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'Sikh Youth of Punjab' holds anti-indian rally at Amritsar



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Mar 17, 2012
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AMRITSAR - Seeking UN intervention, Dal Khalsa chief H S Dhami said all attempts to get justice within the legal framework of the Indian system for the victims of Nov 1984 carnage have failed.

He was speaking at a protest sit-in organized by his party’s youth wing the ‘Sikh Youth of Punjab’ to voice their anger against the mass killings of innocent Sikhs in Delhi and elsewhere in Nov 1984.

The gathering passed a resolution urging the United Nations to intervene as the Indian state has bitterly failed to deliver justice even after 27 years of the tragic episode. The organizers said the copy of the memo will be sent to Delhi and Geneva UN offices.

Paying tributes to thousands of innocents that were killed in the capital of the country, the activists performed ardas at Akal Takht. Addressing the gathering outside Information office of the SGPC, Mr Dhami said the tragic incidents of 1984 marked a watershed in Indo-Sikh relations. The pogrom against the Sikhs in November 1984 in Delhi and more than 80 towns and cities wherein more than 4,000 Sikhs were killed by Hindu frenzied mobs continues to haunt the Sikhs.

All possible forums of redress available in India have been exhausted by the victim families, civil liberties organizations and human rights lawyers. Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the diplomatic corps of many countries have urged India to act in the interest of justice, but nothing has been done.

He said Sikhs continue to face slavery under a different dispensation. The Sikhs as such have not yet seen the much promised glow of freedom. Rather they are still reeling under the jackboots of brown imperialists. We are facing genocide in all its raw forms at the hands of the Indian state agencies since India gained its freedom". He said the fight against the slavery would continue till Sikhs get independence. He thanked Hurriyat leader Syed Geelani for expressing solidarity with the victims of genocidal attack.

Thereafter demonstrators marched towards the Hall Gate, where a two hour sit-in was organized.

The spirited gathering shouted slogans condemning the Indian state as well as Congress for engineering the mass killings of Sikhs 27 years ago. A large size banner of Sonia Gandhi with eyes closed and Dr Manmohan Singh with lips sealed were displayed on which it was written 10,000 Sikhs killed, 10 Commission’s were formed and 27 years have passed, but justice is still a far cry.

A large number of young boys led by Ranbir Singh and Tarjinder Singh Sohal were carrying black flags to mark their protest. To convey their message they were holding placards. “Why Anna Hazare is silent on Nov Sikh massacre”, reads one banner.

Dal Khalsa head H S Dhami who led the protest march, said Sikhs in Punjab, India and the Diaspora have cried hoarse for the last 27 years, that such gross injustice should shame the rulers of the country, but to no avail.

Referring to his so-called fight against the corruption, Dhami criticized the stoic silence of Anna Hazare on the sufferings of minorities in the country. “Why Anna’s crusade is only focused on corruption and not against genocide of politics being played by both Congress and BJP since last few years”, said Dhami.
Hahaha they are complaining about "frenzied Hindu mobs" and carry the images of a Roman catholic and a Sikh..:lol:

And what is ever more a travesty is that the BJP and RSS , which are accused of having a Hindu nationalist cause, were at the forefront in Delhi trying to save the Sikhs...talk about distorted history..
As an Indian, he has a right to protest against the government. But one thing is for sure, he won't be killed for this protest against the government which is quite normal for other countries.
Sikhs need to get justice and also the victims of Gujrat have not recived any justice. India is democracy for Hindus only.

Agreed...Justice has been denied to some section of people..but that is not with only Sikh and Muslim in India rather whole section of people across all religion...So justice must be provided...without any tag of religion to any one...I know..it hurts to you guys...
Agreed...Justice has been denied to some section of people..but that is not with only Sikh and Muslim in India rather whole section of people across all religion...So justice must be provided...without any tag of religion to any one...I know..it hurts to you guys...
You really don't need to explain all that. They already know it but prefer to be ignorants. We both can just laugh it out.
See? Its very easy.
1984 Sikhs

2002 Muslims

2008 Christians

this is what one of the banners said held by the protesters and sad to say but its true where is justice for the Sikhs whom suffered a tragedy orchestrated by the national gov't? the Muslims who for 3 days were ruthlessly massacred by Hindu mobs with no intervention from the state or national gov't until the damage had been done? the fact that justice has not been delivered in either of these deplorable incidents is an atrocious miscarriage of justice.
1984 Sikhs

2002 Muslims

2008 Christians

this is what one of the banners said held by the protesters and sad to say but its true where is justice for the Sikhs whom suffered a tragedy orchestrated by the national gov't? the Muslims who for 3 days were ruthlessly massacred by Hindu mobs with no intervention from the state or national gov't until the damage had been done? the fact that justice has not been delivered in either of these deplorable incidents is an atrocious miscarriage of justice.

Riot by definition means tow communities slugging it out and Gujarat was just that...a riot that was started by the gruesome burning of 60 HIndu pilgrims by a muslim mob. And a fact - riots were carried out by both communities in areas where they were majority...Hindus in areas where they were dominant and by Muslims in areas they were dominant.. So stop this canard of Gujarat being a one sided killing..also as you yourself have mentioned the riots were stopped in 3 days...with the state Indian police is, I would say that is an achievement.

Coming to Orissa did you know that the riots were actually a land/resources dispute between the tribal Kondhs (predominantly Hindus) and Panas (a majority christian caste)...the Panas were misusing their SC status and occupying the tribal lands and that issue burst out when the evangelists killed Swami Lakshamanda....also go read the Justice Balakrishnan report which clearly mentions this and also says the conversion activities of the evangelists was also a reason for the riots.

Next time you accuse anyone..do only with facts...not with propaganda.
Riot by definition means tow communities slugging it out and Gujarat was just that...a riot that was started by the gruesome burning of 60 HIndu pilgrims by a muslim mob. And a fact - riots were carried out by both communities in areas where they were majority...Hindus in areas where they were dominant and by Muslims in areas they were dominant.. So stop this canard of Gujarat being a one sided killing..also as you yourself have mentioned the riots were stopped in 3 days...with the state Indian police is, I would say that is an achievement.

Coming to Orissa did you know that the riots were actually a land/resources dispute between the tribal Kondhs (predominantly Hindus) and Panas (a majority christian caste)...the Panas were misusing their SC status and occupying the tribal lands and that issue burst out when the evangelists killed Swami Lakshamanda....also go read the Justice Balakrishnan report which clearly mentions this and also says the conversion activities of the evangelists was also a reason for the riots.

Next time you accuse anyone..do only with facts...not with propaganda.

I do agree with both your arguments - 2002 and 2008 but 1984 it was one-sided unprovoked massacre - Congress leaders used voters' list to find out and kill Sikhs and they are still to get proper justice with only the small fish punished but I would not agree on frenzied Hindu mobs - RSS were in the forefront to protect the Sikhs at that time.
Riot by definition means tow communities slugging it out and Gujarat was just that...a riot that was started by the gruesome burning of 60 HIndu pilgrims by a muslim mob. And a fact - riots were carried out by both communities in areas where they were majority...Hindus in areas where they were dominant and by Muslims in areas they were dominant.. So stop this canard of Gujarat being a one sided killing..also as you yourself have mentioned the riots were stopped in 3 days...with the state Indian police is, I would say that is an achievement.

Coming to Orissa did you know that the riots were actually a land/resources dispute between the tribal Kondhs (predominantly Hindus) and Panas (a majority christian caste)...the Panas were misusing their SC status and occupying the tribal lands and that issue burst out when the evangelists killed Swami Lakshamanda....also go read the Justice Balakrishnan report which clearly mentions this and also says the conversion activities of the evangelists was also a reason for the riots.

Next time you accuse anyone..do only with facts...not with propaganda.

i agree with you on the 2002 and 2008 incidents but 1984 was a different story my basic point is why hasn't justice been carried out? for the Sikhs especially 10,000 Sikhs beaten and killed ruthlessly their dead bodies set ablaze in Delhi alone and not 1 single person convicted for the attacks.
He made a new account to post this!
Btw yes justice hasn't been served yet..indira was killed,one part but the rest congressi idiots remain,like sajjan lumbar and Tyler
But Pakistanis should be the last ones to care!
Protests should be held to remind of brutal act of the congressis.but Punjab is very peaceful now and regional and
Religional harmony persists,while its not true in the land of pure!
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