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Sixty-four years of failure ??

Btw, how does 2-3 years of trouble make Pakistan a failure? Pakistan's GDP tripled in the last decade. Our poverty dropped to 17% (has gone up to around 25% due to WoT), our stocks hit record highs, our literacy levels went up to around 60% from 43%, our exports almost quadrupled, etc. What kind of non sense is this? Once the WoT ends, we'll be back on our way again.

That's why the WoT is so important - ending WoT basically changes the status quo, and that's why bharatis want it to go on till eternity.
You can't blame the Indians for believing that.

There are more than enough Pakistani 'intellectuals' who parrot the same idiotic propaganda about Pak army overplaying the threat from poor, innocent India.

That's true. Plenty of such Pakistanis talk non sense about Pakistan and the army. That's where the problem starts from.
It's not "the reality", it's your version of the reality. You have no idea what you're saying. Army responsible for poverty? Another deluded one who believes Pakistan spends disproportionate amount on the army. Army responsible for current problems? No, WoT, which could have been avoided.

Of course Pakistan has been spending disproportionately on its military. That is the truth. Listen, I'm too tired to type reams and reams of text in response to you. Just ponder on this simple fact: the military and intelligence in Pakistan have ruled Pakistan for most of its existance. If Pakistan is poor, reviled and in-the-dumps today, the military is responsible to a great extent. It is as simple as that. Even when civilian leaderships have been ruling Pakistan, the military has extended its hand into most matters of policy.

I blame India's problems and poverty on the early Indian leadership.

Pakistan's military and intelligence are squarely responsible for Pakistan's problems.

You want to give the military power, but no accountability. That isn't going to fly - any impartial observer will see what a mess of the country your military has made.
it has got more to do with your pyschy...

He could only wish that Pakistan was in such a bad shape as he is envisioning.

True this WoT has dragged us back, but looking back at history, we only grow stronger after these setbacks, and especially our people, who stand more united in times like these.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. To the Indians in this thread, try to comprehend that and accept that Pakistan is not in shambles, you can always dream ofcourse.. ;)
one and only express tribune can come up with such a bad title and that too in our independence day

i would say a complete failure from ET!
it has got more to do with your pyschy...

Meaningless answer. "Inferiority complex" is something which no country can feel with respect to Pakistan in your current state, and least of all India.

you denied and then agreeeeeeeeeeeeed.... :woot:

Your comment about India's military and so-called "hatred for neighbors" are products of your fertile Pakistani conspiracy theorist mindset. India is not Pakistan, the military has hardly ever had a say here.
He could only wish that Pakistan was in such a bad shape as he is envisioning.

True this WoT has dragged us back, but looking back at history, we only grow stronger after these setbacks, and especially our people, who stand more united in times like these.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. To the Indians in this thread, try to comprehend that and accept that Pakistan is not in shambles, you can always dream ofcourse.. ;)

It all depends on how you define "shambles", and how you define "bad shape".
Of course Pakistan has been spending disproportionately on its military. That is the truth.

Again, that's your version of the truth. As I said, it's part of the delusion that you and some others have. During peace time, Pakistan spends around 3% of it's GDP on military. Nothing out of the ordinary. During WoT, Pakistan has been spending 4%. US spends 4.75%, despite Pakistan deploying more troops for the WoT than the US.

Listen, I'm too tired to type reams and reams of text in response to you. Just ponder on this simple fact: the military and intelligence in Pakistan have ruled Pakistan for most of its existance. If Pakistan is poor, reviled and in-the-dumps today, the military is responsible to a great extent. It is as simple as that. Even when civilian leaderships have been ruling Pakistan, the military has extended its hand into most matters of policy.

Again, part of the delusion. The major problems today are due to WoT. That's how they started, and once WoT ends or significantly slims down, it will end. The whole WoT could have been avoided by the US. Since WoT is starting starting to draw down, things will change quite quickly by 2012 or 2013.
Inshallah, by getting rid of this lot, there will be change... try to understand the law of nature...

I don't know.

As much as Imran Khan is popular, I don't know if he can topple the feudal domination of Pakistani politics. It is simply too deeply entrenched and nothing short of a ruthless rout will rid the country of this curse.
He could only wish that Pakistan was in such a bad shape as he is envisioning.

True this WoT has dragged us back, but looking back at history, we only grow stronger after these setbacks, and especially our people, who stand more united in times like these.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. To the Indians in this thread, try to comprehend that and accept that Pakistan is not in shambles, you can always dream ofcourse.. ;)

yup tough times comes on tough people, we are being shaped....
^^ This WoT thing has become a convenient canard for many intellectually dishonest Pakistanis to point fingers at, and to pin their problems on. The amount of irregular guerrila warfare that Pakistan encouraged and cultivated in the 80s and 90s had to come home to roost someday - the WoT was just the trigger now. It would have come forth sooner or later of its own accord. Which brings one back to the flawed policies of the military-intelligence axis that brought about this situation in the fisrt place.
I don't know.

As much as Imran Khan is popular, I don't know if he can topple the feudal domination of Pakistani politics. It is simply too deeply entrenched and nothing short of a ruthless rout will rid the country of this curse.

he may not succeed, lets say, but he is showing the way out,

dont fear the civil war, dont fear the fall of society's routeen life... it helps eliminate the non functional part of the machine...
^^ This WoT thing has become a convenient canard for many intellectually dishonest Pakistanis to point fingers at, and to pin their problems on. The amount of irregular guerrila warfare that Pakistan encouraged and cultivated in the 80s and 90s had to come home to roost someday - the WoT was just the trigger now. It would have come forth sooner or later of its own accord. Which brings one back to the flawed policies of the military-intelligence axis that brought about this situation in the fisrt place.

I am blaming the WoT because that's how it is - it is chiefly responsible for Pakistan's main problems today.

You want to talk about what happened in the 80s and 90s? Then surely you must blame US equally as well?

And then surely, you realize that WoT could have been avoided, because Taliban was ready to hand over Bin Laden to the US?

The bigger question is, why do you care for Pakistan so much? Pakistan doesn't need your help, and in 1-2 years, when WoT has drawn down, we'll be back to pre-WoT position. Additionally, you seem to be overestimating the problems that Pakistan faces. But then again, can't blame a bharati for feeling like that. It's what makes them feel cozy inside.
^^ This WoT thing has become a convenient canard for many intellectually dishonest Pakistanis to point fingers at, and to pin their problems on. The amount of irregular guerrila warfare that Pakistan encouraged and cultivated in the 80s and 90s had to come home to roost someday - the WoT was just the trigger now. It would have come forth sooner or later of its own accord. Which brings one back to the flawed policies of the military-intelligence axis that brought about this situation in the fisrt place.

here comes another expert of karma !!
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