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Sinking of INS Khukri


Apr 24, 2007
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Sinking Of INS Khukri
By Ramesh Lalwani, New Delhi

[ Published Date: March 2, 2007 ]
9th December 1971 was the saddest day in the history of Indian Navy as on this day Indian Navy suffered largest wartime casualty loosing 176 sailors and 18 officers including Capt. Mahendra Nath Mulla who chose to go down along with ship as an old tradition, "captains don't abandon their ships."

One of the survivors COMMANDER Manu Sharma hasn't forgotten the night of December. The Indian Express paper quoted him saying, "I remember when the ship was sinking after being hit by a Pakistani submarine PNS Hangor, there was a small hatch escape from where we were pulling the sailors and everyone was trying to save his life. There was a moment which even made a person like me cry. My captain M N Mulla pushed me and Lieutenant Kundan Mall from the ship, and said you go ahead, do not worry about me. When Kundan Mall and I started swimming under water, after a while I lost track of Mall. And I as looked around for him I saw Captain Mulla holding the top of the ship's railing with a cigar in his mouth. Those were the last minutes for INS Khukri and Captain Mulla, who choose not to abandon the ship," His daughter Ameeta Mulla Wattal speaking to The Hindu correspondent during release of book The sinking of INS Khukri - Survivors' stories, by Maj.Gen. (retd.) Ian Cardozo, recently, wondered, "I suppose he saw himself as nurtured by the traditions of the sea that required him to stay with his vessel. One such man is enough to bring honour to an entire nation for a life time."

INS KHUKRI (Courtesy: Indian Navy Website)

After reading these news clippings, I thought of compiling this article about one of heroes of 1971 war, Captain M.N.Mulla and the loss of INS Khukri

Events leading to fateful night

Immediately after bombing of Indian airports by Pakistan on evening of 3rd December, suspecting presence of Pakistan submarines in Kutch area, Indian Navy made attempts to intercept submarine broadcasts on West Coast. Results indicated possible position of submarine southwest of Diu on 7/8 December. Diu was assembly area for our ships to be deployed for missile attack on Karachi. Presence of submarine in area was cause of great concern. The 14th Frigate Squadron comprising of the vessels INS Khukri, Kirpan and Kuthar had sailed from Bombay on 2nd December. However, Kuthar had suffered a boiler room explosion on 4th December and was towed back to Bombay by the Kirpan for repairs. The odds were heavily in favor of Pakistan submarine Hangor, the Indian Navy, however could not allow threat by Pakistan at our doorstep.

Admiral Kohli was the Flag Officer Commanding in Chief, Western Naval Command in 1971.He decided to deploy the 14 Frigate Squadron along with the Navy's latest Seaking anti submarine helicopters operating from Bombay to eliminate the submarine Hangor's threat off Diu coast. Captain MN Mulla was Senior Officer of the Squadron. The Seaking helicopters were to operate in the southern sector of the search area closer to Bombay. The frigates were to operate in the northern sector of the search area, closer to Diu.

Admiral Kohli his book, "We Dared - Maritime Operations in the 1971 Indo Pak War" published in 1989 states:

"Where the Pakistan Navy scored over the Indian Navy was in their submarine arm. The French Daphne class submarines were the most modern conventional submarines, with sensors and armament far superior to not only our submarine but also our anti submarine frigates. This is how the KHUKRI was detected by a Daphne much before the frigate became aware of the submarine's presence."

"As expected there were sonar contacts and reports of occasional sightings of periscopes by Indian ships and maritime reconnaissance aircraft. There were subsequently confirmed sighting reports of an enemy submarine in the area west of Diu Head. Direction Finder bearings obtained of a submarine which had transmitted a wireless message to Karachi also confirmed the position. This submarine was a potential threat to our shipping and it was decided by the Western Naval Command to eliminate this threat. The 14th anti submarine squadron comprising KHUKRI (F14), KIRPAN and KUTHAR was the only force available for the task, together with some Seakings."

"Urgent operational orders for a hunt were prepared in consultation with Captain MN Mulla, Senior Officer of the Squadron, requiring the squadron to sail on 8 December for the last known position of the submarine. KUTHAR's problems were too serious to permit early readiness of the ship for sea. After considering the gravity of the situation and in consultation with F 14, who accepted decreased Anti Submarine capability of the two ships, KHUKRI and KIRPAN were sailed for the hunt."

Admiral further states:

"While in the process of hunting, the enemy submarine with her superior sonar facility, obtained contact of KHUKRI before her own detection by the ship and struck KHUKRI by a salvo of three torpedoes in quick succession. The ship sank in a matter of minutes at 2055 on 9th December, taking down with her 18 officers and 176 men including the Commanding Officer, Captain MN Mulla. It was a serious blow in an encounter in which the superior underwater destruction capability and its allied weapons systems of a modern submarine turned the scales and thus the hunter became the victim."

KIRPAN, who was searching for the submarine together with KHUKRI, reported detecting torpedoes going past her at the time KHUKRI was torpedoed. She took vigorous evasive action and fired mortars on the torpedo bearing. After a few salvos, her mortars went non operational. KIRPAN now faced a dilemma - should she rescue KHUKRI's survivors - either by going amidst them on a dark night or should she lower her boats to rescue survivors. Both actions would require KIRPAN to stop and this would make her an easy target for the submarine, if it chose to attack KIRPAN. Or should KIRPAN leave the area, repair her mortars and return to the area with an additional ship to rescue the survivors and start hunting the submarine? This however would give the submarine time to get away from the scene of the sinking and consequently greatly enlarge the area to be searched. The CO of KIRPAN decided to withdraw from the scene and return later."

Only 67 crew could be saved by KIRPAN which returned next day. Captain M.N.Mulla was awarded Maha Vir Charka posthumously.

Lessons Learnt

There was considerable debate about sinking of Khukri, particularly in view of heavy loss of life. The issues about advisability of deploying Khukri and Kirpan to hunt much superior submarine, Kirpan leaving the scene without saving more sailors, slow speed movement of Khukri as against tactical doctrine of high speed etc were debated. Some of these actions were justifiable and certain follow up actions were initiated. In conclusion Admiral Hiranandani states:

"The lesson learnt from the loss of the KHUKRI was that longer range sonar and longer range weapons had to be inducted if ships were to have a fighting chance against modern submarines and their long range homing torpedoes.

Immediate action was taken to improve the anti submarine capability of the Leander Class frigates then under construction in Mazagon Docks at Bombay.
In retrospect, KHUKRI's tragic loss did not go in vain."

INS Khukri Memorial

INS Khukri memorial was inaugurated on 15th December, 1999 in memory of the officers and the sailors who chose to go down with the warship INS KHUKRI when it was hit by a salve of three torpedoes fired from PNS Hangor, a Pakistani Submarine on 9/12/1971 during the INDO-PAK war. INS Khukri which sank 40 nautical miles off the coast of Diu taking down a crew of 18 officers and 176 sailors. The memorial constitutes a model of INS Khukri encased in a glass house, placed atop a hillock facing the sea. The memorial was built as a tribute to the officers and sailors of the Indian Navy who laid down their life for the country.

Captain Mahendra Nath Mulla ,Maha Vir Charka (Posthumous)

Born: 15th May 1926 Gorakhpur U.P.
Father: Sh.T.N.Mulla
Commision: 1st May 1948
Religion: Hindu


Two ships of the Indian Navy under the command of Captain M.N.Mulla, senior officer of frigates squadron, were assigned the task of locating and destroying a Pakistani submarine in North Arabian Sea. During these operations on the night of 9 December 1971,INS "Khukri" was hit by torpedoes fired by enemy submarine and sank. Having decided to abandon the ship, Captain Mulla without regard to his personal safety, supervised the arrangements for rescue of his ship's company in very cool, calm and methodical manner. Even at later stage whilst the ship was sinking, Capt Mulla showed presence of mind and continued to direct rescue operations and refused to save himself by giving his own life-saving gear to a sailor. Having directed as many of his men as possible to leave the ship, Captain Mulla went back to bridge to see what further rescue operations could be performed. In doing so, Captain Mulla was last seen going down wit the ship. His action and behaviour and the example he set have been in keeping with highest tradition of the services. Captain Mulla displayed conspicuous gallantry and dedication.

Ref :Transition to Triumph-History of the Indian Navy 1965-1975 by Vice Admiral GM Hiranandani PVSM, AVSM, NM, PhD (Retd)
His action and behaviour and the example he set have been in keeping with highest tradition of the services. Captain Mulla displayed conspicuous gallantry and dedication.

Nice captain to have, if true.
You feel it is a lie?

Bravery is not a trait to be found beyond the frontiers of where you feel bravery is the sole preserve?

As you may have noticed, Indians are not shy to appreciate bravery and courage even with the enemy. Gen (then Lt Col Airey) Battle of Sharkargarh's commendation letter which won an award for the CO of the Paksitani unit that charged into Indian position and failed as also my praise for the counter attack on Tiger Hill!

It would have been appreciated if one was magnanimous and not hinged down with the historical animosity!

Musharraf is fighting a lone battle to achieve normalcy, if such mindset is not shed!
Salute to Captain Mulla. If only everyone had half his courage, the world would be a much better place
Brave young men from both sides have given their lives so that we can sleep in peace, so please let us not be-little their sacrifices. Salim i dont think webby had any such intentions.

I reciprocate your sentiments.

Sadly, quite a few do not realise the sacrifices their soldiers do.

I will concede also that not all in uniform cover themselves with glory, but those that do and are recommended for gallantry award go through a systematic check through many levels before they are finally awarded the medals.

On hindsight, maybe you are right. The sentence was unintentional and I was being touchy, but then as a soldier, I do get touchy if soldiers of any country,yes, any country are belittled, even if they were my adversaries. Only those who have borne arms and have seen battle realise the horror and sacrifices that soldiers have to do.

Though I do not subscribe the reason why this character (Col Jessep) of the film (A Few Good Men) said this, but the sentiments are very raw:

“You don't want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty...we use these words as the backbone to a life spent defending something. You use 'em as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it! I'd rather you just said thank you and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you're entitled to!
salim - thats a bit of hollywood but i understand your viewpoint.
Yes that is Hollywood, but check the sentiments expressed.

There are many pinkos and yellowlivered satchel lugging Communists in India who continuously decry the military.

I address them.

Though the manner to provide that freedom should be legal is what I say.
very powerful commies these - they have put your 123 deal on hold!!!. personally i wanted this deal to go through so that pak is free to deal with china or whomever in the NSG.

You remind me of Capt Vijayant Thapar's father -Col VN Thapar, who echoes similar sentiments for a soldier's bravery. Though he lost his own 22 year old son.

You are correct "Sadly, quite a few do not realise the sacrifices their soldiers do."

See an expert from NDTV's program which was aired a couple of months back, where Randeep Singh Nandal says...

"Col VN Thapar is a remarkable man, a soldier of the old school, very pucca, very composed. Every year, he climbs up to the exact spot where his son died, that's all eight years since the war ended and has made a small shrine to his son, at 15000 ft!! In 2006, I met him at an army function and promised that the next time he went up I would accompany him - that was that. So here we were, climbing up, crossing high alpine meadows and negotiating icy cold streams.

I said Col Thapar is a remarkable man, it just isn't the resilience he has, I am a reasonably fit man but at these heights it isn't easy. At 65, the Colonel isn't a young man, but he never complains, never once asked for a break, he just goes on stolidly.

No, the real reason for my respect is something that I realized as I shot the story. Here was a man who had lost his young son, Capt Thapar was but 22, when he fell, but even as he recounted Vijayant's last moments, his father, the Colonel, never lost his poise, calm, dignified, he found place in his heart to feel for the Pakistani soldiers his son fought, complimenting their bravery, recounting how tough it must have been for them as they were pounded for days on end by ceaseless arty fire, without water.

He even showed me the cave where they used to take shelter from the shelling and it was never 'as the enemy' that he referred to them, they were the 'Pakistani Boys', just as his son and his mates were the 'RajRif Boys', he was just a soldier talking about fellow soldiers!

For me it was an experience I will always cherish, Kargil was the first war extensively covered by the media, for the first time we saw the Indian army in action, we shared their agony, saw young soldiers on TV hours after a successful attack, alive, happy, recounting their adventures and then some days later saw obits read out on, saw their lifeless bodies, blackened, torn to pieces, being cremated in their hometowns"

At the same time, I can never forget the last letter he wrote to his family before the final assault where he says...

"If you can, Please come and see where the Indian Army fought for your tomorrow".

I am sure, that the words, feelings and sentiments are same when the envelope carrying the letter has a Pakistani Postage stamp.

I would recommend ppl to read Capt Thapar's Last letter...as a Soldier's last letter (Be it Indian or Pakistani)

His Last Letter .................

I admire the father's sentiment and share his sorrow as also his courage and honesty.
Mulla was an idiot.
The first thing to remember is that no maritime tradition ever said a captain goes down with the ship. It's only that the captain shouldn't abandon the ship until everyone else who can be saved, is saved. I suppose he rehabilitated his reputation in Indian popular mythology by committing suicide, but steaming slowly into submarine territory with a sonar that is far inferior to your enemy's isn't either smart or forgivable. He deserved to drown.
The whole Khukri sinking was a disgrace. Khukri and Kirpan, museum pieces both, ought never under any circumstances to have been sent into battle anyway.
but steaming slowly into submarine territory with a sonar that is far inferior to your enemy's isn't either smart or forgivable. .

It was not entirely his fault - he has his orders to test the sonar. the decision should lie on the navy top brass for inducting the sonar that was not right for their requirements.

I do agree that Mulla probably knew that his career was over the moment his ship was being sunk.

The tragedy is that many of the sailors went down with the ship or afterwards because it took time for them to be picked up.
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