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Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

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That's what I am saying that the pre Vedic era could have been or not been that of Sanatan Dharma. Although theoretically it was going by the beliefs. So saying that the Vedic era was beginning of Sanatan Dharma is wrong (it can't be proven). Probably the Aryans brought the Rig Veda with them which assimilated in the Sanatan Dharma (Dravadian local culture) or who knows. So as I said earlier nobody knows, origins of Hinduism are unknown.

Dude, please don't shoot from your backside! You still didn't cite any proof or sources for your assumptions, which now include the Dravidians too. The oldest link to Sanatana Dharma as anyone understands it is the RigVeda. Please don't invent newer hypothesis to justify your fantasies.
Again, obscurity is not proof of antiquity.
Lost you there. Ms Bull, a rhetorical question, what is so different between a White Supremacist and a Hindu Supremacist? After all, both are founded on Illogical Reasoning!

It is the mister here.

You are free to flash your ignorance,i dont care much anyway.
It is the mister here.

You are free to flash your ignorance,i dont care much anyway.

Whatever that meant. When you claim something, the onus of proof falls on you,not on the one who is listening to you. So, Mr.Bull, cut your bullcrap!
no i dont have to prove it,i dont care what u believe or not believe
Dude, please don't shoot from your backside! You still didn't cite any proof or sources for your assumptions, which now include the Dravidians too. The oldest link to Sanatana Dharma as anyone understands it is the RigVeda. Please don't invent newer hypothesis to justify your fantasies.
Again, obscurity is not proof of antiquity.

Do you want me to bring you an affidavit from Lord Krishna? :rofl::rofl: What do you believe was the religion in the pre-Vedic era or in the IVC? I know it has not been conclusively proven but many researchers believe it was Hinduism (the Swastik seal, the Lingam, Shiva carvings, the temples, worshipping of animals, reproductive Goddess, nature etc etc). So you can't say that Hinduism originated in the Vedic era. It's just got documented in the Vedic era. Religion of IVC or pre IVC could very well have been Hinduism.
Sometime 100,000 years ago when water recedes, The Modern Human crossed water channel and landed on Asian land. From there the Human migrated east and west.

One Migration Happen, Africa-->Arbian land-->Iranian land--> modern day Pakistan --> Indian western part--> Gujrat--> Karnataka-->Kerla-->Srilanka-->Australia

Another Migration Africa--> Arab--> Iranian land --> Nothern Pakistan--> Kashmir--> Mongolia/China--> Japan --> Russia--> North America-->South America

Another Migration Route: Africa-->Arab--> Europe

Religion (Dharmic/Pagans): People started settlement and started following one rule. They were thankful to nature, they made god and start thanking them

Islam/Christianism: Some leader (jesus/Muhammad) and there followers made new religion to fulfill there personal greed or social need.

You post was alright until you made this last idiotic statement

Islam is not a man made religion but divine religion and don't talk BS if you have no clue about Islam. Worshiping Islamic monotheistic God is way better than worshiping snakes, rats, cow and those idols whom you create yourself.
no i dont have to prove it,i dont care what u believe or not believe

Of course. But henceforth, people don't have to take you seriously either. Without reason and rationale, your words are no different than those of a guy who claims Islam is superior or Christianity is superior. Happy trolling!

Bakwaas bandh kar oye,baap ka naam badnaam karega kya.

Of course. But henceforth, people don't have to take you seriously either. Without reason and rationale, your words are no different than those of a guy who claims Islam is superior or Christianity is superior. Happy trolling!

yeah dont,am i asking u to do so?
Do you want me to bring you an affidavit from Lord Krishna? :rofl::rofl: What do you believe was the religion in the pre-Vedic era or in the IVC? I know it has not been conclusively proven but many researchers believe it was Hinduism (the Swastik seal, the Lingam, Shiva carvings, the temples, worshipping of animals, reproductive Goddess, nature etc etc). So you can't say that Hinduism originated in the Vedic era. It's just got documented in the Vedic era. Religion of IVC or pre IVC could very well have been Hinduism.

The artifacts you cite are not older than 2500 BC either. So What's your reason to claim Hinduism IS older than this timeline?


Bakwaas bandh kar oye,baap ka naam badnaam karega kya.

yeah dont,am i asking u to do so?

Nope. The blame lies entirely on me for having tried to enter into a discussion with a Hindu-Supremacist like you.
The artifacts you cite are not older than 2500 BC either. So What's your reason to claim Hinduism IS older than this timeline?

If the religion of IVC was Hinduism then surely Hinduism predates Vedas what you are stating
Swastikas were found around the world in many places outside India, much before mankind even learned to write. What Sanskrit?

This thread is not based on religion and it has been explained many many times in various posts. This thread pertains to history and history alone. Only historical facts are quoted and where religion comes up, it is only in terms of historical explanations and nothing more.

Yes it was found in many places but the earliest was in the Indus valley, watch the bbc docu on the origins of swastika
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