


Mar 17, 2008
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United States
I had such a wonderful time.... been a long time since i celebrated Eid in pakistan with the family (khandan).... had a wonderful Eid party.... even at 2 am the streets were still pact with hallum gullah....
sometimes its worth to be away from "defence.pk"... ;)
so how was our defence.pk members eid???? a BLASTT!!
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I had such a wonderful time.... been a long time since i celebrated Eid in pakistan with the family (khandan).... had a wonderful Eid party.... even at 2 am the streets were still pact with hallam gullah....
sometimes its worth to be away from "defence.pk"... ;)
so how was our defence.pk members eid???? a BLASTT!!

was preparing for my exams starting from 7 of next month.

no fun for me.......... :cry::cry::cry:
I had great time with my Muslim friends. I love the food which my friends mom prepared for us. We attended the prayers with them and also had a loads of fun chatting around...
It was a great time......My family had 4 days together and no office work, no school work....just free time.

Sad about 3 Eids.....
was preparing for my exams starting from 7 of next month.
no fun for me.......... :cry::cry::cry:

Oh no dear... but arent these Eid holidays meant for enjoyment rather then tension and preparations? hmmm.. maybe you should not have partied and waited for the last moment for studies.. ;)
I had great time with my Muslim friends. I love the food which my friends mom prepared for us. We attended the prayers with them and also had a loads of fun chatting around...
hey man if what you are telling is true then very good to know that hindus and muslims can coexists.... well even i have celebrated devali couple of times... no harm in playing around with free fire crackers.. lol
Sad about 3 Eids.....
but tell me guys.... lets say if we were back in the days... 14th century... no country... no nothing... then how would be the matters different??
Oh no dear... but arent these Eid holidays meant for enjoyment rather then tension and preparations? hmmm.. maybe you should not have partied and waited for the last moment for studies.. ;)

hey man if what you are telling is true then very good to know that hindus and muslims can coexists.... well even i have celebrated devali couple of times... no harm in playing around with free fire crackers.. lol

but tell me guys.... lets say if we were back in the days... 14th century... no country... no nothing... then how would be the matters different??

Without any barriers or borders , wow , I would love myself to be an international citizen:cheers:
I had such a wonderful time.... been a long time since i celebrated Eid in pakistan with the family (khandan).... had a wonderful Eid party.... even at 2 am the streets were still pact with hallam gullah....
sometimes its worth to be away from "defence.pk"... ;)
so how was our defence.pk members eid???? a BLASTT!!

It was really a good Eid!!
I spent the eid in mardan,was sick so only spent a few hours in the village and then came back to mardan. However, i managed to take a few pictures of surrounding hills, one of which is supposed to have some elements of taliban that escaped from swat.Operation has been started there.
Oh no dear... but arent these Eid holidays meant for enjoyment rather then tension and preparations? hmmm.. maybe you should not have partied and waited for the last moment for studies.. ;)

and who told you that I have partied all year and waited for last month?

If you are an engineer, you would know that engineering studies are so difficult that you cannot be sure about your preparations even after whole year of studying and class taking.
and who told you that I have partied all year and waited for last month?

If you are an engineer, you would know that engineering studies are so difficult that you cannot be sure about your preparations even after whole year of studying and class taking.

hehe yaar just joking..... wish you all best of luck for the exam...
It was, as it always been for the past some years, Bitter Sweet,

Bitter because in my line of work, you have perennial eternal BOOKS,

Sweet because, well, it is Eid, afterall. ;)
Well, it was not entertaining as my uncle was in very bad state in hospital so we did not celebrate..just ate lots of sweets and prayed for my uncle.
It was bore even on Eid day i had to sit in front of computer to remove my "boreat" :sick:
and who told you that I have partied all year and waited for last month?

If you are an engineer, you would know that engineering studies are so difficult that you cannot be sure about your preparations even after whole year of studying and class taking.

See engineering then I am damn sure........:lol:

Theory of giving Engineering exams in India:
In engineering you are not able to finish the whole book in a year which eventually gets completed in a single night..:lol:

Just before exam you realize that this is also in syllabus.

What ever you think is not going to come in exam is surely in exam.

Their are many more... but that will be off topic...:D

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