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So called peace loving ANP

the bottom line is that, wther!its MQM OR ITS ANP, ITS PPPP OR ITS PML(n), or wther, they are fedrlist or ETHNICTY bassed , but the important thing is that what they are doing , to make the country strong!
Every political party , wther its ETHNICTY bassed or not , it should work for the betterment of the country, but most of the fdrlist parties , in the past are doing the worst courption so, no one is perfect?
we pakistanis , should learn living in unity & forgivness! & thts the bottom line ! RIGHT.;):pakistan::cheers:

hmmm and onething more please come out of the shade of hyprcracy:pakistan:
Yep, besides I have never seen PMLN or PPP saying it's for Sindhis or Punjabis only unlike MQM which is for Mohajirs and ANP which is for Pushtuns only.

I think they want an independant NWFP so I don't see how they can appeal to other voters. However if they can get such a majority then I would be very surprised because I feel alot of the Pashtun people I know want to remain a part of Pakistan.

Sorry Guys this is last video!
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After researching alot I do believe that ANP has shone alot of disloyalty specially some of the things that Pakhtuns don't want to be a part of Pakistan are certainly not true because I don't believe that Pakhtun soldiers have laid down their lives fighting India as well as the current terrorists just so. It is important that we start fighting them politically we need to have a stronger stance against the ANP however I also believe that we should politically beat ANP not physically.
After researching alot I do believe that ANP has shone alot of disloyalty specially some of the things that Pakhtuns don't want to be a part of Pakistan are certainly not true because I don't believe that Pakhtun soldiers have laid down their lives fighting India as well as the current terrorists just so. It is important that we start fighting them politically we need to have a stronger stance against the ANP however I also believe that we should politically beat ANP not physically.

very ignorant statement and convienantly ignored history. ANP was Bacha Khans party and he wanted to stay with afghanistan and balochistan because he believed pashtuns will not get the same rights in pakistan. This is what ANP has been fighting for the whole time equal rights, development, education, better infrastructure and they have long abandoned a seperate pashtoons state. How are these things or demands bad or disloyal i think its good for our development as a nation. Why dont u beat the maulvis and their hypocritic Islamist parties who dont want any development and only pursue their own interests not that of the nation
I still cant believe ANP ruling a province!

dear sir,
when you commit, some thing thn , you have to respect your own words! & in case you cant do it , you shouldnt be commiting the things, which you cnt!:smokin:
i guss , it enough!
so plz, stop it!
because, by doing this ,you are making an open invitation, to the other commrades , to share hate on the fourm, & i guss its not , in the best intersts of pakistan, niether for you, & niether it will be HELPFULL for MQM!:smokin:
I dont trust either ANP or MQM. Any party based on ethnic groups cant be trusted because they just want to create differences between Pakistanis.

I say ban both parties and also ban other parties in Pakistan thats based on an ethnic group.
here we go again MQM supporter is back after we had called a truce.....you just can't keep your word can you....do you really want to go down that road again......??

can we stop MQM vs ANP fight they both are equally bad can we concentrate on PAKISTAN.....
ANP got majority votes in NWFP so they deserve to rule that province where as MQM is a terrorist party and it should be banned for good.
great and the STUPID argument starts again and we are back to comparing SIZES....!!!
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