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Should we boycott amir khan and Shahrukh khan for their statement bringing bad fame to country?

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worshipping modi makes people intelligent?
what an intelligent reply, go ahead tell me more.
Again, I quote a fact and you insult again, After saying silly things when you lose the argument you go about insulting people. Typical Bhakt logic.

Ohhhhhh I loose the argument??????? You gave no answer to my argument and told me not fit for debate in a single liner. You have no answer to my quoting of facts on A R Raheman. You leave the argument in between and came down on personal attract. Now you say that I loose argument. infcat, you have never win any argument between us in any time in past and leave argument by saying shoo..... You are not only a moron but a liar and hypocrite as well.
If you will disgrace my country with false allegation and my response is symbol of intolerance. Than believe me India don't need such tolerance.You defamed my religion first now defamed my country.I don't know why should I respect you now.

This is a Democracy, everyone has right to his or her opinion

We can boycott them only if they have a specific agenda to defame India, which I doubt is true.

They have immensely contributed to Bollywood, which is responsible for positive image of India in various parts of the world such as Africa, Central Asia and some parts of East Asia.

I guess the agenda is crystal clear.awardwapsi was just to defame Modi but that goes on to defame country.You should do everything for politics but defaming whole country just because of some incidents in a 125 crores+ nation is specific agenda.They got rewarded by love and respect when they did good.People will boycott them as they have their personal rights too
Are we talking of Kashmir here?? You don't think Aamir has no right to voice his opinion however disagreeable you are. Banning beef, lynching and killing people for eating beef, smearing face with black ink are all signs of intolerance in my opinion. Actually these are all hate crimes and people should be prosecuted severely for it. We don't want what is happening in Bangladesh to their secular writers.

That is the paoint here. When 1100 kashmiri pundipts are killed and made to live their houses, nobody talk of that. Nobody feel intolerance. If Daddri happens, everybody feel intolerance. Again if a gaurakshak is killed in Karnata and 2 BJP leaders are killed in Bharuch, everybody keep mum or justify that by saying that they had a dubious background. Their selective feeling of intolerance can not be seen in isolation. These people are certified fifth columnist. When they open their mouth, they have a plan in their mind. And after all I am not issuing any fatwa to behead them. I simply wnat to exercise our right of boycott against their right of free speech.
He has voiced his opinion about a lot of issues in India. In my opinion he has done a lot of justice to his elevated position as an opinion leader for the masses.
Now when he says that he wants to leave the country for intolerance, you guys want to boycott the films to send a message?
There are so many people who do not like the idea of personal liberties being taken for granted and are protesting against the possibility of regressing as a society.
I agree that giving up citizenship is cowardly, but what I do not like is the fact that we want to fight an argument on our intolerance by expressing intolerance.
It's not the British Raj that we are boycotting, it's an Indian movie star who has been celebrated for his contribution towards the society for decades, boycott seems excessive. Cessation of dialogue is what leads away from democracy, like it or not.

Bombay riots, Muzzarffar nagar riots, asam riots, religious cleansing of Hindus from kashmir were not intolerance but all of sudden, what has happened in country? Country is absolutely peaceful and growing at 7.5 %. You think that people of country are fool who can not recognize between a political statement and genuine concern. When anna and Ramdev were tortured for their movement against corruption was not intolerance? Has modi government done anything like that? Every day congress leader abuse our democratically elected prime minister.Just couple days back a congressee leader told him Ullu. Who is intolerant? Here the question is not intolerance but where do you see intolerance. The fifth columnist like him will never open their mouth when the real intolerance is there in country like 1984 riots or Hindus are killed. Their feeling of intolerance is just a drama. If he really think so than why did he took U turn and said that he and his wife have never thought of leaving the country. If he rally think so than he must leave the country. Who stops him? Gone are the days when few handfull of traitors and fifth columnist will dictate the value system of the country. This is an age of social media. Now counter the tupils and facebook people if you have the guts. People are more than capable judging people like him. People can easily distinguish betwwn a person like Amir and Abdul kalam. you can not fool them in linguistic jargon.
He was playing to be innocent while keeping his wife in front.... Their kids lives in absolute luxury in the country however many kids have to perform the last rights of father fighting for the nation ...... Rot in hell .....
I am boycotting him in every aspect.....
You better watch her interview rather than reading these jihadi material. you fake feminist.

1. jihadi material?? the author is rohit pradhan, presumably a hindu-born, and the website is of the "business standard" magazine... how did these become "jihadi material"??

2. if you mean the "newsx" channel interview, i watched it yesterday night... she was so unclear on where she was and what happened with her... perhaps she had eloped... she herself said that she wasn't forced to read quran or do anything in the conversion business... as of the time of the interview she lived with a "guardian" in calcutta... who is this "guardian"?? who is the "uncle" who told her to become a police officer in some years?? her case may turn out to be like that of the meerut girl - the sangh threatening her and torturing her to force her to make allegations of forced conversion to islam.

He was playing to be innocent while keeping his wife in front.... Their kids lives in absolute luxury in the country however many kids have to perform the last rights of father fighting for the nation ...... Rot in hell .....

I am boycotting him in every aspect.....

you should stop using the cover of military deaths to hide sangh extremism.

why don't you talk of farmer suicides, "honor killings", student suicides, hunger deaths, homelessness, female foeticides, dog attacks, capitalist oppression, kidney sale etc??

india is "suicide capital of the world"... you should boycott the bjp government at the center because in all of modi's speeches he hasn't even mentioned it, let alone declaring that it is a great shame.
I honestly think you guys are over reacting.
Hindu groups have become pesky as soon as Modi came into power. The whole beef ban thing is a misstep.
In a country like India, slightest disturbance in the cultural/religious status quo can have dastardly repercussions.
The day we take the majoritarian view as doctrine in an illiterate country like ours...we would yield the way to totalitarianism.
Tolerance is what has kept us functioning as a country, the slightest misstep can have a snowballing effect.
You have taken a very narrow and materialistic view t judge the place like india. You are too immature to discuss the beauty of a country where 1.27 crore people live happily and peacefully in very limited resources, our festivals, colors, love, education, value system, family system, social system, peaceful coexistence, our ability to handle complex issues, how india is the least vulnerable country to ISIS like terrorist organization etc etc. You can not go beyond, GDP, Per capita income and HDI.

You are blinded beyond imagination :headbang:

In which other country (Except of failed states) do you see hundreds of people hacking each other and women and children into pieces (Literally) because of their religions? No other democracy has so many riots like in India.

Where else do you have millions and millions of people dying of hunger and simple infectious diseases?

Where else do hundred of millions of people sh*t in the open with drastic consequences ?

Seriously, I could go on like this but first wash your damn eyes.

Your stupid arrogance is an insult to those people. Millions dont have a computer, a home, car etc like you have.
They dont log in on PDF each day but try to survive each day.
Think about that.
I also think that is a better solution. It should be voluntary and non-violent. While you are at it also voluntarily stop using cow hide products. You should follow your beliefs in personal conduct. I don't eat pork and I don't have any pig skin products.

May be Islam prohibits using pig skin products. There is nothing that is prohibited in Hinduism with regards to using animal skin.

Having said that I do support NOT killing any animals (not just cows) either for meat or leather.

People could consume the meat or leather of the dead animals, if they want.
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