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Skyline comparison London vs Moscow vs New York vs Shanghai

Nothing can beat NewYork...... Ya Chinese are new with some new good look... But NewYork will always remain the best
That may have increased the speed, but it was not the fundamental cause.

China's time was coming, there was never any doubt about that. Especially in a globalized world, we just leveraged what already existed..

So how big do you think your consumer goods market in the 1970's was before foreign companies set up shop?
When they did set up shop...what percentage of those goods were sold to the average Chinese citizen?

That was the fundamental cause.
So how big do you think your consumer goods market in the 1970's was before foreign companies set up shop?
When they did set up shop...what percentage of those goods were sold to the average Chinese citizen?

That was the fundamental cause.

I disagree.

China could never be held down in a state of low development forever. It would have happened eventually, the greed of foreign businessmen (mostly overseas ethnic Chinese) just sped up the process.

Plus, multinationals go everywhere, including to Sub-Saharan Africa. They end up dominating those markets.

Whereas our markets are dominated by domestic companies like Lenovo, Haier, and Baidu. In fact, Lenovo and Haier are number one in the world in their respective industries, computers and appliances.

And the three largest companies in the world are all Chinese banks.
I disagree.

China could never be held down in a state of low development forever.

You are right North Korea will snap out of it too....someday....may not be in our lifetimes though

the greed of foreign businessmen (mostly overseas ethnic Chinese) just sped up the process.

I always thought it was the greed of "Jew controlled" corporate businesses. :-)
You are right North Korea will snap out of it too....someday....may not be in our lifetimes though

Doesn't matter, the point is that it will snap out of it one day.

What, you think if you let multinationals in to North Korea, suddenly everything would improve? Did that work for Africa?

China improved because of Deng Xiaoping's policy, not because of multinationals. The Democratic Republic of Congo could let all the multinationals in, but without proper domestic economic policy, they would only end up being dominated by them, with hardly any development.

North Korea will improve when they fix their own administrative and economic systems. They will have to do it themselves if it is to have any long-term positive effects.

I always thought it was the greed of "Jew controlled" corporate businesses. :-)

Jews or not doesn't bother me, I am an Atheist so I don't care about religion.
Jews are a people (like Han) not a religion. Judiasm is their religion.

Doesn't bother me in any case. In fact in Hong Kong I once had a friend who was half Israeli.

As for the other point, can you tell me why Sub-Saharan Africa is not improving despite letting in all the multinationals? You can see MacDonald's, but little to no other economic development.

Obviously, it is internal administrative and economic policy that matters the most.

If North Korea let MacDonald's in, the only difference would that they would have some big macs. It wouldn't mean anything for their country, unless they themselves decided to reform in a big way.
To come back to topic, does anyone of you want to life in such a depressing mega city? I temd to visit them so,etimes but im always happy when i'm back home. Rome for example is so beautiful and sich gigantic dildos would just destroy the way our cities look like.
As for the other point, can you tell me why Sub-Saharan Africa is not improving despite letting in all the multinationals? You can see MacDonald's, but little to no other economic development

I don't see anything with "Made in Africa" printed on it. So whatever companies are there...they are not there for exports.
I don't see anything with "Made in Africa" printed on it. So whatever companies are there...they are not there for exports.

Do you seriously believe that letting MacDonald's into North Korea would suddenly make them into another China?

Or are they going to be like those in Sub-Saharan Africa who have plenty of multinational brands, but are still lacking any real development drive? And it's not like multinationals have not tried to manufacture in Africa, the problem is the lack of infrastructure there means that exports won't be as competitive.

If North Korea let MacDonald's in, the only real difference is that they would replace that dancing clown mascot with Kim Jong Un and rename a few burgers.

If the Government does not want to reform, and does not put a genuine effort into building a nationwide system of infrastructure to become competitive, letting in multinationals will have no benefit to the development process.

Exports can't be competitive in these places without a serious infrastructure drive, and that depends on government policy.
Do you seriously believe that letting MacDonald's into North Korea would suddenly make them into another China?

I'm talking about international manufacturing exports...not food joints. The 1970's dilemma wasn't about outsourcing McDonald's to China. The first McDonald's in mainland China didn't open up until the 1990's.

It starts out with leather shoe manufacturing (maybe now it is cell phone manufacturing) due to the chemical/chromium pollution with the tannery stuff. It then explodes from there.
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I'm talking about international manufacturing exports...not food joints. The 1970's dilemma wasn't about outsourcing McDonald's to China. The first McDonald's in mainland China didn't open up until the 1990's.

Even if Samsung moved their manufacturing facilities into North Korea or Sub-Saharan Africa, they wouldn't be competitive (and companies are still trying to start manufacturing in Sub-Saharan Africa).

The reason is infrastructure, and not just physical infrastructure such as the supply chain, but legal and administrative infrastructure to make things more efficient.

In order to make a country competitive, the country itself must be on the right path. If it's on the wrong path, all the multinationals in the world won't help.
Even if Samsung moved their manufacturing facilities into North Korea or Sub-Saharan Africa, they wouldn't be competitive (and companies are still trying to start manufacturing in Sub-Saharan Africa).

The reason is infrastructure, and not just physical infrastructure such as the supply chain, but legal and administrative infrastructure to make things more efficient.

In order to make a country competitive, the country itself must be on the right path. If it's on the wrong path, all the multinationals in the world won't help.

Money MAKES those things happen. The infrastructure is usually not there to begin with. If it was every country on the planet would be marketable. Somebody makes the investment to get the ball rolling and then things start happening quickly.

Any gaps in China in the 1970's were filled in.
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