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Slaughtering the Khmer Rouge 1978: True or False ?

Vietnam may be a big thread for others, but China? is it a joke?
Fact is Vietnam has never been a thread for China throughout history.

We have learned our lesson. Next time, if Cambodia (or Thailand, Malaysia or other in the region) commits suicide, we will stay away. Let them kill themselves and let them massacre other ethnics such as Chinese. We will act like the French and the British, we´ll send in paratroopers only to protect our Vietnamese people.

We saved Cambodia from the genocide, and what did we received?
invasion from China, US-China alliance against Vietnam, international santion and isolation. no humanity, no integrity, neither morality. Pol Pot killed millions, but all applauded him.

Hi Vietnamese guys, suggest to you a way to rebuttal these PRC. I know all their dirty linen. They are Chinese and I am Chinese. If you argue that Vietnam go inside because crime of humanity of Khmer Rouge, the PRC will then compare it with USA vs Saddam.

There are full justification of Vietnam invading Cambodia. It is not just to overthrow the Khmer Rouge. Khmer Rouge did incur into Vietnam and then killed a lot of people. That fully justified the invasion.

From wiki

In the first major clash between the two former allies, the Kampuchean Revolutionary Army invaded the Vietnamese island of Phú Quốc on 1 May 1975, which they claimed was part of Kampuchea’s territory.

Nine days later, on 10 May 1975, the Kampuchean military continued its incursion by capturing Thổ Chu, where it executed 500 Vietnamese civilians.

As the Kampuchean Revolutionary Army made preparations for its war against Vietnam, state-controlled media in Vietnam sent congratulatory messages to the Government of the Democratic Kampuchea on the second anniversary of its establishment, on 17 April 1977. On 30 April 1977, the second anniversary of the fall of Saigon, the Kampuchean reply came in the form of a military attack against the Vietnamese provinces of An Giang and Châu Đốc, killing hundreds of Vietnamese civilians. The Vietnam People's Army responded by moving its troops to areas attacked by Kampuchea and, on 7 June 1977, Vietnam proposed high-level talks to discuss outstanding issues. On 18 June 1977, the Kampuchean Government replied by demanding that Vietnam remove all of its military units from the disputed areas, and create a demilitarised zone between the opposing forces.

The war against Khmer Rouge is actually not really about humanitarian effort against wicked Khmer Rouge. But it was a build up of hostility initiated by Khmer Rouge that forces Vietnam to teach these murderers a lesson. If the border is peaceful, Vietnamese won't went into Cambodia.

The PRC commenters' claims that Vietnam annex Cambodia is wrong. Immediately after invasion, People's Republic of Kampuchea was founded.

However, Vietnam maintain a military presence there. This is no difference from USA bases in Korea or Japan. The Vietnamese government left after achieving their objective that Hun Sen government stand on his feet even without Vietnam's military bases around.

Up till now, Hun Sen still in control and Cambodia is a good friend of Vietnam and PRC.
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Hi Vietnamese guys, suggest to you a way to rebuttal these PRC. I know all their dirty linen. They are Chinese and I am Chinese. If you argue that Vietnam go inside because crime of humanity of Khmer Rouge, the PRC will then compare it with USA vs Saddam.

There are full justification of Vietnam invading Cambodia. It is not just to overthrow the Khmer Rouge. Khmer Rouge did incur into Vietnam and then killed a lot of people. That fully justified the invasion.

From wiki

In the first major clash between the two former allies, the Kampuchean Revolutionary Army invaded the Vietnamese island of Phú Quốc on 1 May 1975, which they claimed was part of Kampuchea’s territory.

Nine days later, on 10 May 1975, the Kampuchean military continued its incursion by capturing Thổ Chu, where it executed 500 Vietnamese civilians.

As the Kampuchean Revolutionary Army made preparations for its war against Vietnam, state-controlled media in Vietnam sent congratulatory messages to the Government of the Democratic Kampuchea on the second anniversary of its establishment, on 17 April 1977. On 30 April 1977, the second anniversary of the fall of Saigon, the Kampuchean reply came in the form of a military attack against the Vietnamese provinces of An Giang and Châu Đốc, killing hundreds of Vietnamese civilians. The Vietnam People's Army responded by moving its troops to areas attacked by Kampuchea and, on 7 June 1977, Vietnam proposed high-level talks to discuss outstanding issues. On 18 June 1977, the Kampuchean Government replied by demanding that Vietnam remove all of its military units from the disputed areas, and create a demilitarised zone between the opposing forces.

The war against Khmer Rouge is actually not really about humanitarian effort against wicked Khmer Rouge. But it was a build up of hostility initiated by Khmer Rouge that forces Vietnam to teach these murderers a lesson. If the border is peaceful, Vietnamese won't went into Cambodia.

The PRC commenters' claims that Vietnam annex Cambodia is wrong. Immediately after invasion, People's Republic of Kampuchea was founded.

However, Vietnam maintain a military presence there. This is no difference from USA bases in Korea or Japan. The Vietnamese government left after achieving their objective that Hun Sen government stand on his feet even without Vietnam's military bases around.

Up till now, Hun Sen still in control and Cambodia is a good friend of Vietnam and PRC.

you are rare of Chinese guy on PDF, educated and intelligence. You could take a position of Mr. Xi in peking and China could rule the world without throne. (just a kidding).:woot:
Hi Vietnamese guys, suggest to you a way to rebuttal these PRC. I know all their dirty linen. They are Chinese and I am Chinese. If you argue that Vietnam go inside because crime of humanity of Khmer Rouge, the PRC will then compare it with USA vs Saddam.

There are full justification of Vietnam invading Cambodia. It is not just to overthrow the Khmer Rouge. Khmer Rouge did incur into Vietnam and then killed a lot of people. That fully justified the invasion.

From wiki

In the first major clash between the two former allies, the Kampuchean Revolutionary Army invaded the Vietnamese island of Phú Quốc on 1 May 1975, which they claimed was part of Kampuchea’s territory.

Nine days later, on 10 May 1975, the Kampuchean military continued its incursion by capturing Thổ Chu, where it executed 500 Vietnamese civilians.

As the Kampuchean Revolutionary Army made preparations for its war against Vietnam, state-controlled media in Vietnam sent congratulatory messages to the Government of the Democratic Kampuchea on the second anniversary of its establishment, on 17 April 1977. On 30 April 1977, the second anniversary of the fall of Saigon, the Kampuchean reply came in the form of a military attack against the Vietnamese provinces of An Giang and Châu Đốc, killing hundreds of Vietnamese civilians. The Vietnam People's Army responded by moving its troops to areas attacked by Kampuchea and, on 7 June 1977, Vietnam proposed high-level talks to discuss outstanding issues. On 18 June 1977, the Kampuchean Government replied by demanding that Vietnam remove all of its military units from the disputed areas, and create a demilitarised zone between the opposing forces.

The war against Khmer Rouge is actually not really about humanitarian effort against wicked Khmer Rouge. But it was a build up of hostility initiated by Khmer Rouge that forces Vietnam to teach these murderers a lesson. If the border is peaceful, Vietnamese won't went into Cambodia.

The PRC commenters' claims that Vietnam annex Cambodia is wrong. Immediately after invasion, People's Republic of Kampuchea was founded.

However, Vietnam maintain a military presence there. This is no difference from USA bases in Korea or Japan. The Vietnamese government left after achieving their objective that Hun Sen government stand on his feet even without Vietnam's military bases around.

Up till now, Hun Sen still in control and Cambodia is a good friend of Vietnam and PRC.
if Cambodia under Pol Pot did not begin to kill Vietnamese descents and if they did not launch attacks on our border towns, then Vietnam might have chosen to ignore the genocide like the rest of the world.

The turning point came as when in mid 1978 Pol Pot began to mobilise his army divisions to prepare an invasion of Vietnam. Pol Pot was so orrogant and overconfident that his army would wipe out Vietnam. He stopped to laugh when seeing our tanks smashing through the cambodian defence and annihilating his best army troops. Within 2 weeks, his army collapsed and Phnom Penh was captured.

Yes, Hun Sen is a good friend of Vietnam. He was trained in Vietnam, he speaks Vietnamese, his wife Bun Rany is Vietnamese. The fool Sam Rainsy is dangerous. He now plays a racial card and instigates hatred agains us.

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Hun Sen with his wife and family, I believe they are all Vietnamese. Thaksin is seen here on the pic.

if Cambodia under Pol Pot did not begin to kill Vietnamese descents and if they did not launch attacks on our border towns, then Vietnam might have chosen to ignore the genocide like the rest of the world.

The turning point came as when in mid 1978 Pol Pot began to mobilise his army divisions to prepare an invasion of Vietnam. Pol Pot was so orrogant and overconfident that his army would wipe out Vietnam. He stopped to laugh when seeing our tanks smashing through the cambodian defence and annihilating his best army troops. Within 2 weeks, his army collapsed and Phnom Penh was captured.

Yes, Hun Sen is a good friend of Vietnam. He was trained in Vietnam, he speaks Vietnamese, his wife Bun Rany is Vietnamese. The fool Sam Rainsy is dangerous. He now plays a racial card and instigates hatred agains us.


Hun Sen is Hokkien chinese in original, Bun Rany was born in Vietnam but she is Khmer Krom.
Hun Sen is Hokkien chinese in original, Bun Rany was born in Vietnam but she is Khmer Krom.
are you sure about Hun Sen? as for Bun Rany, whether she is Khmer krom or not, perhaps she is not Kinh, but she is Vietnamese.
Vietnam may be a big thread for others, but China? is it a joke?
Fact is Vietnam has never been a thread for China throughout history.

We have learned our lesson. Next time, if Cambodia (or Thailand, Malaysia or other in the region) commits suicide, we will stay away. Let them kill themselves and let them massacre other ethnics such as Chinese. We will act like the French and the British, we´ll send in paratroopers only to protect our Vietnamese people.

We saved Cambodia from the genocide, and what did we received?
invasion from China, US-China alliance against Vietnam, international santion and isolation. no humanity, no integrity, neither morality. The mass murder Pol Pot killed millions, but all applauded him.
Given the history background, the motivation of Vietnam's invasion to Cambodia wasn't that simple. I agree that there was a positive side. The dark side was also very obvious. Vietnam had the ambition for building a Vietnamese dominated Indochina. Even till now, it's still a dream of some Vietnamese. Eventually they failed under international intervention.
Singapore Chinese have a well known nickname----banana. Yellow outside and white in core

You are right. We are indeed full of banana but I am a rare patriotic culture Chinese. I hate banana. Oversea Chinese behave differently. We will be more likely to side with the good people. We are not poisoned by cultural revolution.

I would prefer to side with China than anyone else. But the fact is PRC sprout rubbish sometimes. I cannot side with evil.
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are you sure about Hun Sen? as for Bun Rany, whether she is Khmer krom or not, perhaps she is not Kinh, but she is Vietnamese.

Its stated by Wiki.

Hun Sen was born in Kampong Cham, and was the third child of six children to a peasant family. His father,Hun Neang, was a resident monk in a local Wat in Kampong Cham province before defrocking himself to join the French resistance and married Hun Sen's mother, Dee Yon in the 1940s. Hun Neang's paternal grandparents were wealthy landowners of Teochew Chinese heritage.

For the case of Bun Rany, I'm not sure, but I have an idea about that she is could not be Kinh in ethnicity.

Hun Neang inherited some of his family assets and led a relatively comfortable life, as they owned several hectares of land until a kidnapping incident forced their family to sell off much of their assets. Hun Sen left his family at the age of 13 to attend a monastic school in Phnom Penh. When Lon Nol usurped power from Sihanouk in 1970 during a bloodlesscoup, Hun Nal gave up his education to join the Khmer Rouge. Two years later, Hun Nal changed his name to Hun Sen. In 1974, Hun Sen met his future wife Bun Rany. He was wounded in the left eye, which was laterremoved, in 1975 on the day before the Khmer Rouge captured Phnom Penh. The following year, Hun Sen married Bun Rany.
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1. China didn't occupy others' land. And only has problem with several neighbors.
2, Brain washed excuse. Most Japanese still believe they invaded other countries to liberate them from westerners. Same thing here.
3. I don't have more source about Thailand-Vietnam war. I thought you knew it. Seems your government doesn't want you to know it.
This kid's so funny.
We invaded from 1979 -1989, and PRC attacked VN in 1979, PRC support Khmer-rough and against USSR - Vietnamese's supporter, now you turn it out like this shjt:
VN troops stayed in other country for 10 years
So PRC know VN will stay in Combodia for 10 years, in that time !?

You don't have info but you want to preaching others about the truth !?
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For the case of Bun Rany, I'm not sure, but I have an idea about that she is could not be Kinh in ethnicity.
Pin Chamnan was Hun Sen's first wife, Bun Rany is Hun Sen's second wife

Hun Sen's wife and others: Sok An's real name was Hoa Van Anh and Hok Lundy's real name was Nguyen Van Son

By Anonymous

According to what I was told by Pin Chamnan, who was the first woman engaged to be married to Hun Sen, Sam Heang, now known as Bun Rany, nicknamed Heang, who is Hun Sen's presentwife, was actually the wife of a top Vietnamese soldier in Cambodia. He was terminally ill in 1979, and before he died, he told Hun Nal (Hun Sen) to take Sam Heang (Bun Rany) as his wife after his death.

According to Mark A, Sam Heang (Bun Rany) was a wife of Do Moi [who was a Vietnamese].

Hun Nal (Hun Sen) cancelled his wedding party with Pin Chamnan immediately after Do Moi died and got married to Sam Heang to keep his promise to Do Moi on his deathbed.

Hun Nal (Hun Sen) later had a love affair with singer Him Sivorn and Sam Heang (Bun Rany) found out and took back a motorcycle that Hun Nal had bought for her (Sivorn). Sam Heang warned her to stop the affair with Hun Sen or face death.

Later on, Hun Sen had an affair with actress Pisith Pilika. Even he was deeply in love with her, he was ordered by Hanoi to banish her or he would be out of the post. Hok Lundy organised the assassination of Pisith Pilika soon after in 1999.

Hun Nal had love affairs (basically had sex) with many other young girls which were arranged by his aides. The girls were kept in a room, with lights off and then Hun Sen came in and attacked them like a mad man. This is well-known within Hun Sen's inner circle.

After Hun Sen had cancelled his wedding with Pin Chamnan to takeover Sam Heang as his wife from a VN Comander, he had arranged a marriage of Pin Chamnan with one of his aides and bodyguards, named Kuch Chantha. Hun Sen had a daughter with Pin Chamnan too. She now lives in California. Hen Sen often gives money to Pin Chamnan to take care of this daughter.
Khmerization: Pin Chamnan was Hun Sen's first wife, Bun Rany is Hun Sen's second wife
The communists of Russia, China, and Cambodia all have one thing in common; they implemented the policy of mass killing of their own population. Thank goodness the communists of Viet Nam did not follow that same policy.

Cambodia at that time had 10 millions and Pol Pot's goal was to kill 8 millions of those. Left with 2 millions purest classless Cambodian, Pol Pot's next goal was each Cambodian would kill 30 Vietnamese to wipe us out completely.

If Pol Pot was really Chinese (is this even has any truth to it?), then it's no surprise that he had no love for his Khmer "countrymen".
The communists of Russia, China, and Cambodia all have one thing in common; they implemented the policy of mass killing of their own population. Thank goodness the communists of Viet Nam did not follow that same policy.

Cambodia at that time had 10 millions and Pol Pot's goal was to kill 8 millions of those. Left with 2 millions purest classless Cambodian, Pol Pot's next goal was each Cambodian would kill 30 Vietnamese to wipe us out completely.

If Pol Pot was really Chinese (is this even has any truth to it?), then it's no surprise that he had no love for his Khmer "countrymen".

Wikipedia on Chinese Khmer. Not only that the Norodom family is very Chinese so is Hun Sen and family. Vietnamese may think otherwise that they are "Vietnamese", we may discuss that.

This is one of the reason the current Hun Sen regime prefer not to tell everyone "China and Chinese" are murderers. Because they themselves are quite "Chinese".

Actually Pot killed much more Chinese in proportion than Khmer. That is the reason I always stress repentant in our race.

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Its stated by Wiki.

For the case of Bun Rany, I'm not sure, but I have an idea about that she is could not be Kinh in ethnicity.

I dounbt too. Wiki.english said she born in Vietnam, but Wiki.Vietnamese said she is chinese in original born in Kampong Cham..

Bà được sinh ra ở huyện Krouch Chhmar, tỉnh Kampong Cham. Bà là con thứ tư trong một gia đình nông dân có năm người con. Gia đình bà là người Campuchia gốc Hoa, có gốc gác từ đảo Hải Nam, Trung Quốc..

Bun Rany – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
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