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Should the captured militants be killed instead of being put to Trial?

F86 Saber

Feb 17, 2010
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We have seen recently that holding these terrorists in custody and putting them in for trials is not only a security risk as theirs friends try to rescue or kill them, but we have unfortunately seen a few of the most dangerous ones released by the courts on account of insufficient evidence.
I have heard that instead of going through the hassle of presenting the captures militants in front of courts, PA used to gather them up, placed them along with their ammo and blasted the fu***** off the face of the earth. I think this is the best way, capture them, interrogate them and than kill them.

Edit: Mods please change "Captures" to "Captured" in the thread title, a slight grammatical error on my part........
What will killing them achieve? There is much you could learn from a turncoat... With the right incentive of course, for starters where the hell are these guys getting military maps, when tourists can't get a 1:25,000 map of Mansehra for trekking purposes.
Although the modern "fair trial" process seems slow and inconvenient to you, the reason it is a better process is owing to the following reasons:

1. Ensure that an INNOCENT man is not punished

2. The punishment fits the crime that he was committed.

3. What really happened and who did what can be clearly ascertained.

4. The accused gets a chance to tell his story

etc. etc.

If someone accused you of a heinous crime and a few others bore false witness and the government without a trial just shot you, would you not wish that a fair trial process was in place?

A fair trial exists to protect society just as it exists to punish the wicked.
We have seen recently that holding these terrorists in custody and putting them in for trials is not only a security risk as theirs friends try to rescue or kill them, but we have unfortunately seen a few of the most dangerous ones released by the courts on account of insufficient evidence.
I have heard that instead of going through the hassle of presenting the captures militants in front of courts, PA used to gather them up, placed them along with their ammo and blasted the fu***** off the face of the earth. I think this is the best way, capture them, interrogate them and than kill them.

Edit: Mods please change "Captures" to "Captured" in the thread title, a slight grammatical error on my part........

"insufficient evidence" is not acceptable. hundred of them caught red handed on spot , many of them proudly admit their dirty task and intention to keep going in future after release.

Here judges are under pressure of perhaps some bribe and life too.This is going on for last 3 decades so no terrorist has been punished.

Pakistan courts are completely disabled to punished any terrorist.
So these terrorist should be presented in Military courts for quick fair justice.
in countries like india and pakistan i think they MUST be killed.. we shouldn't adapt this as a habit, but once you start practicing this, you'll see a drastic decrease in crime in the country. People will think twice before committing any serious crime and they'll fear death.. This will decrease crime and once you achieve your targets then get back to ur original trial process..

I think either your judicial system should be that much powerful that it can pull criminals out of the society regardless of who they are and what powers they have, other wise you have to go for some violent strategy to deal with them..
If we just kill them..
then no body will know whether they were really terrorists or innocent peoples.
NO we should put them on fair trial as well as extract as much information as we can which will be far better to fight against terrorists and their funders.

Reform these persons and use them as good source with strict vigilance against the terrorists
What happened to that terrorist which was arrested when terrorists attacked the ahmediyas worship place?

Any news?
Heck no, if we start killing those we capture, it will make the remaining terrorists desperate. They will die if they fight and they will die if they are caught or surrender, in such a case they will become exceptionally dangerous. Another reason is that fair treatment of the prisoners encourages Talib fighters to desert, if we start killing them the desertions will stop and that will only serve to make our job more difficult.

P.S: Captured terrorists are a good source of intel, we would lose that too if we start killing them.
and from where we should bring this Fair Trial..?
Corrupt, rapists, Looters, robbers, smugglers, gangsters, X-Prisoners, Criminals and killers are governing this country for more than 60 years now.. :hitwall:
Start killing them all, and start killing from top, kill governing body, then politicians, and feudal, corrupt bureaucrats, police officers, and you'll find this country like a paradise..

Just start punishing them harshly once, you'll find all those moron terrified, and then they'll either start running from country or they'll get caught.. Clean this Sh1t once and for all..
Start killing them all, and start killing from top, kill governing body, then politicians, and feudal, corrupt bureaucrats, police officers, and you'll find this country like a paradise..

Just start punishing them harshly once, you'll find all those moron terrified, and then they'll either start running from country or they'll get caught.. Clean this Sh1t once and for all..

So what your basically saying is:

I must admit at times i feel like that myself, but then i remember we are fighting a un-conventional enemy, a indiscriminate killing spree with create more problems for the federation then good.

We need a balanced approach, the US learnt this a long time ago in Iraq and Afghanistan, to defeat an ideology you need to create a counter stronger then their propaganda.

We have already proved that these false demi-god's can bleed and are killable, i think that alone is enough. There was a time when people feared that the law enforcement could not react to the tactics used by these murdering thugs.

This is a long, drawn out conflict and will take a considerable time to come full circle, rushing or looking for quick fixes will only add stoke the embers of hatred and further their cause.
I feel that this thread has been created out of emotion rather than intellect and careful study.

If "we" which you really mean the state decides who lives or dies what assurances do you have to protect you against the possibility that you yourself could be a "terrorist"?

Secondly, if we employ the same gun-ho approach such as the yanks, who shoot anything that moves, we create a rod for our own back. Look at Iraq for numerous examples of such abuses and the resultant damage it did to US forces.

We have to respect basic human rights. If other do not, that's at their expense, but we should not lose the moral high ground and begin summarily executing anyone who is deemed suspect as not ALL "terrorists" are ideologically-fueled but have legitimate grievances which can be resolved diplomatically. The US has come to the same conclusion in places like Afghanistan after taking a bloody nose and hence they are now more focused on a political resolution to the problems.

Lastly, what makes us different from executing people at the push off a button in FATA the same way American drones do if we go along with such tactics?

Think about it.
Put them on trial ......Killing surrendered soldiers is no way human....If you want to stay different from them then we should keep in mind that we are humans not TTP.
well who said to kill terrorists like this..? captured terrorists are doors to their networks.. so its foolish to kill them and close these doors ..

But what about those 1000's who are sitting on chairs in Islamabad, Parliaments, Cabinets, PM / CM / Governer's houses..? we all know they are criminals and there are thousands of files full with proofs against them, but no action so far..

Start killing them and start from top most.. Believe me all we need to do is, kill few top most, rest will either run from our beloved motherland or hide or simply quite politics etc for the sake of their lives...

Just brutally kill only a few, in public and punish them in such a bad way that entire Pakistan will fear such punishment and remember it for decades..

Once you enter this fear of punishment in the minds of Pakistani Officers, politicians, bureaucrats etc you'll see the darkness of corruption fading out and light of new fresh noble national youth taking place of their old moronic pathetic feudals ..

Force them to think, that after committing the crime, they won't be able to run away from punishment at any cost what so ever.. Once you will achieve this bench mark, Pakistan will become Heaven on earth, and we'll prosper and progress like no one ever imagined..

Revolutions are always bloody, in 3rd world, illiterate, back word, corrupt and feudalized counties like Pakistan.
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