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Singapore condemns Hamas

Song Hong

Jan 4, 2020
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Viet Nam
The atrocities committed in Hamas' terror attack on Israel "cannot be justified by any rationale whatsoever", said Singapore's Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam on Thursday (Oct 12).

"It is possible to hold very strong views on what is happening in the region," he said.

"It is possible to deplore how the Palestinians have been treated over the years. It is possible to deeply sympathise with the plight of the Palestinians, and yet still unequivocally condemn the terrorist attacks carried out in Israel."

On Oct 7, militant group Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel, with hundreds of gunmen pouring across the barrier fence and rampaging through towns, killing at least 1,200 people, mostly civilians.

Israel has put Gaza under total siege and has so far killed about 1,200 people in a bombing campaign that has obliterated entire neighbourhoods.

"Hamas’ attack on Israel – attacking and massacring civilians is a massive terrorist attack. The kidnapping and unjustified murder of children – the acts of cruelty are shocking, and horrifying," Mr Shanmugam told reporters.

"And this extreme violence must be condemned in clear, unequivocal terms."

He added that Singapore's support of the two-state solution is "well known" and has been stated repeatedly.

Singapore has previously said that it hopes both the Israeli and Palestinian sides would find ways to engage in direct negotiations on the basis of a two-state solution, with them living side-by-side in peace and security.

There will be a "very severe" reaction to Hamas' attack, and Israel is going to react "with its full might", said the minister.

Israel’s response should be consistent with international law and international rules for war, he said, noting that other countries have also made this point.

“We condemn all acts of terrorism and wanton violence. But we must not let these events happening externally affect the internal situation in Singapore,” said Mr Shanmugam.

Singapore must maintain its racial and religious peace, as well as stay vigilant, since terrorist groups will exploit such conflicts, said the minister.

These groups have already issued calls for followers to join in a wider jihad against Israel, and there have been reports of anti-Semitic attacks overseas, he added.

So far, Singapore has managed to avoid letting international events like these destabilise its internal situation.

“This is going to be quite a tough period. But our fundamental attitude cannot change. we are all Singaporeans, we have a precious peace within Singapore. We must never let external events affect that.”

Security agencies in Singapore are watching the situation closely, said Mr Shanmugam, adding that he was not able to share the exact plans for operational reasons.

In a condolence letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dated Oct 8, Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said he was deeply saddened by the tragic loss of so many Israeli lives as a result of the terrorist attacks by Hamas.

“Singapore strongly condemns the attacks, and the murder and abduction of innocent civilians. Such acts cannot be justified by any rationale whatsoever,” he wrote.

Mr Lee extended heartfelt condolences to the government and people of Israel, especially the families of the victims, and wished the injured a speedy recovery.

“I am confident that Israel will remain strong and united to overcome the difficult challenges ahead,” he added.

Up to today, Israelis government can't give explanation why its won't to solve Palestinian problem once and for all.

Rejecting every solution given in the past.

First, it doesn't want to integrate Palestinians into Israel society.

Second, it doesn't want Palestine to be independent as well.

But instead put Palestinians into a giant prison and hope they will die there.

To be honest, what Israel does is really a bad karma.

The cause and effect, the chain reaction will lead to a big disaster to Israel and all Jewish people.

If an old prophecy said a bad thing will happen to Israel, it's not so surprising, any people who can think able to predict it as well, no need to be smart.
In other news - Tuvalu also condemned Hamas action.
Did Singapore condemn Ukraine when Ukraine resist Russia?

Did Singapore condemn Israel when Israeli murdered large number of Palestinian over past 80 years?
In Urdu, we say "Jiss ki laathi uss ki bhance" which roughly translates to "Might is right".

Arabs are weak and divided today, so the occupiers, tyrants, ethnic cleansers get away with literal murder and there is no accountability.

Palestine issue will not be solved by politics or negotiations because the Arabs are put on the back foot from the start despite the fact that they are now reduced to less than 10% of the land mass they had in 1948. As such, Israel's expansion will go far beyond Palestine with full backing of the US/West. In the coming years we will see this.

How long will this Israeli domination lasts remains a question. It certainly cannot last too long since expansion of influence is not easy to maintain. Specially for a smaller power (despite having leverage in the US/West and their resources at her disposal) to sustain.

The only solution to Palestine and the question of Al-Quds is force. The case to be made for this is in the actions of states like Russia, US and Israel itself. They take by force what they want. How is this calculus not clearly understood by the Arabs? This groveling to the US/Israel/West by the ME rulers, and even those in distant lands like Pakistan, Turkey etc. won't help with anything. The situation reminds one of these petty rulers being satisfied with "scraps from Longshanks' table".

However, as dire as the situation, what is extremely heartening is the fire that burns within the heart of every person in the Muslim street anywhere in the Muslim world. Their leaders' betrayal of the Palestinian cause will never be accepted by the Muslim peoples and this is where our hope lies. In the meantime, Muslims/Arabs will take a lot of losses, casualties and face ignominy, destitution, homelessness but perhaps this is the path of hard-knocks that Muslims need to be on.

"Agar Jawan Hon Meri Qoum Ke Jasoor-o-Ghayyoor
Qalandari Meri Kuch Kam Sikandari Se Nahin"

If youth of nation mine were jealous of their creed,
My qalandarʹs state wonʹt mind Alexanderʹs might indeed.

Zarb-e-Kaleem - AI
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Singapore has no fking cow sense and I am ashame. Israel the murderer killed Palestinian for years, encroach Palestinian land, kill babies, genocide, bull doze people house and Arab keep quiet.

Now when Arab start fight back, fking Singapore say Hamas is terrorist.
that dishonorable city state.

here some people coined the phrase “The Shining Hamas” as complimentary to their unwavering faith and bravery.
Fking Singapore government support Israel who is the most racist country in middle east. Meanwhile GoS is discriminating Chinese and mass importing Indians, putting Indians in key positions, trying to make Indians into Jews of Singapore.

I really hope one day China can project power into Singapore and save Singapore Chinese from racism.
Up to today, Israelis government can't give explanation why its won't to solve Palestinian problem once and for all.

Rejecting every solution given in the past.

First, it doesn't want to integrate Palestinians into Israel society.

Second, it doesn't want Palestine to be independent as well.

But instead put Palestinians into a giant prison and hope they will die there.

To be honest, what Israel does is really a bad karma.

The cause and effect, the chain reaction will lead to a big disaster to Israel and all Jewish people.

If an old prophecy said a bad thing will happen to Israel, it's not so surprising, any people who can think able to predict it as well, no need to be smart.

I hope Israelis grow a pair of horns and make deals with at least moderates in the Arab world. There is no winning over the extremists in the Arab world.

Fking Singapore government support Israel who is the most racist country in middle east. Meanwhile GoS is discriminating Chinese and mass importing Indians, putting Indians in key positions, trying to make Indians into Jews of Singapore.

I really hope one day China can project power into Singapore and save Singapore Chinese from racism.

Singapore is run by Chinese for Chinese. There are a few token Indian and Malays in the government, I am not saying you mistreat Malays or Indians. Now your government may be sacrificing the economic well being of your citizens to stay competitive in the world market. That is a different issue altogether.
The world changed. In the past, Israel could leverage on US weapons and mow down Arabs, because Arab has just one step into modern civilization and not far from fighting on top of camels.

Today, even US fear Iran. US carrier group are vulnerable to Iran missiles.

And right now Arabs are moving out of fragmentation into unity.

Fking ISrael is still genociding Palestinian like business as usual. I see disaster on them.
The world changed. In the past, Israel could leverage on US weapons and mow down Arabs, because Arab has just one step into modern civilization and not far from fighting on top of camels.

Today, even US fear Iran. US carrier group are vulnerable to Iran missiles.

And right now Arabs are moving out of fragmentation into unity.

Fking ISrael is still genociding Palestinian like business as usual. I see disaster on them.

The cause and effect of what Israels did in the past, do today, will shape their future.

I hope Israelis grow a pair of horns and make deals with at least moderates in the Arab world. There is no winning over the extremists in the Arab world.

Israel fate is already being written in the holy book.

What everyone sees today is not something new, everyone knows it.

Despite God is already give them a very good solution for Jewish people, but they ignore it because of arrogancy.

They think glory is on the left, but the real one is on the right.

They take the left path as predicted.

There will be a very great thing will happen to Jewish people in the future, but not today.
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The world changed. In the past, Israel could leverage on US weapons and mow down Arabs, because Arab has just one step into modern civilization and not far from fighting on top of camels.

Today, even US fear Iran. US carrier group are vulnerable to Iran missiles.

And right now Arabs are moving out of fragmentation into unity.

Fking ISrael is still genociding Palestinian like business as usual. I see disaster on them.
So do you think that, Iran will join the action now?
So do you think that, Iran will join the action now?

Never mind Israel has nuke, if Iran rains chemical weapon on carpark size Israel, everyone is doom.

Israel nuke is useless base on her strategic depth. I bet even if Israel get overrun, they wont nuke anyone.

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