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Should we make a Petition to change the Devanagari script of Bangla!?

Are we ready for this? Will you support the Bangladesh people for this CHANGE?

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if u guys dont accuse me of anything , and if no one jumps on conclusions , may i ask sth ?

didnt dear bangladeshi people use to read and write in persian ? what happened ? who changed it ?
if u guys dont accuse me of anything , and if no one jumps on conclusions , may i ask sth ?

didnt dear bangladeshi people use to read and write in persian ? what happened ? who changed it ?

Dude Persian was used as court language by many muslim rulers, all over India. It was NOT the common man's language. I'm sure the inferiority complex ridden bngladeshis will try to mislead you.
Why do you want to know about which school I am from? I am from Mastermind not Scholastica.

This script changing is not something that can be done overnight... We first have to introduce Arabic and Persian Literature into the school curriculum.

Can you still see my newsfeed?

I am sorry I didn't mean it. But all the other Indians are attacking me and I am losing out of words. What am I supposed to do back away? Why are they so concerned with whatever we do?
:lol:its fascinating how girls from your school turn out to be promiscuous and more western than westerners and here you are a right wing nut job.....interesting. Do you watch gossip girl, little girl?
Why do you want to know about which school I am from? I am from Mastermind not Scholastica.

This script changing is not something that can be done overnight... We first have to introduce Arabic and Persian Literature into the school curriculum.

Can you still see my newsfeed?

I am sorry I didn't mean it. But all the other Indians are attacking me and I am losing out of words. What am I supposed to do back away? Why are they so concerned with whatever we do?
if u guys dont accuse me of anything , and if no one jumps on conclusions , may i ask sth ?

didnt dear bangladeshi people use to read and write in persian ? what happenped ? who changed it ?
persian was used as court language in many kingdoms of Indian subcontinent. But people continued to speak the local language (which in that region is bengali). Sometime a few persian words sneaked in just like we use many English words now a days.
if u guys dont accuse me of anything , and if no one jumps on conclusions , may i ask sth ?

didnt dear bangladeshi people use to read and write in persian ? what happened ? who changed it ?

Persian was official language but only the educated and the elite knew how to speak it locals only spoke local languages which had Persian loanwords over time. Those who knew how to read and write did indeed do so in Persian but the majority did not.

Talibans are students of Islam, they are the true followers of orthodox Islam, and Kazi Nazrul Islam is a murtard who even composed and sang Shyama-Sangeet to worship a pagan Hindu god!!!!!

I think BD should also get rid of their national poet Nazrul along with Tagore, in fact poetry itself is an un-Islamic thingy as far as I know. This Bengali culture is simply polluting the pious environment of BD.

Then you know nothing. Typical misinformed bharoti.
changing the way of writing (at least on large scale) does not depend on fleeting sentiments. the current formal/mainstream way of writing Bangla is adopted from Hindus. besides that, the Muslims no longer even write Farsi and Urdu any more. as a result, the inroads that Hindu culture, politics, philosophy, prose, poetry, epics have made into the Muslim society and replaced Muslim practises is mind-boggling. i tried to explain my take on this process very briefly here: Musalmani Bangla and its transformation

and besides, the regular people can write Bangla in the Nastaliq script if they want to any time. some plausibly have already been doing so

True, that's why I suggested to switch to Arabic llanguage completely, not only the script, and get rid of the Bengali language & literature permanently, the transition can be fully done in 10 years max if you are serious about it. And for the Bengali literature by Muslim writers, that can be translated into Arabic before discarding the Bengali version.

We want Nastaliq (Persian) script not Naskh script. Nastaliq is used by all the Central Asian countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran uses it. Naskh (Arabic) is used by Middle East and South East Asian countries like Indonesia, Brunei, Malasia who uses Jawi script which is Malay language in Arabic script. Even Turkey uses Naskh script! We might be the only Muslim country in the World uses a script made by Mushriks which is even lower than Kafirs so what's to be proud of it?

If all the Muslim countries can use Arabic and Persian scripts then why can't we? Instead we fall into the hands of the evil Mushriks! If you want to be slaves to the Hindus and Brahimins then be my guest.

Quoted for truth. :coffee: Bangladesh needs to go through this change even if it costs some money, as some people were arguing. And do remember about changing the names of places & rivers, and most importantly, the country, Bangladesh, Dhaka, Mymensingh, Padma, Jamuna, etc. are too Hindu and too Bangla sounding.

OHHH RIIIGHTT!! How did I forget about Punjab!!?? Punjab is divided between India and Pakistan! But in Pakistan's Punjab province they use Shamukhi which is Nastaliq script and in Indian Punjab province they use Gurmukhi which is Brahmic script! So if Bengal is divided between India and Bangladesh then why the hell did we decided to get along with the shitty Hindu Brahmic script!!?

Exactly!! The change is really needed, good point. In fact I would criticize Pakistan for still using those pagan identities like Punjabi, Sindhi, etc.

We might be the only Muslim country in the World uses a script made by Mushriks which is even lower than Kafirs so what's to be proud of it?

@Anubis @BDforever @DarkPrince Can you guys please explain that part? Is it something like "Lower than the lowest"!! :undecided:

I won't say, because someone in this forum said not to reveal personal information too much, because it is not safe...

You listened to a mushrik!!! :ashamed:

Why the hell do you care whatever we do!? For Hindus culture matters, but for Muslims religion comes first and culture and all other stuff comes second. Get that properly into your head! We are Muslims and for us religion is the most important! After you die is Allah is not going to see where ever the hell you came from but only your Iman! And all these culture stuff means nothing after death! And having a Hinduidised culture is not benefiting us Muslims!

That was a spirited reply!! :tup: By the way, are you planning to join politics? You should, because then only you can be in a position to change things for better, I mean for greater & deeper Islamanization after a complete cleansing of pagan language, literature, & culture from Bangladesh.

LOL I think you believe Bangladeshis culture is actually Hindu type but it is NOT! We are perfectly Muslims except that some of us don't like Pohela Boishak and so many Hindu writers and poets in Bangla Literature. Other than that we are absolutely fine with our Islamic way of life. And we don't do pooja at all, wear huge red dots and sarees and what..? Dhotis and....? I don't know... What other stuff do you all do?

Right, both Pohela Boishakh and Bhasa Dibos should go, and Hindu writers & poets and their heritage will anyway be packed up from Bangladesh along with their Bangla literature, that's the right thing to do.
Then you know nothing. Typical misinformed bharoti.

Maybe, but I remember some Bangladeshi telling me that poetry is un-Islamic or something like that. Probably Talibans also have a negative view about poetry, they are the "Students of Islam"!! Anyway, pardon this mushrik for the ignorance, if any. :undecided:

Hey don't bring us into this. Since most Punjabis and Sindhis are now Muslim, those are now Muslim identities :cheesy:

Okay!! But.................................okay!! :(
Maybe, but I remember some Bangladeshi telling me that poetry is un-Islamic or something like that. Probably Talibans also have a negative view about poetry, they are the "Students of Islam"!! Anyway, pardon this mushrik for the ignorance, if any. :undecided:

Not mushrik, kaffir. :D
@DRAY Do you believe in god??

Why? Are you planning for my meeting with him for supporting the OP's noble cause??? :fie:

Not mushrik, kaffir. :D

Nope, Kaffirs are still better!! :ashamed:
Check this................!!
We might be the only Muslim country in the World uses a script made by Mushriks which is even lower than Kafirs so what's to be proud of it?
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Okay!! But.................................okay!! :(

Lol. I think you're Bengali? A person's ethnic group doesn't really dictate their religion, otherwise we'd all either be Muslim or not.
Thirdly,in any case, you are absolutely free to do whatever you like, nobody is stopping you, but I might just have to ask, while you ask not to be abused for your choices and the religion you practice, you don't have any problem to do the same to others, and you do that in the very same post! I think, I will not call that hypocrisy, I think that's immaturity.Things will become more clear to you when you grow up....

and yes... good luck with changing that script thing.. just answer me this, how will you spell 'P' or 'V' in Arabic?

Okay, I apologise if I hurt you in anyway. Sometimes I can be a bit too rash in my actions... And IF Bangla is ever to be changed to a script then I think Nastaliq script fits more because both are Indo Aryan languages. And there is P and V in Persian.

Good to hear that you had Islamic studies, some of my cousins from English medium don't even know the history of prophets before Mohammad (SM) syllabus must have been changed after the last decade .

On topic, so you want to create havoc and spent millions of dollar to change a script which Allah and his Rasul didn't made Haram?

Thanks! I am not saying we are literally going to change the script but just wanted to know what others think about this matter. And then you have most of these Indians coming here, bashing and making fun of this topic.

its fascinating how girls from your school turn out to be promiscuous and more western than westerners and here you are a right wing nut job.....interesting. Do you watch gossip girl, little girl?

You are crazy and delusional. Whatever perception you have of me are wrong because I am a pious person, who don't think about stupid kind of things. And to answer your question, no I don't watch shows like Gossip Girls or Vampire Diaries etc. Infact I hate them!

Okay, now no one can.

Persian was official language but only the educated and the elite knew how to speak it locals only spoke local languages which had Persian loanwords over time.


@DRAY Do not quote me like that!! :o: And sorry if you got offended by anything I said! I am quite impetuous... :unsure:
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